JJosep Bigorra wrote on 2 Dec 14:03 +0100Recipients:(address . guix-patches@gnu.org)Message-ID:CAM_04A0au005GhLW0T0-JD13yB_d5SVK2C4x3k6SWkkPsS7TAg@mail.gmail.comHi all! I am submitting an update to Artanis, after noticing on Guixan old version is in the repos.Hope I didn't miss anything, thanks in advance!Regards,JoeAttachment: 0001-update-artanis-to-1.0.0.patch
AAndy Tai wrote on 13 Dec 01:46 +0100Recipients:(name . GNU bug tracker automated control server)(address . control@debbugs.gnu.org)Message-ID:CAJsg1E_XfjpsaOVxb7KTpFjZ37E+qbH8-wHn5uBpfWOfUOQNng@mail.gmail.commerge 74573 74649thanks
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