Guix hangs on GDM with Wayland

  • Done
  • quality assurance status badge
4 participants
  • Josselin Poiret
  • Felix Lechner
  • mirai
  • Grigory Shepelev
Submitted by
Grigory Shepelev
Grigory Shepelev wrote on 5 Sep 2022 07:37
Guix hands on GDM with wayland
(address .
Using Guix and Guix Home, having troubles starting GDM with (wayland?
#t) as described. On putting this option in config and reconfiguring
laptop just hangs on login on "default" graphical (alt+ctrl+f7) tty,
black screen nothing happens. (excuse me for probably technically
incorrect terms)

Attached all logs (from /var/log/gdm). A lot of errors. Some of them are

- dbus-daemon[861]: Cannot setup inotify for
'/var/lib/gdm/.local/share/dbus-1/services'; error 'Permission denied'

- gnome-session-binary[862]: WARNING: Unable to find required component

- gnome-session-binary[862]: WARNING: GsmSessionSave: Failed to create
directory /var/lib/gdm/.config/gnome-session/saved-session: Permission

- gnome-session-binary[862]: WARNING: Unable to find required component

- Failed to StopUnit service: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.*:
The name org.freedesktop.systemd1 was not provided by any .service files

- (gsd-a11y-settings:910): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: 21:58:01.344: Error
releasing name org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.A11ySettings: The connection is
Fatal server error:
(EE) Cannot open log file "/var/lib/gdm/.local/share/xorg/"
Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
for help.
Unable to run X server
Attachment: greeter.log.3
gnome-session-binary[1239]: WARNING: Failed to upload environment to systemd: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Name "org.freedesktop.systemd1" does not exist
_IceTransmkdir: ERROR: euid != 0,directory /tmp/.ICE-unix will not be created.
mutter-Message: 21:46:26.069: Running GNOME Shell (using mutter 41.0) as a Wayland display server
mutter-Message: 21:46:26.087: Device '/dev/dri/card0' prefers shadow buffer
mutter-Message: 21:46:26.138: Added device '/dev/dri/card0' (i915) using atomic mode setting.
mutter-Message: 21:46:26.611: Boot VGA GPU /dev/dri/card0 selected as primary

(gnome-shell:1254): dbind-WARNING **: 21:46:27.336: AT-SPI: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files

(gnome-shell:1254): mutter-ERROR **: 21:46:27.382: Failed to start X Wayland: Directory "/tmp/.X11-unix" is not writable
== Stack trace for context 0x20001d0 ==
gnome-session-binary[1239]: WARNING: Application 'org.gnome.Shell.desktop' killed by signal 5
Attachment: greeter.log.1
Attachment: greeter.log
Josselin Poiret wrote on 5 Sep 2022 08:00

Could you also attach the relevant parts of your config files?

Josselin Poiret
Grigory Shepelev wrote on 5 Sep 2022 15:24
(address .
Oops. I accidentally replied privately to, not
mentioning I hope the history can be recovered
from this message.

Josselin recommended to

- check permissions on /tmp/.X11-unix/ (gdm user should have r+w

    shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ ls -lah .X11-unix/
    total 0
    drwxrwxrwt 2 gdm      gdm    80 ???  5 16:12 ./
    drwxrwxrwt 6 root     root  160 ???  5 16:16 ../
    srwxrwxrwx 1 shegeley users   0 ???  5 16:12 X1
    srwxr-xr-x 1 gdm      gdm     0 ???  5 16:12 X1024

-  check /var/lib/gdm/, doesn't have the proper permissions

Hm. That's really strange. For some reason /var/lib/gdm had
"transmission" as user-group. I assure you that I didn't explicitly
do any "dirty stuff" like that permission changing in my config

shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/gdm
total 0
drwx------ 1 gdm  gdm           38 ??? 26 21:46 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root         248 ??? 28 18:37 ..
drwxr-xr-x 1  973 transmission  62 ??? 26 21:46 .cache
drwx------ 1  973 transmission  44 ??? 26 21:46 .config
drwx------ 1  973 transmission  10 ??? 26 21:46 .local
shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo chown -R gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm
shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/gdm
total 0
drwx------ 1 gdm  gdm   38 ??? 26 21:46 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 248 ??? 28 18:37 ..
drwxr-xr-x 1 gdm  gdm   62 ??? 26 21:46 .cache
drwx------ 1 gdm  gdm   44 ??? 26 21:46 .config
drwx------ 1 gdm  gdm   10 ??? 26 21:46 .local

After changing it was able to launch into GDM, but with X11 as display
manager :( Attached new logs.

On 05.09.2022 10:23, Josselin Poiret wrote:
Toggle quote (24 lines)
> Hi again,
> Grigory Shepelev<> writes:
>> My config is heavily depends on it's directory (passing it with
>> --load-path). I can (and will) publish it all (I've been planning to do
>> so) but I'd like to polish few parts.
>> Any exact part are you looking for in config?  I attached my system-wide
>> services.
> I asked for that partly because it helps identifying common errors, and
> it's always better for people debugging to have access to all the
> information, and partly because I couldn't see anything that could help
> in the logs. However, it seems mutter can't write into /tmp/.X11-unix/,
> could you check that the gdm user has the permission to write there? It
> should be rwxrwxrwx. I don't see any modification in your config that
> would prevent the x11-socket-directory-service from %desktop-services to
> run. Also, it seems that /var/lib/gdm/ doesn't have the proper
> permissions, maybe because of [1]. You can try `sudo chown -R gdm:gdm
> /var/lib/gdm` to fix that.
> [1]
> HTH.
Attachment: greeter.log
gnome-session-binary[1227]: WARNING: Failed to upload environment to systemd: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Name "org.freedesktop.systemd1" does not exist
_IceTransmkdir: ERROR: euid != 0,directory /tmp/.ICE-unix will not be created.
mutter-Message: 16:12:17.158: Running GNOME Shell (using mutter 41.0) as a Wayland display server
mutter-Message: 16:12:17.178: Device '/dev/dri/card0' prefers shadow buffer
mutter-Message: 16:12:17.181: Added device '/dev/dri/card0' (i915) using atomic mode setting.
mutter-Message: 16:12:17.653: Boot VGA GPU /dev/dri/card0 selected as primary

(gnome-shell:1242): dbind-WARNING **: 16:12:18.302: AT-SPI: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files

(gnome-shell:1242): mutter-ERROR **: 16:12:18.348: Failed to start X Wayland: Directory "/tmp/.X11-unix" is not writable
== Stack trace for context 0x18d1190 ==
gnome-session-binary[1227]: WARNING: Application 'org.gnome.Shell.desktop' killed by signal 5
Attachment: greeter.log.2
gnome-session-binary[864]: WARNING: Failed to upload environment to systemd: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Name "org.freedesktop.systemd1" does not exist
_IceTransmkdir: ERROR: euid != 0,directory /tmp/.ICE-unix will not be created.
mutter-Message: 16:04:51.662: Running GNOME Shell (using mutter 41.0) as a Wayland display server
mutter-Message: 16:04:51.681: Device '/dev/dri/card0' prefers shadow buffer
mutter-Message: 16:04:51.684: Added device '/dev/dri/card0' (i915) using atomic mode setting.
mutter-Message: 16:04:52.142: Boot VGA GPU /dev/dri/card0 selected as primary

(gnome-shell:892): dbind-WARNING **: 16:04:52.900: AT-SPI: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files

(gnome-shell:892): mutter-ERROR **: 16:04:52.942: Failed to start X Wayland: Directory "/tmp/.X11-unix" is not writable
== Stack trace for context 0x1f011a0 ==
gnome-session-binary[864]: WARNING: Application 'org.gnome.Shell.desktop' killed by signal 5
gnome-session-binary[2852]: WARNING: Failed to upload environment to systemd: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Name "org.freedesktop.systemd1" does not exist
_IceTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root
mutter-Message: 16:03:27.500: Running GNOME Shell (using mutter 41.0) as a Wayland display server
mutter-Message: 16:03:27.510: Device '/dev/dri/card0' prefers shadow buffer
mutter-Message: 16:03:27.513: Added device '/dev/dri/card0' (i915) using atomic mode setting.
mutter-Message: 16:03:27.583: Boot VGA GPU /dev/dri/card0 selected as primary

(gnome-shell:2867): mutter-WARNING **: 16:03:28.080: Could not open device /dev/input/event19: The connection is closed

(gnome-shell:2867): mutter-WARNING **: 16:03:28.080: Could not open device /dev/input/event20: The connection is closed

(gnome-shell:2867): mutter-WARNING **: 16:03:28.080: Could not open device /dev/input/event21: The connection is closed

(gnome-shell:2867): mutter-WARNING **: 16:03:28.080: Could not open device /dev/input/event22: The connection is closed

(gnome-shell:2867): mutter-WARNING **: 16:03:28.080: Could not open device /dev/input/event23: The connection is closed

(gnome-shell:2867): mutter-WARNING **: 16:03:28.080: Could not open device /dev/input/event24: The connection is closed

(gnome-shell:2867): mutter-WARNING **: 16:03:28.080: Could not open device /dev/input/event3: The connection is closed

(gnome-shell:2867): mutter-WARNING **: 16:03:28.080: Could not open device /dev/input/event5: The connection is closed

(gnome-shell:2867): mutter-WARNING **: 16:03:28.080: Could not open device /dev/input/event4: The connection is closed

(gnome-shell:2867): mutter-WARNING **: 16:03:28.083: Could not release device '/dev/input/event2' (13,66): The connection is closed
Grigory Shepelev wrote on 5 Sep 2022 19:55
(address .
Had some info from Guix Matrix channel:
> GDM does wayland too with the option set to #t. I was able to get it
to work going back from sddm, but I had to remove the home folder and
recreate it from scratch, since gnome session was crashing on login. I
had no problem starting gnome on a new account so i figured something
was hanging around that cause a problem even after deleting all caches
and configs etc.
> By “home folder” I mean my user’s directory /home/use

Most likely will try for new user tomorrow

??, 5 ????. 2022 ?., 16:24 Grigory Shepelev <>:

Oops. I accidentally replied privately to, not
mentioning I hope the history can be recovered
from this message.

Josselin recommended to

- check permissions on /tmp/.X11-unix/ (gdm user should have r+w

     shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ ls -lah .X11-unix/
     total 0
     drwxrwxrwt 2 gdm      gdm    80 ???  5 16:12 ./
     drwxrwxrwt 6 root     root  160 ???  5 16:16 ../
     srwxrwxrwx 1 shegeley users   0 ???  5 16:12 X1
     srwxr-xr-x 1 gdm      gdm     0 ???  5 16:12 X1024

-  check /var/lib/gdm/, doesn't have the proper permissions

    Hm. That's really strange. For some reason /var/lib/gdm had
    "transmission" as user-group. I assure you that I didn't explicitly
    do any "dirty stuff" like that permission changing in my config

    shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/gdm
    total 0
    drwx------ 1 gdm  gdm           38 ??? 26 21:46 .
    drwxr-xr-x 1 root root         248 ??? 28 18:37 ..
    drwxr-xr-x 1  973 transmission  62 ??? 26 21:46 .cache
    drwx------ 1  973 transmission  44 ??? 26 21:46 .config
    drwx------ 1  973 transmission  10 ??? 26 21:46 .local
    shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo chown -R gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm
    shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/gdm
    total 0
    drwx------ 1 gdm  gdm   38 ??? 26 21:46 .
    drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 248 ??? 28 18:37 ..
    drwxr-xr-x 1 gdm  gdm   62 ??? 26 21:46 .cache
    drwx------ 1 gdm  gdm   44 ??? 26 21:46 .config
    drwx------ 1 gdm  gdm   10 ??? 26 21:46 .local

After changing it was able to launch into GDM, but with X11 as display
manager :( Attached new logs.

On 05.09.2022 10:23, Josselin Poiret wrote:
> Hi again,
> Grigory Shepelev<> writes:
>> My config is heavily depends on it's directory (passing it with
>> --load-path). I can (and will) publish it all (I've been
planning to do
>> so) but I'd like to polish few parts.
>> Any exact part are you looking for in config?  I attached my
>> services.
> I asked for that partly because it helps identifying common
errors, and
> it's always better for people debugging to have access to all the
> information, and partly because I couldn't see anything that
could help
> in the logs.  However, it seems mutter can't write into
> could you check that the gdm user has the permission to write
there?  It
> should be rwxrwxrwx.  I don't see any modification in your config
> would prevent the x11-socket-directory-service from
%desktop-services to
> run.  Also, it seems that /var/lib/gdm/ doesn't have the proper
> permissions, maybe because of [1].  You can try `sudo chown -R
> /var/lib/gdm` to fix that.
> HTH.
Grigory Shepelev wrote on 6 Sep 2022 13:05
(address .
Creating new user didn't helped.

I created new user (did this Guix way, via adding to config and
reconfiguring the system) and logged it as a new user. Still X11 system
displays with `xrandr`, and `echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE`. I don't think
there is a need to try moving all home files, creating new user should
be enough to test provided option.

Although I noticed a gear icon below in the right of the gdm screen when
logging in as a default user (saw that in Ubuntu) with options "GNOME"
or "GNOME on Xorg". Trying to login in "GNOME" (Wayland supposedly)
gives a black screen for ~2s.  After couple attempts logged back into
"GNOME on Xorg".

Attached logs again. They says something about DBUS. Any ideas?


(gsd-keyboard:5189): dbind-WARNING **: 13:35:36.273: AT-SPI: Error
retrieving accessibility bus address:
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not
provided by any .service files
(gsd-xsettings:5219): dbind-WARNING **: 13:35:36.476: AT-SPI: Error
retrieving accessibility bus address:
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not
provided by any .service files
GNOME Shell-Message: 13:35:36.777: Registering session with GDM
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning:          Unsupported maximum keycode 708, clipping.
>                   X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
(gnome-shell:5099): mutter-WARNING **: 13:36:02.454: Connection to
xwayland lost

On 05.09.2022 20:55, Grigory Shepelev wrote:
Toggle quote (97 lines)
> Had some info from Guix Matrix channel:
> > GDM does wayland too with the option set to #t. I was able to get it
> to work going back from sddm, but I had to remove the home folder and
> recreate it from scratch, since gnome session was crashing on login. I
> had no problem starting gnome on a new account so i figured something
> was hanging around that cause a problem even after deleting all caches
> and configs etc.
> > By “home folder” I mean my user’s directory /home/use
> <!$W4HJQCzv8G0aHM3_PAFrtUaj6Q3aS18vMZCwlMch71I?>
> Most likely will try for new user tomorrow
> ??, 5 ????. 2022 ?., 16:24 Grigory Shepelev <>:
>    Oops. I accidentally replied privately to, not
>    mentioning I hope the history can be recovered
>    from this message.
>    Josselin recommended to
>    - check permissions on /tmp/.X11-unix/ (gdm user should have r+w
>    permissions)
>          shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ ls -lah .X11-unix/
>          total 0
>          drwxrwxrwt 2 gdm      gdm    80 ???  5 16:12 ./
>          drwxrwxrwt 6 root     root  160 ???  5 16:16 ../
>          srwxrwxrwx 1 shegeley users   0 ???  5 16:12 X1
>          srwxr-xr-x 1 gdm      gdm     0 ???  5 16:12 X1024
>    -  check /var/lib/gdm/, doesn't have the proper permissions
>         Hm. That's really strange. For some reason /var/lib/gdm had
>         "transmission" as user-group. I assure you that I didn't
> explicitly
>         do any "dirty stuff" like that permission changing in my config
>         shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/gdm
>         total 0
>         drwx------ 1 gdm  gdm           38 ??? 26 21:46 .
>         drwxr-xr-x 1 root root         248 ??? 28 18:37 ..
>         drwxr-xr-x 1  973 transmission  62 ??? 26 21:46 .cache
>         drwx------ 1  973 transmission  44 ??? 26 21:46 .config
>         drwx------ 1  973 transmission  10 ??? 26 21:46 .local
>         shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo chown -R gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm
>         shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/gdm
>         total 0
>         drwx------ 1 gdm  gdm   38 ??? 26 21:46 .
>         drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 248 ??? 28 18:37 ..
>         drwxr-xr-x 1 gdm  gdm   62 ??? 26 21:46 .cache
>         drwx------ 1 gdm  gdm   44 ??? 26 21:46 .config
>         drwx------ 1 gdm  gdm   10 ??? 26 21:46 .local
>    After changing it was able to launch into GDM, but with X11 as display
>    manager :( Attached new logs.
>    On 05.09.2022 10:23, Josselin Poiret wrote:
>     > Hi again,
>     >
>     > Grigory Shepelev<> writes:
>     >
>     >> My config is heavily depends on it's directory (passing it with
>     >> --load-path). I can (and will) publish it all (I've been
>    planning to do
>     >> so) but I'd like to polish few parts.
>     >>
>     >> Any exact part are you looking for in config?  I attached my
>    system-wide
>     >> services.
>     > I asked for that partly because it helps identifying common
>    errors, and
>     > it's always better for people debugging to have access to all the
>     > information, and partly because I couldn't see anything that
>    could help
>     > in the logs.  However, it seems mutter can't write into
>    /tmp/.X11-unix/,
>     > could you check that the gdm user has the permission to write
>    there?  It
>     > should be rwxrwxrwx.  I don't see any modification in your config
>    that
>     > would prevent the x11-socket-directory-service from
>    %desktop-services to
>     > run.  Also, it seems that /var/lib/gdm/ doesn't have the proper
>     > permissions, maybe because of [1].  You can try `sudo chown -R
>    gdm:gdm
>     > /var/lib/gdm` to fix that.
>     >
>     > [1]
>     >
>     > HTH.
Grigory Shepelev wrote on 1 Nov 2022 16:55
(address .
Update. I can log into "Gnome on Xorg", change ownership of /tmp/.X11-unix
to root:gdm, log out, and them login into "Gnome". This will enable

??, 6 ????. 2022 ?. ? 11:05, Grigory Shepelev <>:

Toggle quote (136 lines)
> Creating new user didn't helped.
> I created new user (did this Guix way, via adding to config and
> reconfiguring the system) and logged it as a new user. Still X11 system
> displays with `xrandr`, and `echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE`. I don't think
> there is a need to try moving all home files, creating new user should
> be enough to test provided option.
> Although I noticed a gear icon below in the right of the gdm screen when
> logging in as a default user (saw that in Ubuntu) with options "GNOME"
> or "GNOME on Xorg". Trying to login in "GNOME" (Wayland supposedly)
> gives a black screen for ~2s. After couple attempts logged back into
> "GNOME on Xorg".
> Attached logs again. They says something about DBUS. Any ideas?
> ---
> (gsd-keyboard:5189): dbind-WARNING **: 13:35:36.273: AT-SPI: Error
> retrieving accessibility bus address:
> org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not
> provided by any .service files
> (gsd-xsettings:5219): dbind-WARNING **: 13:35:36.476: AT-SPI: Error
> retrieving accessibility bus address:
> org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not
> provided by any .service files
> GNOME Shell-Message: 13:35:36.777: Registering session with GDM
> The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> > Warning: Unsupported maximum keycode 708, clipping.
> > X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
> Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
> (gnome-shell:5099): mutter-WARNING **: 13:36:02.454: Connection to
> xwayland lost
> ---
> On 05.09.2022 20:55, Grigory Shepelev wrote:
> > Had some info from Guix Matrix channel:
> > > GDM does wayland too with the option set to #t. I was able to get it
> > to work going back from sddm, but I had to remove the home folder and
> > recreate it from scratch, since gnome session was crashing on login. I
> > had no problem starting gnome on a new account so i figured something
> > was hanging around that cause a problem even after deleting all caches
> > and configs etc.
> > > By “home folder” I mean my user’s directory /home/use
> >
> >
> > <
> >
> >
> > Most likely will try for new user tomorrow
> >
> > ??, 5 ????. 2022 ?., 16:24 Grigory Shepelev <>:
> >
> > Oops. I accidentally replied privately to, not
> > mentioning I hope the history can be recovered
> > from this message.
> >
> > Josselin recommended to
> >
> > - check permissions on /tmp/.X11-unix/ (gdm user should have r+w
> > permissions)
> >
> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ ls -lah .X11-unix/
> > total 0
> > drwxrwxrwt 2 gdm gdm 80 ??? 5 16:12 ./
> > drwxrwxrwt 6 root root 160 ??? 5 16:16 ../
> > srwxrwxrwx 1 shegeley users 0 ??? 5 16:12 X1
> > srwxr-xr-x 1 gdm gdm 0 ??? 5 16:12 X1024
> >
> > - check /var/lib/gdm/, doesn't have the proper permissions
> >
> > Hm. That's really strange. For some reason /var/lib/gdm had
> > "transmission" as user-group. I assure you that I didn't
> > explicitly
> > do any "dirty stuff" like that permission changing in my config
> >
> >
> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/gdm
> > total 0
> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 38 ??? 26 21:46 .
> > drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 248 ??? 28 18:37 ..
> > drwxr-xr-x 1 973 transmission 62 ??? 26 21:46 .cache
> > drwx------ 1 973 transmission 44 ??? 26 21:46 .config
> > drwx------ 1 973 transmission 10 ??? 26 21:46 .local
> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo chown -R gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm
> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/gdm
> > total 0
> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 38 ??? 26 21:46 .
> > drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 248 ??? 28 18:37 ..
> > drwxr-xr-x 1 gdm gdm 62 ??? 26 21:46 .cache
> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 44 ??? 26 21:46 .config
> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 10 ??? 26 21:46 .local
> >
> >
> > After changing it was able to launch into GDM, but with X11 as display
> > manager :( Attached new logs.
> >
> >
> > On 05.09.2022 10:23, Josselin Poiret wrote:
> > > Hi again,
> > >
> > > Grigory Shepelev<> writes:
> > >
> > >> My config is heavily depends on it's directory (passing it with
> > >> --load-path). I can (and will) publish it all (I've been
> > planning to do
> > >> so) but I'd like to polish few parts.
> > >>
> > >> Any exact part are you looking for in config? I attached my
> > system-wide
> > >> services.
> > > I asked for that partly because it helps identifying common
> > errors, and
> > > it's always better for people debugging to have access to all the
> > > information, and partly because I couldn't see anything that
> > could help
> > > in the logs. However, it seems mutter can't write into
> > /tmp/.X11-unix/,
> > > could you check that the gdm user has the permission to write
> > there? It
> > > should be rwxrwxrwx. I don't see any modification in your config
> > that
> > > would prevent the x11-socket-directory-service from
> > %desktop-services to
> > > run. Also, it seems that /var/lib/gdm/ doesn't have the proper
> > > permissions, maybe because of [1]. You can try `sudo chown -R
> > gdm:gdm
> > > /var/lib/gdm` to fix that.
> > >
> > > [1]
> > >
> > > HTH.
> >
Attachment: file
Grigory Shepelev wrote on 21 Nov 2022 03:43
(address .
Figured out what was the problem. The /tmp dir. Once I had nonexisting /mnt
dir on Guix boot. So I've added this piece In my file-systems:

(mount-point "/tmp")
(device "tmp")
(type "tmpfs")
(check? #f))

This exact piece was causing a problem. Seems like it's connected to
x11-socket-directory-service from (gnu services desktop). So, maybe the
tmpdir was mounted after GDM boot and override the needed /tmp settings.

??, 1 ????. 2022 ?. ? 15:55, Grigory Shepelev <>:

Toggle quote (146 lines)
> Update. I can log into "Gnome on Xorg", change ownership of /tmp/.X11-unix
> to root:gdm, log out, and them login into "Gnome". This will enable
> Wayland.
> ??, 6 ????. 2022 ?. ? 11:05, Grigory Shepelev <>:
>> Creating new user didn't helped.
>> I created new user (did this Guix way, via adding to config and
>> reconfiguring the system) and logged it as a new user. Still X11 system
>> displays with `xrandr`, and `echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE`. I don't think
>> there is a need to try moving all home files, creating new user should
>> be enough to test provided option.
>> Although I noticed a gear icon below in the right of the gdm screen when
>> logging in as a default user (saw that in Ubuntu) with options "GNOME"
>> or "GNOME on Xorg". Trying to login in "GNOME" (Wayland supposedly)
>> gives a black screen for ~2s. After couple attempts logged back into
>> "GNOME on Xorg".
>> Attached logs again. They says something about DBUS. Any ideas?
>> ---
>> (gsd-keyboard:5189): dbind-WARNING **: 13:35:36.273: AT-SPI: Error
>> retrieving accessibility bus address:
>> org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not
>> provided by any .service files
>> (gsd-xsettings:5219): dbind-WARNING **: 13:35:36.476: AT-SPI: Error
>> retrieving accessibility bus address:
>> org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not
>> provided by any .service files
>> GNOME Shell-Message: 13:35:36.777: Registering session with GDM
>> The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
>> > Warning: Unsupported maximum keycode 708, clipping.
>> > X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
>> Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
>> (gnome-shell:5099): mutter-WARNING **: 13:36:02.454: Connection to
>> xwayland lost
>> ---
>> On 05.09.2022 20:55, Grigory Shepelev wrote:
>> > Had some info from Guix Matrix channel:
>> > > GDM does wayland too with the option set to #t. I was able to get it
>> > to work going back from sddm, but I had to remove the home folder and
>> > recreate it from scratch, since gnome session was crashing on login. I
>> > had no problem starting gnome on a new account so i figured something
>> > was hanging around that cause a problem even after deleting all caches
>> > and configs etc.
>> > > By “home folder” I mean my user’s directory /home/use
>> >
>> >
>> > <
>> >
>> >
>> > Most likely will try for new user tomorrow
>> >
>> > ??, 5 ????. 2022 ?., 16:24 Grigory Shepelev <>:
>> >
>> > Oops. I accidentally replied privately to, not
>> > mentioning I hope the history can be
>> recovered
>> > from this message.
>> >
>> > Josselin recommended to
>> >
>> > - check permissions on /tmp/.X11-unix/ (gdm user should have r+w
>> > permissions)
>> >
>> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ ls -lah .X11-unix/
>> > total 0
>> > drwxrwxrwt 2 gdm gdm 80 ??? 5 16:12 ./
>> > drwxrwxrwt 6 root root 160 ??? 5 16:16 ../
>> > srwxrwxrwx 1 shegeley users 0 ??? 5 16:12 X1
>> > srwxr-xr-x 1 gdm gdm 0 ??? 5 16:12 X1024
>> >
>> > - check /var/lib/gdm/, doesn't have the proper permissions
>> >
>> > Hm. That's really strange. For some reason /var/lib/gdm had
>> > "transmission" as user-group. I assure you that I didn't
>> > explicitly
>> > do any "dirty stuff" like that permission changing in my config
>> >
>> >
>> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/gdm
>> > total 0
>> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 38 ??? 26 21:46 .
>> > drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 248 ??? 28 18:37 ..
>> > drwxr-xr-x 1 973 transmission 62 ??? 26 21:46 .cache
>> > drwx------ 1 973 transmission 44 ??? 26 21:46 .config
>> > drwx------ 1 973 transmission 10 ??? 26 21:46 .local
>> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo chown -R gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm
>> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/gdm
>> > total 0
>> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 38 ??? 26 21:46 .
>> > drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 248 ??? 28 18:37 ..
>> > drwxr-xr-x 1 gdm gdm 62 ??? 26 21:46 .cache
>> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 44 ??? 26 21:46 .config
>> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 10 ??? 26 21:46 .local
>> >
>> >
>> > After changing it was able to launch into GDM, but with X11 as
>> display
>> > manager :( Attached new logs.
>> >
>> >
>> > On 05.09.2022 10:23, Josselin Poiret wrote:
>> > > Hi again,
>> > >
>> > > Grigory Shepelev<> writes:
>> > >
>> > >> My config is heavily depends on it's directory (passing it with
>> > >> --load-path). I can (and will) publish it all (I've been
>> > planning to do
>> > >> so) but I'd like to polish few parts.
>> > >>
>> > >> Any exact part are you looking for in config? I attached my
>> > system-wide
>> > >> services.
>> > > I asked for that partly because it helps identifying common
>> > errors, and
>> > > it's always better for people debugging to have access to all the
>> > > information, and partly because I couldn't see anything that
>> > could help
>> > > in the logs. However, it seems mutter can't write into
>> > /tmp/.X11-unix/,
>> > > could you check that the gdm user has the permission to write
>> > there? It
>> > > should be rwxrwxrwx. I don't see any modification in your config
>> > that
>> > > would prevent the x11-socket-directory-service from
>> > %desktop-services to
>> > > run. Also, it seems that /var/lib/gdm/ doesn't have the proper
>> > > permissions, maybe because of [1]. You can try `sudo chown -R
>> > gdm:gdm
>> > > /var/lib/gdm` to fix that.
>> > >
>> > > [1]
>> > >
>> > > HTH.
>> >
Attachment: file
Grigory Shepelev wrote on 21 Nov 2022 07:50
(address .
When I log in with "Gnome on xorg" the /tmp directory doesn't exist. When I
log in "Gnome" (+Wayland) it exits.

??, 21 ????. 2022 ?. ? 02:43, Grigory Shepelev <>:

Toggle quote (161 lines)
> Figured out what was the problem. The /tmp dir. Once I had nonexisting
> /mnt dir on Guix boot. So I've added this piece In my file-systems:
> (file-system
> (mount-point "/tmp")
> (device "tmp")
> (type "tmpfs")
> (check? #f))
> This exact piece was causing a problem. Seems like it's connected to
> x11-socket-directory-service from (gnu services desktop). So, maybe the
> tmpdir was mounted after GDM boot and override the needed /tmp settings.
> ??, 1 ????. 2022 ?. ? 15:55, Grigory Shepelev <>:
>> Update. I can log into "Gnome on Xorg", change ownership of
>> /tmp/.X11-unix to root:gdm, log out, and them login into "Gnome". This will
>> enable Wayland.
>> ??, 6 ????. 2022 ?. ? 11:05, Grigory Shepelev <>:
>>> Creating new user didn't helped.
>>> I created new user (did this Guix way, via adding to config and
>>> reconfiguring the system) and logged it as a new user. Still X11 system
>>> displays with `xrandr`, and `echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE`. I don't think
>>> there is a need to try moving all home files, creating new user should
>>> be enough to test provided option.
>>> Although I noticed a gear icon below in the right of the gdm screen when
>>> logging in as a default user (saw that in Ubuntu) with options "GNOME"
>>> or "GNOME on Xorg". Trying to login in "GNOME" (Wayland supposedly)
>>> gives a black screen for ~2s. After couple attempts logged back into
>>> "GNOME on Xorg".
>>> Attached logs again. They says something about DBUS. Any ideas?
>>> ---
>>> (gsd-keyboard:5189): dbind-WARNING **: 13:35:36.273: AT-SPI: Error
>>> retrieving accessibility bus address:
>>> org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not
>>> provided by any .service files
>>> (gsd-xsettings:5219): dbind-WARNING **: 13:35:36.476: AT-SPI: Error
>>> retrieving accessibility bus address:
>>> org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not
>>> provided by any .service files
>>> GNOME Shell-Message: 13:35:36.777: Registering session with GDM
>>> The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
>>> > Warning: Unsupported maximum keycode 708, clipping.
>>> > X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
>>> Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
>>> (gnome-shell:5099): mutter-WARNING **: 13:36:02.454: Connection to
>>> xwayland lost
>>> ---
>>> On 05.09.2022 20:55, Grigory Shepelev wrote:
>>> > Had some info from Guix Matrix channel:
>>> > > GDM does wayland too with the option set to #t. I was able to get it
>>> > to work going back from sddm, but I had to remove the home folder and
>>> > recreate it from scratch, since gnome session was crashing on login. I
>>> > had no problem starting gnome on a new account so i figured something
>>> > was hanging around that cause a problem even after deleting all caches
>>> > and configs etc.
>>> > > By “home folder” I mean my user’s directory /home/use
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > <
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Most likely will try for new user tomorrow
>>> >
>>> > ??, 5 ????. 2022 ?., 16:24 Grigory Shepelev <>:
>>> >
>>> > Oops. I accidentally replied privately to, not
>>> > mentioning I hope the history can be
>>> recovered
>>> > from this message.
>>> >
>>> > Josselin recommended to
>>> >
>>> > - check permissions on /tmp/.X11-unix/ (gdm user should have r+w
>>> > permissions)
>>> >
>>> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ ls -lah .X11-unix/
>>> > total 0
>>> > drwxrwxrwt 2 gdm gdm 80 ??? 5 16:12 ./
>>> > drwxrwxrwt 6 root root 160 ??? 5 16:16 ../
>>> > srwxrwxrwx 1 shegeley users 0 ??? 5 16:12 X1
>>> > srwxr-xr-x 1 gdm gdm 0 ??? 5 16:12 X1024
>>> >
>>> > - check /var/lib/gdm/, doesn't have the proper permissions
>>> >
>>> > Hm. That's really strange. For some reason /var/lib/gdm had
>>> > "transmission" as user-group. I assure you that I didn't
>>> > explicitly
>>> > do any "dirty stuff" like that permission changing in my config
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/gdm
>>> > total 0
>>> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 38 ??? 26 21:46 .
>>> > drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 248 ??? 28 18:37 ..
>>> > drwxr-xr-x 1 973 transmission 62 ??? 26 21:46 .cache
>>> > drwx------ 1 973 transmission 44 ??? 26 21:46 .config
>>> > drwx------ 1 973 transmission 10 ??? 26 21:46 .local
>>> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo chown -R gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm
>>> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/gdm
>>> > total 0
>>> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 38 ??? 26 21:46 .
>>> > drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 248 ??? 28 18:37 ..
>>> > drwxr-xr-x 1 gdm gdm 62 ??? 26 21:46 .cache
>>> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 44 ??? 26 21:46 .config
>>> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 10 ??? 26 21:46 .local
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > After changing it was able to launch into GDM, but with X11 as
>>> display
>>> > manager :( Attached new logs.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On 05.09.2022 10:23, Josselin Poiret wrote:
>>> > > Hi again,
>>> > >
>>> > > Grigory Shepelev<> writes:
>>> > >
>>> > >> My config is heavily depends on it's directory (passing it with
>>> > >> --load-path). I can (and will) publish it all (I've been
>>> > planning to do
>>> > >> so) but I'd like to polish few parts.
>>> > >>
>>> > >> Any exact part are you looking for in config? I attached my
>>> > system-wide
>>> > >> services.
>>> > > I asked for that partly because it helps identifying common
>>> > errors, and
>>> > > it's always better for people debugging to have access to all the
>>> > > information, and partly because I couldn't see anything that
>>> > could help
>>> > > in the logs. However, it seems mutter can't write into
>>> > /tmp/.X11-unix/,
>>> > > could you check that the gdm user has the permission to write
>>> > there? It
>>> > > should be rwxrwxrwx. I don't see any modification in your config
>>> > that
>>> > > would prevent the x11-socket-directory-service from
>>> > %desktop-services to
>>> > > run. Also, it seems that /var/lib/gdm/ doesn't have the proper
>>> > > permissions, maybe because of [1]. You can try `sudo chown -R
>>> > gdm:gdm
>>> > > /var/lib/gdm` to fix that.
>>> > >
>>> > > [1]
>>> > >
>>> > > HTH.
>>> >
Attachment: file
Grigory Shepelev wrote on 22 Nov 2022 02:35
(address .
/tmp dir also won't exist on guix pull and then system reconfigure.

??, 21 ????. 2022 ?. ? 06:50, Grigory Shepelev <>:

Toggle quote (175 lines)
> When I log in with "Gnome on xorg" the /tmp directory doesn't exist. When
> I log in "Gnome" (+Wayland) it exits.
> ??, 21 ????. 2022 ?. ? 02:43, Grigory Shepelev <>:
>> Figured out what was the problem. The /tmp dir. Once I had nonexisting
>> /mnt dir on Guix boot. So I've added this piece In my file-systems:
>> (file-system
>> (mount-point "/tmp")
>> (device "tmp")
>> (type "tmpfs")
>> (check? #f))
>> This exact piece was causing a problem. Seems like it's connected to
>> x11-socket-directory-service from (gnu services desktop). So, maybe the
>> tmpdir was mounted after GDM boot and override the needed /tmp settings.
>> ??, 1 ????. 2022 ?. ? 15:55, Grigory Shepelev <>:
>>> Update. I can log into "Gnome on Xorg", change ownership of
>>> /tmp/.X11-unix to root:gdm, log out, and them login into "Gnome". This will
>>> enable Wayland.
>>> ??, 6 ????. 2022 ?. ? 11:05, Grigory Shepelev <>:
>>>> Creating new user didn't helped.
>>>> I created new user (did this Guix way, via adding to config and
>>>> reconfiguring the system) and logged it as a new user. Still X11 system
>>>> displays with `xrandr`, and `echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE`. I don't think
>>>> there is a need to try moving all home files, creating new user should
>>>> be enough to test provided option.
>>>> Although I noticed a gear icon below in the right of the gdm screen
>>>> when
>>>> logging in as a default user (saw that in Ubuntu) with options "GNOME"
>>>> or "GNOME on Xorg". Trying to login in "GNOME" (Wayland supposedly)
>>>> gives a black screen for ~2s. After couple attempts logged back into
>>>> "GNOME on Xorg".
>>>> Attached logs again. They says something about DBUS. Any ideas?
>>>> ---
>>>> (gsd-keyboard:5189): dbind-WARNING **: 13:35:36.273: AT-SPI: Error
>>>> retrieving accessibility bus address:
>>>> org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was
>>>> not
>>>> provided by any .service files
>>>> (gsd-xsettings:5219): dbind-WARNING **: 13:35:36.476: AT-SPI: Error
>>>> retrieving accessibility bus address:
>>>> org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was
>>>> not
>>>> provided by any .service files
>>>> GNOME Shell-Message: 13:35:36.777: Registering session with GDM
>>>> The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
>>>> > Warning: Unsupported maximum keycode 708, clipping.
>>>> > X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
>>>> Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
>>>> (gnome-shell:5099): mutter-WARNING **: 13:36:02.454: Connection to
>>>> xwayland lost
>>>> ---
>>>> On 05.09.2022 20:55, Grigory Shepelev wrote:
>>>> > Had some info from Guix Matrix channel:
>>>> > > GDM does wayland too with the option set to #t. I was able to get
>>>> it
>>>> > to work going back from sddm, but I had to remove the home folder and
>>>> > recreate it from scratch, since gnome session was crashing on login.
>>>> I
>>>> > had no problem starting gnome on a new account so i figured something
>>>> > was hanging around that cause a problem even after deleting all
>>>> caches
>>>> > and configs etc.
>>>> > > By “home folder” I mean my user’s directory /home/use
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > <
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Most likely will try for new user tomorrow
>>>> >
>>>> > ??, 5 ????. 2022 ?., 16:24 Grigory Shepelev <>:
>>>> >
>>>> > Oops. I accidentally replied privately to, not
>>>> > mentioning I hope the history can be
>>>> recovered
>>>> > from this message.
>>>> >
>>>> > Josselin recommended to
>>>> >
>>>> > - check permissions on /tmp/.X11-unix/ (gdm user should have r+w
>>>> > permissions)
>>>> >
>>>> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ ls -lah .X11-unix/
>>>> > total 0
>>>> > drwxrwxrwt 2 gdm gdm 80 ??? 5 16:12 ./
>>>> > drwxrwxrwt 6 root root 160 ??? 5 16:16 ../
>>>> > srwxrwxrwx 1 shegeley users 0 ??? 5 16:12 X1
>>>> > srwxr-xr-x 1 gdm gdm 0 ??? 5 16:12 X1024
>>>> >
>>>> > - check /var/lib/gdm/, doesn't have the proper permissions
>>>> >
>>>> > Hm. That's really strange. For some reason /var/lib/gdm had
>>>> > "transmission" as user-group. I assure you that I didn't
>>>> > explicitly
>>>> > do any "dirty stuff" like that permission changing in my
>>>> config
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/gdm
>>>> > total 0
>>>> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 38 ??? 26 21:46 .
>>>> > drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 248 ??? 28 18:37 ..
>>>> > drwxr-xr-x 1 973 transmission 62 ??? 26 21:46 .cache
>>>> > drwx------ 1 973 transmission 44 ??? 26 21:46 .config
>>>> > drwx------ 1 973 transmission 10 ??? 26 21:46 .local
>>>> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo chown -R gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm
>>>> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/gdm
>>>> > total 0
>>>> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 38 ??? 26 21:46 .
>>>> > drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 248 ??? 28 18:37 ..
>>>> > drwxr-xr-x 1 gdm gdm 62 ??? 26 21:46 .cache
>>>> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 44 ??? 26 21:46 .config
>>>> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 10 ??? 26 21:46 .local
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > After changing it was able to launch into GDM, but with X11 as
>>>> display
>>>> > manager :( Attached new logs.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On 05.09.2022 10:23, Josselin Poiret wrote:
>>>> > > Hi again,
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Grigory Shepelev<> writes:
>>>> > >
>>>> > >> My config is heavily depends on it's directory (passing it with
>>>> > >> --load-path). I can (and will) publish it all (I've been
>>>> > planning to do
>>>> > >> so) but I'd like to polish few parts.
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >> Any exact part are you looking for in config? I attached my
>>>> > system-wide
>>>> > >> services.
>>>> > > I asked for that partly because it helps identifying common
>>>> > errors, and
>>>> > > it's always better for people debugging to have access to all
>>>> the
>>>> > > information, and partly because I couldn't see anything that
>>>> > could help
>>>> > > in the logs. However, it seems mutter can't write into
>>>> > /tmp/.X11-unix/,
>>>> > > could you check that the gdm user has the permission to write
>>>> > there? It
>>>> > > should be rwxrwxrwx. I don't see any modification in your
>>>> config
>>>> > that
>>>> > > would prevent the x11-socket-directory-service from
>>>> > %desktop-services to
>>>> > > run. Also, it seems that /var/lib/gdm/ doesn't have the proper
>>>> > > permissions, maybe because of [1]. You can try `sudo chown -R
>>>> > gdm:gdm
>>>> > > /var/lib/gdm` to fix that.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > [1]
>>>> > >
>>>> > > HTH.
>>>> >
Attachment: file
Guix hands on GDM with wayland
(address .
I believe I'm in a similar situation here.

Like Grigory, I also have my /tmp directory mounted as tmpfs:
(mount-point "/tmp")
(device "none")
(type "tmpfs")
(flags '(no-dev no-suid no-atime))
(check? #f))

But GDM launches in X11 mode as seen with 'loginctl show-session'
$ loginctl list-sessions
c2 977 gdm seat0 tty7
c3 1000 x
$ loginctl show-session c2
Timestamp=Wed 2022-11-23 17:02:57 WET

and the DE/WM selection list does not contain any 'Wayland' option.

For reference, GDM was configured with:
(modify-services %desktop-services
(gdm-service-type config => (gdm-configuration
(inherit config)
(wayland? #t)
(auto-suspend? #f))))
mirai wrote on 1 Dec 2022 14:35
(address . .
Grigory Shepelev wrote on 21 Nov 03:43 +0100:

Toggle quote (13 lines)
> Figured out what was the problem. The /tmp dir. Once I had nonexisting /mnt
> dir on Guix boot. So I've added this piece In my file-systems:
> (file-system
> (mount-point "/tmp")
> (device "tmp")
> (type "tmpfs")
> (check? #f))
> This exact piece was causing a problem. Seems like it's connected to
> x11-socket-directory-service from (gnu services desktop). So, maybe the
> tmpdir was mounted after GDM boot and override the needed /tmp settings.

This might not be the case (like you, I'm also
using tmpfs for /tmp as mentioned in
I've wrote a small guix system test for testing out this tmpfs theory at so far, all the tests pass, with or without
/tmp as tmpfs mount.

Can you share your 'loginctl show-user gdm' and
'loginctl show-session <GDM session here>' output (before logging in with gdm, you
can do this via ssh or switch to another tty) and your system specs/GPU make?
Grigory Shepelev wrote on 12 Dec 2022 04:56
(address .
Toggle quote (1 lines)
> Like Grigory, I also have my /tmp directory mounted as tmpfs
As I've written I am not having this anymore. Deleting exactly this part
helped me to be able to launch Gnome on Wayland properly.

Toggle quote (1 lines)
> Can you share your 'loginctl show-user gdm' and 'loginctl show-session
<GDM session here>' output (before logging in with gdm, you can do this via
ssh or switch to another tty) and your system specs/GPU make?

Sure. The machine is a Thinkpad T480, i5-8350U, UHD Graphics 620 (KBL GT2).
shegeley@zone51 ~$ sudo loginctl list-sessions
c2 1002 shegeley seat0 tty8
1 sessions listed.
shegeley@zone51 ~$ sudo loginctl show-user gdm
shegeley@zone51 ~$ loginctl show-session c2
Timestamp=Thu 2022-12-01 12:30:54 +06

Toggle quote (1 lines)
> I've wrote a small guix system test for testing out this tmpfs theory at so far, all the tests pass, with or
without /tmp as tmpfs mount.

Those tests are good, but I guess the problem is kinda "deeper". I am not
sure but my /tmp dir disappears time-to-time and I don't know the exact
conditions for disappearing for now. Seems like it's a guix pull but it
also sometimes just gone even though I didn't pull. I recommend you to try
deleting this tmpfs part completely and see the result yourself.

??, 22 ????. 2022 ?. ? 01:35, Grigory Shepelev <>:

Toggle quote (183 lines)
> /tmp dir also won't exist on guix pull and then system reconfigure.
> ??, 21 ????. 2022 ?. ? 06:50, Grigory Shepelev <>:
>> When I log in with "Gnome on xorg" the /tmp directory doesn't exist. When
>> I log in "Gnome" (+Wayland) it exits.
>> ??, 21 ????. 2022 ?. ? 02:43, Grigory Shepelev <>:
>>> Figured out what was the problem. The /tmp dir. Once I had nonexisting
>>> /mnt dir on Guix boot. So I've added this piece In my file-systems:
>>> (file-system
>>> (mount-point "/tmp")
>>> (device "tmp")
>>> (type "tmpfs")
>>> (check? #f))
>>> This exact piece was causing a problem. Seems like it's connected to
>>> x11-socket-directory-service from (gnu services desktop). So, maybe the
>>> tmpdir was mounted after GDM boot and override the needed /tmp settings.
>>> ??, 1 ????. 2022 ?. ? 15:55, Grigory Shepelev <>:
>>>> Update. I can log into "Gnome on Xorg", change ownership of
>>>> /tmp/.X11-unix to root:gdm, log out, and them login into "Gnome". This will
>>>> enable Wayland.
>>>> ??, 6 ????. 2022 ?. ? 11:05, Grigory Shepelev <>:
>>>>> Creating new user didn't helped.
>>>>> I created new user (did this Guix way, via adding to config and
>>>>> reconfiguring the system) and logged it as a new user. Still X11
>>>>> system
>>>>> displays with `xrandr`, and `echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE`. I don't think
>>>>> there is a need to try moving all home files, creating new user should
>>>>> be enough to test provided option.
>>>>> Although I noticed a gear icon below in the right of the gdm screen
>>>>> when
>>>>> logging in as a default user (saw that in Ubuntu) with options "GNOME"
>>>>> or "GNOME on Xorg". Trying to login in "GNOME" (Wayland supposedly)
>>>>> gives a black screen for ~2s. After couple attempts logged back into
>>>>> "GNOME on Xorg".
>>>>> Attached logs again. They says something about DBUS. Any ideas?
>>>>> ---
>>>>> (gsd-keyboard:5189): dbind-WARNING **: 13:35:36.273: AT-SPI: Error
>>>>> retrieving accessibility bus address:
>>>>> org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was
>>>>> not
>>>>> provided by any .service files
>>>>> (gsd-xsettings:5219): dbind-WARNING **: 13:35:36.476: AT-SPI: Error
>>>>> retrieving accessibility bus address:
>>>>> org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was
>>>>> not
>>>>> provided by any .service files
>>>>> GNOME Shell-Message: 13:35:36.777: Registering session with GDM
>>>>> The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
>>>>> > Warning: Unsupported maximum keycode 708, clipping.
>>>>> > X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
>>>>> Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
>>>>> (gnome-shell:5099): mutter-WARNING **: 13:36:02.454: Connection to
>>>>> xwayland lost
>>>>> ---
>>>>> On 05.09.2022 20:55, Grigory Shepelev wrote:
>>>>> > Had some info from Guix Matrix channel:
>>>>> > > GDM does wayland too with the option set to #t. I was able to get
>>>>> it
>>>>> > to work going back from sddm, but I had to remove the home folder
>>>>> and
>>>>> > recreate it from scratch, since gnome session was crashing on login.
>>>>> I
>>>>> > had no problem starting gnome on a new account so i figured
>>>>> something
>>>>> > was hanging around that cause a problem even after deleting all
>>>>> caches
>>>>> > and configs etc.
>>>>> > > By “home folder” I mean my user’s directory /home/use
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > <
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Most likely will try for new user tomorrow
>>>>> >
>>>>> > ??, 5 ????. 2022 ?., 16:24 Grigory Shepelev <>:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Oops. I accidentally replied privately to, not
>>>>> > mentioning I hope the history can be
>>>>> recovered
>>>>> > from this message.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Josselin recommended to
>>>>> >
>>>>> > - check permissions on /tmp/.X11-unix/ (gdm user should have r+w
>>>>> > permissions)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ ls -lah .X11-unix/
>>>>> > total 0
>>>>> > drwxrwxrwt 2 gdm gdm 80 ??? 5 16:12 ./
>>>>> > drwxrwxrwt 6 root root 160 ??? 5 16:16 ../
>>>>> > srwxrwxrwx 1 shegeley users 0 ??? 5 16:12 X1
>>>>> > srwxr-xr-x 1 gdm gdm 0 ??? 5 16:12 X1024
>>>>> >
>>>>> > - check /var/lib/gdm/, doesn't have the proper permissions
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Hm. That's really strange. For some reason /var/lib/gdm had
>>>>> > "transmission" as user-group. I assure you that I didn't
>>>>> > explicitly
>>>>> > do any "dirty stuff" like that permission changing in my
>>>>> config
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/gdm
>>>>> > total 0
>>>>> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 38 ??? 26 21:46 .
>>>>> > drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 248 ??? 28 18:37 ..
>>>>> > drwxr-xr-x 1 973 transmission 62 ??? 26 21:46 .cache
>>>>> > drwx------ 1 973 transmission 44 ??? 26 21:46 .config
>>>>> > drwx------ 1 973 transmission 10 ??? 26 21:46 .local
>>>>> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo chown -R gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm
>>>>> > shegeley@zone51 /tmp$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/gdm
>>>>> > total 0
>>>>> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 38 ??? 26 21:46 .
>>>>> > drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 248 ??? 28 18:37 ..
>>>>> > drwxr-xr-x 1 gdm gdm 62 ??? 26 21:46 .cache
>>>>> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 44 ??? 26 21:46 .config
>>>>> > drwx------ 1 gdm gdm 10 ??? 26 21:46 .local
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > After changing it was able to launch into GDM, but with X11 as
>>>>> display
>>>>> > manager :( Attached new logs.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On 05.09.2022 10:23, Josselin Poiret wrote:
>>>>> > > Hi again,
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > Grigory Shepelev<> writes:
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > >> My config is heavily depends on it's directory (passing it
>>>>> with
>>>>> > >> --load-path). I can (and will) publish it all (I've been
>>>>> > planning to do
>>>>> > >> so) but I'd like to polish few parts.
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> Any exact part are you looking for in config? I attached my
>>>>> > system-wide
>>>>> > >> services.
>>>>> > > I asked for that partly because it helps identifying common
>>>>> > errors, and
>>>>> > > it's always better for people debugging to have access to all
>>>>> the
>>>>> > > information, and partly because I couldn't see anything that
>>>>> > could help
>>>>> > > in the logs. However, it seems mutter can't write into
>>>>> > /tmp/.X11-unix/,
>>>>> > > could you check that the gdm user has the permission to write
>>>>> > there? It
>>>>> > > should be rwxrwxrwx. I don't see any modification in your
>>>>> config
>>>>> > that
>>>>> > > would prevent the x11-socket-directory-service from
>>>>> > %desktop-services to
>>>>> > > run. Also, it seems that /var/lib/gdm/ doesn't have the proper
>>>>> > > permissions, maybe because of [1]. You can try `sudo chown -R
>>>>> > gdm:gdm
>>>>> > > /var/lib/gdm` to fix that.
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > [1]
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > HTH.
>>>>> >
Attachment: file
Grigory Shepelev wrote on 4 Jan 2023 04:08
(address .
I've figured out the problem with disappearing /tmp dir was caused by
another package (steam, from nonguix*) due to how it's packed (it
exposes /tmp dir as a guix contaner, using fhs deep in it's guts). So
disappearing /tmp dir was only caused by this one.

For now the only problem that is the core of this bug report is: if you
add /tmp file-system to yours system file-systems you won't be able to
chose "Gnome on Wayland". And as I wrote, I suppose that's due to how
x11-socket-directory-service from (gnu services desktop) works. It seems
like your system's /tmp file-system will be created AFTER this
x11-socket-directory-service will create it's own /tmp. It's mounted "on


* I don't know if it's appropriate to mention it here, I don't encourage
anyone to use nonfree software.
Felix Lechner wrote on 6 Jan 2023 17:49
(address .
retitle 57589 Guix hangs on GDM with Wayland
Bruno Victal wrote on 12 Jan 2023 16:55
(address .
I found out what's missing from your "/tmp" filesystem entry: you need to set the 'needed-for-boot?' field to #t.

I don't think the above counts as a user error, rather it is a workaround since x11-socket-directory-service relies on activation-service-type which does not take 'file-systems' service into account.

Bruno Victal wrote on 22 Mar 2023 01:51
(address . . shegeley)(address .
Fixed in b7506eb334d1cfceca78682879c69edf525c8ccd. (via #60756)
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