Zelphir Kaltstahl wrote 4 years ago
guix pull bug
(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)
I am experiencing a bug when running `guix pull` again. Not sure, whether it is
the same as the previous one, or a different one. This is a different machine
than the previous bug report I sent in. Guix told me to please report it, so
here it goes:
$ guix pull
Updating channel 'guix' from Git repository at 'https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git'...
Authenticating channel 'guix', commits 9edb3f6 to 4dff6ec (84 new commits)...
Building from this channel:
substitute: updating substitutes from 'https://ci.guix.gnu.org'... 100.0%
downloading from https://ci.guix.gnu.org/nar/lzip/lfjklynfh3kwsx0iwfwcm71y4qf36ww3-compute-guix-derivation...
compute-guix-derivation 1KiB 108KiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from 'https://ci.guix.gnu.org'... 100.0%
downloading from https://ci.guix.gnu.org/nar/lzip/1qd88064j2iicfnkxf5ylffmvisnsdlw-curl-7.76.0...
curl-7.76.0 385KiB 514.2MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0/
substitute: updating substitutes from 'https://ci.guix.gnu.org'... 100.0%
downloading from https://ci.guix.gnu.org/nar/lzip/531rwkb8m6yccq4l1mkrqxclrqwy0jj3-git-minimal-2.31.1...
git-minimal-2.31.1 4.1MiB 5.8MiB/s 00:01 [##################] 100.0/
substitute: updating substitutes from 'https://ci.guix.gnu.org'... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from 'https://ci.guix.gnu.org'... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from 'https://ci.guix.gnu.org'... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from 'https://ci.guix.gnu.org'... 100.0%
downloading from https://ci.guix.gnu.org/nar/lzip/kqmxkrw1kzq486ywgbjw74r6rz1cjnxl-guile-avahi-0.4.0-1.6d43caf...
guile-avahi-0.4.0-1.6d43caf 54KiB 101.3MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%
downloading from https://ci.guix.gnu.org/nar/lzip/h3mqirjnv5q7qyfkpswyvxhcarsz6is7-guile-git-0.5.0...
guile-git-0.5.0 1.13GiB/s 00:00 | 551KiB transferred
In guix/ui.scm:
2164:12 19 (run-guix-command _ . _)
In guix/scripts/substitute.scm:
652:2 18 (guix-substitute . _)
In unknown file:
17 (with-continuation-barrier #<procedure thunk ()>)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
1736:10 16 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ # _)
In unknown file:
15 (apply-smob/0 #<thunk 7fda6a3dd2a0>)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
1736:10 14 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ # _)
1736:10 13 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ # _)
1731:15 12 (with-exception-handler #<procedure 7fda698e68d0 at ic?> ?)
In guix/scripts/substitute.scm:
701:17 11 (_)
410:7 10 (process-substitution _ "/gnu/store/62hfr56ipl706k17g0?" ?)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
1736:10 9 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ # _)
In guix/scripts/substitute.scm:
419:9 8 (_)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
1731:15 7 (with-exception-handler #<procedure 7fda68cffcc0 at ic?> ?)
1669:16 6 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)
1667:16 5 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)
1669:16 4 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)
15 (primitive-load "/gnu/store/lfjklynfh3kwsx0iwfwcm71y4qf36ww3-compute-guix-derivation")
In ice-9/eval.scm:
155:9 14 (_ _)
159:9 13 (_ #(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#<directory (guile-u?> ?) ?) ?) ?) ?) ?) ?) ?) ?) ?) ?) ?) ?) ?) ?) ?))
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
152:2 12 (with-fluid* _ _ _)
152:2 11 (with-fluid* _ _ _)
In ./guix/store.scm:
2066:24 10 (run-with-store #<store-connection 256.99 7f1b193713c0> _ #:guile-for-build _ #:system _ #:target _)
1900:8 9 (_ _)
In ./guix/gexp.scm:
256:18 8 (_ _)
1137:2 7 (_ _)
1003:2 6 (_ _)
849:4 5 (_ _)
In ./guix/store.scm:
1948:12 4 (_ #<store-connection 256.99 7f1b193713c0>)
1362:5 3 (map/accumulate-builds #<store-connection 256.99 7f1b193713c0> _ _)
1373:15 2 (_ #<store-connection 256.99 7f1b193713c0> _ _)
719:11 1 (process-stderr #<store-connection 256.99 7f1b193713c0> _)
In ./guix/serialization.scm:
80:6 0 (read-int #<input-output: file 10>)
./guix/serialization.scm:80:6: In procedure read-int:
1. &nar-error:
file: #f
port: #<input-output: file 10>
guix pull: error: You found a bug: the program '/gnu/store/lfjklynfh3kwsx0iwfwcm71y4qf36ww3-compute-guix-derivation'
failed to compute the derivation for Guix (version: "4dff6ecde85eec473ab231cf75f51e98e8aca1e9"; system: "x86_64-linux";
host version: "7327295462fccae4ee3e9bf74962c82d3445fec8"; pull-version: 1).
Please report it by email to <bug-guix@gnu.org>.
This time I already know I can try `guix pull --no-substitutes`. This ran
without error:
$ guix pull --no-substitutes
Updating channel 'guix' from Git repository at 'https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git'...
Building from this channel:
building /gnu/store/292slsvr461pf4mmxp5pbn7izyrz6j7a-mkdir.drv...
downloading from https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/plain/gnu/packages/bootstrap/i686-linux/mkdir?id=44f07d1dc6806e97c4e9ee3e6be883cc59dc666e...
building /gnu/store/nlfh939ppk5hjqlrg3qa2bggypwv5yga-guile-json-3.5.0.tar.gz.drv...
downloading from http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/guile-json/guile-json-3.5.0.tar.gz...
building /gnu/store/cz47v443jm6nbjsl0256wnj525d9bdxp-guile-lib-0.2.7.tar.gz.drv...
downloading from http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/guile-lib/guile-lib-0.2.7.tar.gz...
building /gnu/store/nb3vkf3xdpzmq332c1g9plw1fbyv5kqc-guile-json-3.5.0.drv...
building /gnu/store/9wsr9qwm40qcm7cxj4zwnn4jqsl28nfw-guile-lib-0.2.7.drv...
- 'check' phasebuild-log 23528 4096
html->shtml "B" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* "B")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "&42;" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* "&42;")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "aaa©bbb&ccc<ddd&>eee*fffϨgggZhhh" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* "aaa" (*ENTITY* "additional" "copy") "bbb&ccc<ddd&>eee*fff" (*ENTITY* "additional-char" "1000") "gggZhhh")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<IMG src=\"http://pics.ebay.com/aw/pics/listings/ebayLogo_38x16.gif\"border=0 width=\"38\" height=\"16\" HSPACE=5 VSPACE=0\" 2 /FONT " #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (img (@ (src "http://pics.ebay.com/aw/pics/listings/ebayLogo_38x16.gif")(border "0") (width "38") (height "16") (hspace "5") (vspace "0"))) "2")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<aaa bbb=ccc\"ddd>eee" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (aaa (@ (bbb "ccc") (ddd)) "eee"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<aaa bbb=ccc \"ddd>eee" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (aaa (@ (bbb "ccc") (ddd)) "eee"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<HTML><Head><Title>My Title</Title></Head><Body BGColor=\"white\" Foo=42>This is a <B><I>bold-italic</B></I> test of </Erk>broken HTML.<br>Yes it is.</Body></HTML>" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (html (head (title "My Title")) (body (@ (bgcolor "white") (foo "42")) "This is a " (b (i "bold-italic")) " test of " "broken HTML." (br) "Yes it is.")))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\"" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (*DECL* DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\" " #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (html (@ (xmlns "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml")(lang "en") (lang "en"))))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<html:html xmlns:html=\"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40\" html:head html:title Frobnostication /html:title /html:head html:body html:p Moved to html:a href=\"http://frob.com\" here. /html:a /html:p /html:body /html:html " #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (html (@ (xmlns:html "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"))(head (title "Frobnostication")) (body (p "Moved to " (a (@ (href "http://frob.com")) "here.")))))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<RESERVATION xmlns:HTML=\"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40\" NAME HTML:CLASS=\"largeSansSerif\" Layman, A /NAME SEAT CLASS=\"Y\" HTML:CLASS=\"largeMonotype\" 33B /SEAT HTML:A HREF=\"/cgi-bin/ResStatus\" Check Status /HTML:A DEPARTURE 1997-05-24T07:55:00+1 /DEPARTURE /RESERVATION " #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (reservation (@ (xmlns:HTML "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"))(name (@ (class "largeSansSerif")) "Layman, A") (seat (@ (class "Y") (class "largeMonotype")) "33B") (a (@ (href "/cgi-bin/ResStatus")) "Check Status") (departure "1997-05-24T07:55:00+1")))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<html><head><title></title><title>whatever</title></head><body><a href=\"url\">link</a><p align=center><ul compact style=\"aa\"><p>BLah<!-- comment <comment> --> <i> italic <b> bold <tt> ened </i> still < bold </b></body><P> But not done yet..." #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (html (head (title) (title "whatever")) (body (a (@ (href "url")) "link") (p (@ (align "center")) (ul (@ (compact) (style "aa")))) (p "BLah" (*COMMENT* " comment <comment> ") " " (i " italic " (b " bold " (tt " ened "))) " still < bold ")) (p " But not done yet...")))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (*PI* xml "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\""))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<?php php_info(); ?>" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (*PI* php "php_info(); "))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<?php php_info(); ?" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (*PI* php "php_info(); ?"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<?php php_info(); " #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (*PI* php "php_info(); "))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<?foo bar ? baz > blort ?>" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (*PI* foo "bar ? baz > blort "))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<?foo b?>x" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (*PI* foo "b") "x")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<?foo ?>x" #:strict?@ build-log 23528 4090
==> (*TOP* (*PI* foo "") "x")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<?foo ?>x" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (*PI* foo "") "x")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<?foo?>x" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (*PI* foo "") "x")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<?f?>x" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (*PI* f "") "x")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<??>x" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (*PI* #f "") "x")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<?>x" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (*PI* #f ">x"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<foo bar=\"baz\">blort" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (foo (@ (bar "baz")) "blort"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<foo bar='baz'>blort" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (foo (@ (bar "baz")) "blort"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<foo bar=\"baz'>blort" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (foo (@ (bar "baz'>blort"))))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<foo bar='baz\">blort" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (foo (@ (bar "baz\">blort"))))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<p>A</p><script>line0 <\nline1\n<line2></script><p>B</p>" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (p "A") (script "line0 <\n" "line1\n" "<line2>") (p "B"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a<b>c</XMP>d" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a<b>c") "d")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<XMP>a<b>c</xmp>d" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a<b>c") "d")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a<b>c</foo:xmp>d" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a<b>c") "d")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<foo:xmp>a<b>c</xmp>d" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a<b>c") "d")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<foo:xmp>a<b>c</foo:xmp>d" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a<b>c") "d")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<foo:xmp>a<b>c</bar:xmp>d" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a<b>c") "d")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a</b>c</xmp>d" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</b>c") "d")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a</b >c</xmp>d" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</b >c") "d")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a</ b>c</xmp>d" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</ b>c") "d")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a</ b >c</xmp>d" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</ b >c") "d")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a</b:x>c</xmp>d" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</b:x>c") "d")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a</b::x>c</xmp>d" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</b::x>c") "d")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a</b:::x>c</xmp>d" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</b:::x>c") "d")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a</b:>c</xmp>d" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</b:>c") "d")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a</b::>c</xmp>d" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</b::>c") "d")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a</xmp:b>c</xmp>d" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</xmp:b>c") "d")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<P>real1</P>\n<XMP>\nalpha\n<P>fake</P>\nbravo\n</XMP \n<P>real2</P>" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (p "real1") "\n" (xmp "\n" "alpha\n" "<P>fake</P>\n" "bravo\n") (p "real2"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<P>real1</P>\n<XMP>\nalpha\n<P>fake</P>\nbravo\n</XMP\n<P>real2</P>" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (p "real1") "\n" (xmp "\n" "alpha\n" "<P>fake</P>\n" "bravo\n") (p "real2"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a</xmp>x" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a") "x")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a\n</xmp>x" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a\n") "x")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp></xmp>x" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp) "x")
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a</xmp" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a</xm" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</xm"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a</x" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</x"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a</" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a<" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a<"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>a" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp "a"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp>" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp x=42 " #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp (@ (x "42"))))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp x= " #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp (@ (x))))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp x " #:@ build-log 23528 2197
Running test suite: main-suite ----------------------------------------
Running test suite: <test-xml-pragmatic>-suite ------------------------
Running test case: test-all
1 run, 0 failed
strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp (@ (x))))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<xmp x" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (xmp (@ (x))))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<script>xxx" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (script "xxx"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<script/>xxx" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (script) "xxx")
;; Passed.
(shtml->html '(p))
==> "<p></p>"
;; Passed.
(shtml->html '(p "CONTENT"))
==> "<p>CONTENT</p>"
;; Passed.
(shtml->html '(br))
==> "<br />"
;; Passed.
(shtml->html '(br "CONTENT"))
==> "<br />"
;; Passed.
(shtml->html '(hr (@ (clear "all"))))
==> "<hr clear=\"all\" />"
;; Passed.
(shtml->html '(hr (@ (noshade))))
==> "<hr noshade />"
;; Passed.
(shtml->html '(hr (@ (noshade #t))))
==> "<hr noshade />"
;; Passed.
(shtml->html '(hr (@ (noshade "noshade"))))
==> "<hr noshade=\"noshade\" />"
;; Passed.
(shtml->html '(hr (@ (aaa "bbbccc"))))
==> "<hr aaa=\"bbbccc\" />"
;; Passed.
(shtml->html '(hr (@ (aaa "bbb'ccc"))))
==> "<hr aaa=\"bbb'ccc\" />"
;; Passed.
(shtml->html '(hr (@ (aaa "bbb\"ccc"))))
==> "<hr aaa='bbb\"ccc' />"
;; Passed.
(shtml->html '(hr (@ (aaa "bbb\"ccc'ddd"))))
==> "<hr aaa=\"bbb"ccc'ddd\" />"
;; Passed.
(shtml->html '(*PI* xml "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\""))
==> "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
;; Passed.
(shtml->html '(*DECL* DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"))
==> "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\""
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<body><blockquote><p>foo</p>\n</blockquote></body>" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (body (blockquote (p "foo") "\n")))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<body><blockquote><p>foo</p>\n</blockquote></body>" #:strict? #f)
==> (*TOP* (body (blockquote) (p "foo") "\n"))
;; Passed.
(html->shtml "<body><blockquote><p>foo\n</blockquote></body>" #:strict? 'unset)
==> (*TOP* (body (blockquote (p "foo\n"))))
;; Passed.
*** All Tests PASSED *** Passed: 128 Failed: 0
building /gnu/store/2ik5jbfa39zcv2g01bw68j20p1myw55p-module-import-compiled.drv...
building /gnu/store/nwllis8b0mpdp1a8zr038bjlj34c9z8p-module-import-compiled.drv...
building /gnu/store/x6n0qj4y0vpgavdggvbf92fz3gnnv6s5-openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz.drv...
downloading from https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz...
building /gnu/store/hyihrq6brzrkvvpikm3zmslhhlvyx5xy-tar.drv...
downloading from https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/plain/gnu/packages/bootstrap/i686-linux/tar?id=44f07d1dc6806e97c4e9ee3e6be883cc59dc666e...
building /gnu/store/s5b162lasqpw9g4p6567drrgf84izvr4-openssl-1.1.1k.tar.xz.drv...
building /gnu/store/046lwac3v42aw2ggvm7kgps143n4r768-xz.drv...
downloading from https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/plain/gnu/packages/bootstrap/i686-linux/xz?id=44f07d1dc6806e97c4e9ee3e6be883cc59dc666e...
building /gnu/store/fcndbk0pxnj2hbjax45hd7n6nr9sjm4m-openssl-1.1.1k.drv...
building /gnu/store/ygfcgz0001m8f3lw8jdx70n0n8m6rqcq-zip30.tar.gz.drv...
downloading from http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/infozip/Zip%203.x%20%28latest%29/3.0/zip30.tar.gz...
applying 1 graft for /gnu/store/54zz5bh8zqjdjh5bp01z80484xizhaam-cyrus-sasl-2.1.27.drv ...
building /gnu/store/lam6h0qnr7bj7mr5hlix4glnf5f2wymk-zip-3.0.drv...
applying 2 grafts for /gnu/store/jcfn1b8gk2h6qzn0ibyy67hz00w0x5ma-openldap-2.4.57.drv ...
applying 3 grafts for /gnu/store/cdnrvbr03nhg8ly1msi65lz4m8k5l3cl-curl-7.76.0.drv ...
applying 2 grafts for /gnu/store/fpq3zjj3kxg4z8wk5508jif2kzc708qg-git-minimal-2.31.1.drv ...
building /gnu/store/akspxzq9iw5pn5ra4jlb1sp874p5wp0v-guix-1.2.0-20.2d73086-checkout.drv...
building /gnu/store/hzbh1nqi0hamj23aa5wv6r30p01mfjns-zziplib-0.13.72-checkout.drv...
building /gnu/store/5qbmii159jyxgfpv7a66wkaipnmszkyr-guix-daemon-1.2.0-20.2d73086.drv...
building /gnu/store/5kamvb2d69vbhq5qm3y7nlxxlmi64pmb-zziplib-0.13.72.drv...
22% [########################################################## ]ild-log 70451 479
/tmp/guix-build-zziplib-0.13.72.drv-0/source/zzip/fetch.h:232:41: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]
#define zzip_file_header_to_data(__p) ((zzip_byte_t*) \
/tmp/guix-build-zziplib-0.13.72.drv-0/source/zzip/mmapped.c:664:20: note: in expansion of macro ?zzip_file_header_to_data?
off_t offset = zzip_file_header_to_data(header);
22% [########################################################## ]log 70451 209
/tmp/guix-build-zziplib-0.13.72.drv-0/source/zzip/mmapped.c:685:24: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]
file->zlib.next_in = offset;
- 'install-license-files' phase
The following derivations will be built:
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