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- python-anyio fails to build on aarch64
- building glib 2.78.0 failed some tests on aarch64
- MuseScore: missing lots of glyphs
- llvm: fails to build on aarch64
- doxygen: fails to build on aarch64
- Epiphany browsing with unexpected zero-size downloads
- 404 link to Debuggs User Guide
- [PATCH] [PATCH] gnu: system: Disable EFI pstore backend by default
- failed guix pull: uncaught exception when building gcc derivation
- merge commits may harm your cache maybe?
- [PATCH] gnu: wpa-supplicant: Add DBus service file.
- GNOME: cannot manipulate maps with mouse
- GNOME: totem controls not accessible
- GNOME: no thumbnails in totem
- ncurses attrset colour pair ignored in favour of bkgd
- [PATCH] gnu: games: Add robotfindskitten.
- disk utility fail format fat
- eog-plugins don't shop up
- mumi search by date provides unexpected results
- lsh fails to build