Simon South wrote 2 years ago
(address .
This patch series adds license files missing from 29 font packages[0] that use
font-build-system. It also modifies font-build-system to expose the
#:license-file-regexp argument it inherits and provide a custom, more specific
default value for it, both of which should help future font-package authors
ensure license files are installed correctly.
For testing, note you may need to first apply the patches attached to issues
61039, 61119 and 61120[1] to avoid unrelated build failures. In preparing
this current set of patches I considered a license file "missing" if it is the
only relevant file in the source package, is referred to by another license
file or qualifies the license in some way (for instance, a README file
specifying an exception to the GPL).
In cases where I've changed a package source's fetch method (such as from
"url-fetch/zipbomb" to "url-fetch") this was done to ensure the correct
working directory is selected when the install-license-files build phase runs,
and is related to the unpack phase's magical behaviour of choosing an
arbitrary subdirectory to enter before it completes[2].
I've tested these changes on x86-64 and AArch64 and everything seems fine.
Simon South
[0] font-anonymous-pro, font-anonymous-pro-minus, font-artifika,
font-bitstream-vera, font-canada1500, font-catamaran, font-charter,
font-comic-neue, font-cormorant, font-culmus, font-dosis, font-dseg,
font-fira-go, font-fira-mono, font-fira-sans,
font-fontna-yasashisa-antique, font-gfs-ambrosia, font-go,
font-ipa-mj-mincho, font-lato, font-libertinus, font-linuxlibertine,
font-lohit, font-montserrat, font-sil-andika, font-sil-charis,
font-sil-gentium, font-wqy-microhei and font-wqy-zenhei.
Simon South (19):
build-system/font: Add #:license-file-regexp argument.
build-system/font: Customize %license-file-regexp.
gnu: font-canada1500: Install license file.
gnu: font-lato: Install license file.
gnu: font-linuxlibertine: Install all license files.
gnu: font-wqy-zenhei: Install all license files.
gnu: font-wqy-microhei: Install all license files.
gnu: font-fira-sans: Install license file.
gnu: font-fira-go: Install license file.
gnu: font-comic-neue: Install license file.
gnu: font-space-grotesk: Remove obsolete phase.
gnu: font-go: Install license files.
gnu: font-dosis: Remove extraneous files; install license file.
gnu: font-culmus: Install all license files.
gnu: font-dseg: Simplify "install" phase.
gnu: font-dseg: Install license file.
gnu: font-jetbrains-mono: Remove obsolete phase.
gnu: font-fontna-yasashisa-antique: Install license file.
gnu: font-charter: Install license file.
gnu/packages/fonts.scm | 83 ++++++++++++++++++--------------
guix/build-system/font.scm | 2 +
guix/build/font-build-system.scm | 6 +++
3 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
base-commit: 70b7d19ecf35ec27b169ea1ccc772d4a9ff7df93
prerequisite-patch-id: 418e6f2f834e0f77d4da64e48bf654d610fbfe80
prerequisite-patch-id: 7c9321685c0c33cb9d1438797d2cb2bb540276c4
prerequisite-patch-id: 2920d2816c4bcf6e7774b35efd49990aef2d76c9