--verbosity=4 breaks build?

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
2 participants
  • Martin Castillo
  • Ludovic Courtès
Submitted by
Martin Castillo
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Debbugs page

Martin Castillo wrote 7 years ago
(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)

I found this while trying to test offloading.
The both attached logs are the results of

guix build grep --no-substitutes -M 1 --verbosity=3 2>buildsuc
guix build grep --no-substitutes -M 1 --verbosity=4 2>builderr
# I aborted the first after a few seconds

The command was executed on guixsd with guix
Using -M 0 it tells me to increase -M or enabled distributed builds,
even though guix offload test succeds. The offload machine is a
raspberry pi. Is guix able to crosscompile when offloading on other

GPG: 7FDE 7190 2F73 2C50 236E 403D CC13 48F1 E644 08EC
Attachment: builderr
Attachment: buildsuc
Attachment: signature.asc
Ludovic Courtès wrote 7 years ago
(name . Martin Castillo)(address . castilma@uni-bremen.de)(address . 31023@debbugs.gnu.org)
Hello Martin,

As a foreword, note that ‘--verbosity’ is almost useless, even to Guix
developers. I think we should hide it under a weird name, maybe

Martin Castillo <castilma@uni-bremen.de> skribis:

Toggle quote (7 lines)
> I found this while trying to test offloading.
> The both attached logs are the results of
> guix build grep --no-substitutes -M 1 --verbosity=3 2>buildsuc
> guix build grep --no-substitutes -M 1 --verbosity=4 2>builderr
> # I aborted the first after a few seconds

I don’t see anything fishy in ‘builderr’. What makes you think it

Toggle quote (6 lines)
> The command was executed on guixsd with guix
> Using -M 0 it tells me to increase -M or enabled distributed builds,
> even though guix offload test succeds. The offload machine is a
> raspberry pi. Is guix able to crosscompile when offloading on other
> architectures?

Your Raspberry will handle the build if and only if you’re requesting an
armhf-linux build. That is, if your machine is an x86_64 box, you’ll
want to type:

guix build grep -s armhf-linux

in which case the build will go to the Raspberry.

Note that this is *not* cross-compilation. It’s simply native
compilation offloaded to a separate machine.

For cross-compilation, see ‘--target’:

Ludovic Courtès wrote 7 years ago
(name . Martin Castillo)(address . castilma@uni-bremen.de)(address . 31023@debbugs.gnu.org)

Martin Castillo <castilma@uni-bremen.de> skribis:

Toggle quote (3 lines)
> guix build grep --no-substitutes -M 1 --verbosity=4 2>builderr
> # I aborted the first after a few seconds

You’re right about --verbosity=4 interrupting builds, I get:

Toggle snippet (25 lines)
$ guix build --verbosity=4 vim --no-substitutes
| | building path(s) `/gnu/store/i9smsibsawg6y7bby25iha3q1dkaq7w7-vim-8.0.1428'
| | | found build user `guixbuilder01'
| | | found build user `guixbuilder02'
| | | found build user `guixbuilder03'
| | | found build user `guixbuilder04'
| | | found build user `guixbuilder05'
| | | found build user `guixbuilder06'
| | | found build user `guixbuilder07'
| | | found build user `guixbuilder08'
| | | found build user `guixbuilder09'
| | | found build user `guixbuilder10'
| | | trying user `guixbuilder01'
| | | killing all processes running under uid `30001'
| | | setting up chroot environment in `/gnu/store/ld1kzfb1jyh0jw6yxhprcd3zvj57c986-vim-8.0.1428.drv.chroot'
| | | executing builder `/gnu/store/z2i9srf64afxina1g2bd7k7y8cjqsxrr-guile-2.2.3/bin/guile'
| killing all processes running under uid `30001'
| recursively deleting path `/tmp/guix-build-vim-8.0.1428.drv-0'
| recursively deleting path `/gnu/store/ld1kzfb1jyh0jw6yxhprcd3zvj57c986-vim-8.0.1428.drv.chroot'
| lock released on `/gnu/store/i9smsibsawg6y7bby25iha3q1dkaq7w7-vim-8.0.1428.lock'
| building of `/gnu/store/ld1kzfb1jyh0jw6yxhprcd3zvj57c986-vim-8.0.1428.drv': goal destroyed
guix build: error: build failed: | | | bind mounting `/dev/full' to `/gnu/store/ld1kzfb1jyh0jw6yxhprcd3zvj57c986-vim-8.0.1428.drv.chroot/dev/full'

IOW, the debugging message is interpreted as an error message.

Indeed, if we strace it, we see:

Toggle snippet (17 lines)
read(13, "gmlo\0\0\0\0", 8) = 8
read(13, "_\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 8) = 8
read(13, "| building of `/gnu/store/ld1kzfb1jyh0jw6yxhprcd3zvj57c986-vim-8.0.1428.drv': goal destroyed\n", 95) = 95
read(13, "\0", 1) = 1
write(2, "| building of `/gnu/store/ld1kzfb1jyh0jw6yxhprcd3zvj57c986-vim-8.0.1428.drv': goal destroyed\n", 95) = 95
read(13, "ptxc\0\0\0\0", 8) = 8
read(13, "w\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 8) = 8
read(13, "| | | bind mounting `/dev/full' to `/gnu/store/ld1kzfb1jyh0jw6yxhprcd3zvj57c986-vim-8.0.1428.drv.chr--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Normal messages arrive with the “gmlo” prefix, but the “bind mounting”
message arrives with the “ptxc” prefix, which (guix store) interprets as
‘%stderr-error’ and raises an exception right away.

Not sure why we get that “ptxc” prefix.

Martin Castillo wrote 7 years ago
(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address . ludo@gnu.org)(address . 31023@debbugs.gnu.org)

On 02.04.2018 23:48, Ludovic Courtès wrote:
Toggle quote (6 lines)
> Hello Martin,
> As a foreword, note that ‘--verbosity’ is almost useless, even to Guix
> developers. I think we should hide it under a weird name, maybe
> ‘--daemon-debug’?


Toggle quote (4 lines)
> Your Raspberry will handle the build if and only if you’re requesting an
> armhf-linux build.

I'd like to be able to offload any build to other machines/the pi. What
is the reason for only offloading builds that will be native builds on
the offloading machine?


GPG: 7FDE 7190 2F73 2C50 236E 403D CC13 48F1 E644 08EC
Ludovic Courtès wrote 6 years ago
control message for bug #31023
(address . control@debbugs.gnu.org)
merge 31023 33343
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