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- Command 'guix lint somepackage' fails on new years day
- [PATCH] gnu: Add wike.
- [PATCH] gnu: Add gitlab-runner.
- Implement caching on so it loads?
- No riscv iso
- [PATCH] gnu: Add ansifilter.
- [PATCH 0/4] Update and restyle Khronos OpenCL packages
- [PATCH] Add: rofi-emoji.
- [PATCH 0/2] Update arcan to and durden
- [PATCH] * gnu: Add siglo.
- Redshift Service Fails Under Wayland
- texmaker missing runtime dependency on gtk+
- Deja-Dup having trouble with Duplicity being available on new install of Guix
- [PATCH] gnu: rust-lock-api-0.4: Update to 0.4.6.
- failed to compute the derivation for Guix (version: "4a34da845ed91821d38ba8a9b65ad650dd7488d1"; system: "armhf-linux";
- [PATCH] gnu: Add skippy-xd
- [PATCH] gnu: Add MEGA SDK
- On WSL1/2, guix install: error: cannot kill processes for uid `999': failed with exit code 1
- Skeleton files in sub-directories are not writable
- [PATCH] Moved gettext to use git to better conform to better bootstrapping, better integration with Software Heritage, and what looks like emerging best practices for package sources.
- qTox build failure
- Guix sd startup fails to initialize AMD Radeon RX 560
- connman integration issue after recent updates