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- Cross-compiled powerpc64-linux bootstrap-tarballs not reproducible
- ‘guix substitute’ spins forever
- Daemon enters substitute query loop when only one of several outputs is substitutable
- Cannot 'guix guix build --target=x86_64-w64-mingw32 perl'
- Unable to pull when using a pre-lzip version of guix-daemon
- guix build bootstrap-tarballs installed but strip-install failed
- --verbosity=4 breaks build?
- [PATCH 0/2] Add initial Pinebook Pro support
- [PATCH 0/2] Fix hdf5-1.14 wrappers and remove generated source files from all hdf5 versions.
- Shroud require xclip for x clipboard
- Login fail after core-update without reboot
- [PATCH 00/21] Add riscv64 support
- segfault generating store-database on powerpc-linux