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- [PATCH 2/2] Made changes Leo on the ML suggested.
- Installing 'git:send-email' masks underlying git installations and does not imply installing git
- Django 3 dependencies list
- [PATCH] utfcpp v3.2.1
- BUG: error: skim-0.7: unbound variable
- [PATCH 1/1] Added a package definition for the C++17 header only library 'magic-enum'.
- Found a bug in compute-guix-derivation
- Django 3 dependency: python-sqlparse
- 000-update-python-argon2-cffi.patch
- [PATCH] gnu: aegis: Update homepage link and fix build failure
- [PATCH] Updating python-argon2-cffi to 20.1.0
- Django 3 dependency: python-jinja2
- 000-gettext.patch
- Django 3 dependency: gettext
- Add python-pytest-asyncio
- Contributing section from manual does not work when I'm working on some patches