[PATCH] Update Postmoder to 1.32.6

  • Done
  • quality assurance status badge
2 participants
  • Guillaume Le Vaillant
  • Sharlatan Hellseher
Submitted by
Sharlatan Hellseher

Debbugs page

Sharlatan Hellseher wrote 4 years ago
(address . guix-patches@gnu.org)
Hi Guilaume!

Last dependencies package update for pgloader.

* pgloader

- [-] pgloader [32/34] [94%]
1. [X] abnf [100%]
- [X] :packed <2020-12-05 Sat>
- [X] :patch-sent <2020-12-07 Mon>
- [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2020-12-11 Fri>
- [X] :depends-on [2/2]
+ [X] esrap
+ [X] cl-ppcre
2. [X] alexandria
3. [X] cl-base64
4. [X] cl-csv
5. [X] cl-fad
6. [X] cl-log [100%]
- [X] :packed <2020-12-02 Wed>
- [X] :patch-sent <2020-12-02 Wed>
- [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2020-12-05 Sat>
7. [X] cl-markdown [100%]
- version-0.10.4
- [X] :packed <2021-01-07 Thu>
- [X] :patch-sent <2021-01-07 Thu>
- [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2021-01-08 Fri>
- [X] :depends-on [6/6]
+ [X] dynamic-classes [100%]
- [X] :packed <2021-01-07 Thu>
- [X] :patch-sent <2021-01-07 Thu>
- [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2021-01-08 Fri>
- [X] :depends-on [1/1]Э
+ [X] metatilities-base
+ [X] anaphora
+ [X] cl-containers "0.11.5"
+ [X] cl-ppcre
+ [X] metabang-bind
+ [X] metatilities-base "0.6.0"
8. [X] cl-mustache [100%]
- [X] :packed <2020-12-21 Mon>
- [X] :patch-sent <2020-12-21 Mon>
- [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2020-12-22 Tue>
9. [X] closer-mop
10. [-] cl-postgres [75%] - part of Postmodern
- [X] :packed <2021-01-14 Thu>
- [X] :patch-sent <2021-01-14 Thu>
- [ ] :patch-applied-upstream
- [X] :depends-on [4/4]
- [X] md5
- [X] split-sequence
- [X] cl-base64
- [X] uax-15 [100%]
+ [X] :packed <2020-12-26 Sat>
+ [X] :patch-sent <2020-12-26 Sat>
+ [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2020-12-28 Mon>
+ [X] :depends-on [3/3]
- [X] split-sequence
- [X] cl-ppcre
- [X] uiop - part of ASDF
11. [X] cl-ppcre
12. [X] command-line-arguments [100%]
- [X] :packed <2020-12-12 Sat>
- [X] :patch-sent <2020-12-12 Sat>
- [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2020-12-12 Sat>
13. [X] db3 [100%]
- [X] :packed <2021-01-03 Sun>
- [X] :patch-sent <2021-01-03 Sun>
- [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2021-01-04 Mon>
14. [X] drakma
15. [X] esrap
16. [X] flexi-streams
17. [X] ixf [100%]
- [X] :packed <2021-01-01 Fri>
- [X] :patch-sent <2021-01-01 Fri>
- [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2021-01-02 Sat>
- [X] :depends-on
- [X] split-sequence
- [X] md5
- [X] alexandria
- [X] babel
- [X] local-time
- [X] cl-ppcre
- [X] ieee-floats
18. [X] local-time
19. [X] lparallel
20. [X] metabang-bind
21. [X] mssql [100%]
- [X] :packed <2021-01-13 Wed>
- [X] :patch-sent <2021-01-13 Wed>
- [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2021-01-14 Thu>
- [X] :depends-on [5/5]
+ [X] libsybdb
- [X] :packed <2021-01-10 Sun>
- [X] :patch-sent <2021-01-10 Sun>
- [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2021-01-14 Thu>
+ [X] cffi
+ [X] iterate
+ [X] garbage-pools
- [X] :packed <2021-01-08 Fri>
- [X] :patch-sent <2021-01-09 Sat>
- [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2021-01-10 Sun>
+ [X] parse-number
22. [X] postmodern
23. [X] py-configparser [100%]
- [X] :packed <2020-12-24 Thu>
- [X] :patch-sent <2021-01-05 Tue>
- [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2021-01-06 Wed>
- [X] :depends-on [1/1]
+ [X] parse-number
24. [X] qmynd [100%]
- [X] :packed <2020-12-19 Sat>
- [X] :patch-sent <2020-12-19 Sat>
- [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2020-12-19 Sat>
- [X] :depends-on [6/6]
- [X] babel
- [X] flexi-streams
- [X] ironclad
- [X] list-of - part of asdf-finalizers
- [X] :packed <2020-12-15 Tue>
- [X] :patch-sent <2020-12-15 Tue>
- [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2020-12-19 Sat>
- [X] :depends-on [1/1]
- [X] asdf-finalizers
- [X] :packed <2020-12-15 Tue>
- [X] :patch-sent <2020-12-15 Tue>
- [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2020-12-19 Sat>
- [X] trivial-gray-streams
- [X] usocket
- [X] :weakly-depends-on [3/3]
- [X] chipz
- [X] cl+ssl
- [X] salza2
25. [X] quri
26. [-] simple-date [66%] - part of Postmodern
- [X] :packed <2021-01-14 Thu>
- [X] :patch-sent <2021-01-14 Thu>
- [ ] :patch-applied-upstream
27. [X] split-sequence
28. [X] sqlite
29. [X] trivial-backtrace
30. [X] uiop
31. [X] usocket
32. [X] uuid
33. [X] yason
34. [X] zs3 [100%]
- [X] :packed <2020-12-03 Thu>
- [X] :patch-sent <2020-12-03 Thu>
- [X] :patch-applied-upstream <2020-12-05 Sat>
- [X] :depends-on [6/6]
+ [X] drakma
+ [X] alexandria
+ [X] cxml
+ [X] ironclad
+ [X] puri
+ [X] cl-base64

… наш разум - превосходная объяснительная машина которая способна
найти смысл почти в чем угодно, истолковать любой феномен, но
совершенно не в состоянии принять мысль о непредсказуемости.
Guillaume Le Vaillant wrote 4 years ago
(name . Sharlatan Hellseher)(address . sharlatanus@gmail.com)(address . 45866-done@debbugs.gnu.org)
I made a few modifications to your patch to fix the build of
ecl-postmodern and pushed as 9717250da230f37a48bc17ab83641213e859b283.


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