Bubblewrap hates Guix containers 😞

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
6 participants
  • Bengt Richter
  • Leo Prikler
  • Leo Famulari
  • Ludovic Courtès
  • Maxime Devos
  • zimoun
Submitted by
Leo Prikler

Debbugs page

Leo Prikler wrote 4 years ago
(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)
Hi Guix,

both Epiphany and Eolie (post fixing #47097; will submit patch shortly)
fail inside Guix containers with the suggested incantation. After
getting the environment to no longer complain about $DISPLAY by adding
`--preserve="XAUTHORITY" --expose=$XAUTHORITY', it repeatedly outputs
lines like
bwrap: Can't find source path /sys/class: No such file or directory
before closing the process altogether.

Ludovic Courtès wrote 4 years ago
(name . Leo Prikler)(address . leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)

Leo Prikler <leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at> skribis:

Toggle quote (8 lines)
> both Epiphany and Eolie (post fixing #47097; will submit patch shortly)
> fail inside Guix containers with the suggested incantation. After
> getting the environment to no longer complain about $DISPLAY by adding
> `--preserve="XAUTHORITY" --expose=$XAUTHORITY', it repeatedly outputs
> lines like
> bwrap: Can't find source path /sys/class: No such file or directory
> before closing the process altogether.

What is ‘bwrap’ looking for? /sys is mounted inside ‘guix environment -C’,
but perhaps it needs something special?

I suggest running these things (or ‘bwrap’ directly) in ‘strace -f -o
log’ inside the container to see.

Leo Prikler wrote 4 years ago
(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address . ludo@gnu.org)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)
Am Samstag, den 13.03.2021, 11:48 +0100 schrieb Ludovic Courtès:
Toggle quote (21 lines)
> Hi!
> Leo Prikler <leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at> skribis:
> > both Epiphany and Eolie (post fixing #47097; will submit patch
> > shortly)
> > fail inside Guix containers with the suggested incantation. After
> > getting the environment to no longer complain about $DISPLAY by
> > adding
> > `--preserve="XAUTHORITY" --expose=$XAUTHORITY', it repeatedly
> > outputs
> > lines like
> > bwrap: Can't find source path /sys/class: No such file or directory
> > before closing the process altogether.
> What is ‘bwrap’ looking for? /sys is mounted inside ‘guix
> environment -C’,
> but perhaps it needs something special?
> I suggest running these things (or ‘bwrap’ directly) in ‘strace -f -o
> log’ inside the container to see.
It seems to be
Toggle quote (5 lines)
> openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/class/dmi/id/chassis_type", O_RDONLY) = -1
> ENOENT (No such file or directory)
> openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/firmware/acpi/pm_profile", O_RDONLY) = -1
> ENOENT (No such file or directory)

I haven't repeated that for all warnings of similar kind, but if I add
`--expose=/sys/block --expose=/sys/class --expose=/sys/bus --
expose=/sys/dev --expose=/sys/devices` to the invocation, I instead get
a warning, that the WebKitWebProcess can't open $DISPLAY. I'm not sure
how to resolve that one, given that I already had to sneak DISPLAY and
XAUTHORITY into the container, but it's a start.

Bengt Richter wrote 4 years ago
Re: bug#47106: Bubblewrap hates Guix containers 😞
(name . Leo Prikler)(address . leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address . ludo@gnu.org)

On +2021-03-13 12:07:51 +0100, Leo Prikler wrote:
Toggle quote (39 lines)
> Hi!
> Am Samstag, den 13.03.2021, 11:48 +0100 schrieb Ludovic Courtès:
> > Hi!
> >
> > Leo Prikler <leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at> skribis:
> >
> > > both Epiphany and Eolie (post fixing #47097; will submit patch
> > > shortly)
> > > fail inside Guix containers with the suggested incantation. After
> > > getting the environment to no longer complain about $DISPLAY by
> > > adding
> > > `--preserve="XAUTHORITY" --expose=$XAUTHORITY', it repeatedly
> > > outputsn
> > > lines like
> > > bwrap: Can't find source path /sys/class: No such file or directory
> > > before closing the process altogether.
> >
> > What is ‘bwrap’ looking for? /sys is mounted inside ‘guix
> > environment -C’,
> > but perhaps it needs something special?
> >
> > I suggest running these things (or ‘bwrap’ directly) in ‘strace -f -o
> > log’ inside the container to see.
> It seems to be
> > openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/class/dmi/id/chassis_type", O_RDONLY) = -1
> > ENOENT (No such file or directory)
> > openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/firmware/acpi/pm_profile", O_RDONLY) = -1
> > ENOENT (No such file or directory)
> I haven't repeated that for all warnings of similar kind, but if I add
> `--expose=/sys/block --expose=/sys/class --expose=/sys/bus --
> expose=/sys/dev --expose=/sys/devices` to the invocation, I instead get
> a warning, that the WebKitWebProcess can't open $DISPLAY. I'm not sure
> how to resolve that one, given that I already had to sneak DISPLAY and
> XAUTHORITY into the container, but it's a start.
> Regards,
> Leo
Does $DISPLAY mean ":0" and does the Wayland server answer that with
its XWayland X-interface?

I am wonderering how that is resolved inside a container.

HTH with the detective work ;)

Bengt Richter
Leo Prikler wrote 4 years ago
Re: bug#47106: Bubblewrap hates Guix containers 😞
(name . Bengt Richter)(address . bokr@bokr.com)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address . ludo@gnu.org)
Am Samstag, den 13.03.2021, 13:27 +0100 schrieb Bengt Richter:
Toggle quote (51 lines)
> Hi,
> On +2021-03-13 12:07:51 +0100, Leo Prikler wrote:
> > Hi!
> > Am Samstag, den 13.03.2021, 11:48 +0100 schrieb Ludovic Courtès:
> > > Hi!
> > >
> > > Leo Prikler <leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at> skribis:
> > >
> > > > both Epiphany and Eolie (post fixing #47097; will submit patch
> > > > shortly)
> > > > fail inside Guix containers with the suggested
> > > > incantation. After
> > > > getting the environment to no longer complain about $DISPLAY by
> > > > adding
> > > > `--preserve="XAUTHORITY" --expose=$XAUTHORITY', it repeatedly
> > > > outputsn
> > > > lines like
> > > > bwrap: Can't find source path /sys/class: No such file or
> > > > directory
> > > > before closing the process altogether.
> > >
> > > What is ‘bwrap’ looking for? /sys is mounted inside ‘guix
> > > environment -C’,
> > > but perhaps it needs something special?
> > >
> > > I suggest running these things (or ‘bwrap’ directly) in ‘strace
> > > -f -o
> > > log’ inside the container to see.
> > It seems to be
> > > openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/class/dmi/id/chassis_type", O_RDONLY) = -1
> > > ENOENT (No such file or directory)
> > > openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/firmware/acpi/pm_profile", O_RDONLY) = -1
> > > ENOENT (No such file or directory)
> >
> > I haven't repeated that for all warnings of similar kind, but if I
> > add
> > `--expose=/sys/block --expose=/sys/class --expose=/sys/bus --
> > expose=/sys/dev --expose=/sys/devices` to the invocation, I instead
> > get
> > a warning, that the WebKitWebProcess can't open $DISPLAY. I'm not
> > sure
> > how to resolve that one, given that I already had to sneak DISPLAY
> > and
> > XAUTHORITY into the container, but it's a start.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Leo
> >
> Does $DISPLAY mean ":0" and does the Wayland server answer that with
> its XWayland X-interface?
In my setup $DISPLAY=:1, but obviously the exact value depends on other
circumstances (i.e. if there's already an open session belonging to
another user it'd be :2, :3, ...). I'm not sure how X vs. Wayland
plays out here, but I'm still using Gnome on X, so that should
hopefully not be an issue here.

Toggle quote (1 lines)
> I am wonderering how that is resolved inside a container.
Well, for X you'd usually preserve DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY and also
expose $XAUTHORITY or something along those lines. Not sure how you
Wayland folk do that.

Bengt Richter wrote 4 years ago
Re: bug#47106: Bubblewrap hates Guix containers 😞
(name . Leo Prikler)(address . leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address . ludo@gnu.org)
Attachment: file
Leo Prikler wrote 4 years ago
Re: bug#47106: Bubblewrap hates Guix containers 😞
(name . Bengt Richter)(address . bokr@bokr.com)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address . ludo@gnu.org)
Am Samstag, den 13.03.2021, 18:07 +0100 schrieb Bengt Richter:
Toggle quote (2 lines)
> I am not a Wayland developer, if that's what you mean by "Wayland
> folk" :)
I meant it as "folk using Wayland in their display manager".

Toggle quote (7 lines)
> I am curious what the commands below would show inside your
> container.
> "pidparents" [1] is a little script I find handy, which would have to
> be
> accessible in your container of course. Idk how you put local bash
> scripts
> in your container. I assume it's possible :)
Far from getting a script into my container, I can't even really get
into my container through means like `guix container exec`, so I simply
bloated it with screen and pstree. The result:

Toggle snippet (10 lines)
| |-bwrap---bwrap---
| `-18*[{.epiphany-real}]

I think these processes are created and die too quickly for me to
reliably extract PIDs.

Bengt Richter wrote 4 years ago
Re: bug#47106: Bubblewrap hates Guix containers 😞
(name . Leo Prikler)(address . leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address . ludo@gnu.org)
Hi again^2,

On +2021-03-13 19:01:29 +0100, Leo Prikler wrote:
Toggle quote (34 lines)
> Am Samstag, den 13.03.2021, 18:07 +0100 schrieb Bengt Richter:
> > I am not a Wayland developer, if that's what you mean by "Wayland
> > folk" :)
> I meant it as "folk using Wayland in their display manager".
> > I am curious what the commands below would show inside your
> > container.
> > "pidparents" [1] is a little script I find handy, which would have to
> > be
> > accessible in your container of course. Idk how you put local bash
> > scripts
> > in your container. I assume it's possible :)
> Far from getting a script into my container, I can't even really get
> into my container through means like `guix container exec`, so I simply
> bloated it with screen and pstree. The result:
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> sh-+-dbus-daemon
> |-dbus-launch
> `-screen---screen-+-sh---.epiphany-real-+-WebKitNetworkPr---
> 11*[{WebKitNetworkPr}]
> | |-bwrap---bwrap---
> WebKitWebProces
> | `-18*[{.epiphany-real}]
> `-sh---pstree
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> I think these processes are created and die too quickly for me to
> reliably extract PIDs.
> Regards,
> Leo

pstree -at
would show a little more?
ls -lr /sys/class/drm
if that's accessible -- I'm wondering if the version of screen
in the container is built with libdrm and is bypassing X or ??

Do you have a makefile or a guix something.scm defining
what's built/packed into your container?

Sorry if my curiosity is making work for you, but I'd like to
try containers down the road -- tho right now I'm taking a break
from events IRL, so I may disappear for a while...

Bengt Richter
Leo Prikler wrote 4 years ago
Re: bug#47106: Bubblewrap hates Guix containers 😞
(name . Bengt Richter)(address . bokr@bokr.com)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address . ludo@gnu.org)
Hi again³

Am Sonntag, den 14.03.2021, 18:45 +0100 schrieb Bengt Richter:
Toggle quote (5 lines)
> Hi again^2,
> Maybe
> pstree -at
> would show a little more?
|-dbus-daemon --syslog-only --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7
|-dbus-launch --autolaunch=fa7a4d52637958ddd37547bb5d8bd9d2--binary-
| `-.epiphany-real
| |-WebKitNetworkPr 3 21
| | |-{BMScavenger}
| | |-{ReceiveQueue}
| | |-{StorageTask}
| | |-{Storage}
| | |-{WebStorage}
| | |-{background}
| | |-{dconf worker}
| | |-{erialBackground}
| | |-{gdbus}
| | `-{gmain}
| |-bwrap --args 37 --
| | `-bwrap --args 37 --
| | `-WebKitWebProces 1277 28
| |-{.epiphany-real}
| |-{BMScavenger}
| |-{HashSaltStorage}
| |-{IconDatabase}
| |-{PressureMonitor}
| |-2*[{ReceiveQueue}]
| |-{dconf worker}
| |-{e Compile Queue}
| |-{ebsiteDataStore}
| |-{gdbus}
| |-{gmain}
| |-{re Remove Queue}
| `-{tore Read Queue}
`-pstree -at
Toggle quote (2 lines)
> Also,
> ls -lr /sys/class/drm
total 0
-r--r--r-- 1 65534 overflow 4096 Mar 14 17:59 version
lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:58 ttm ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:59 renderD128 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:59 card0-VGA-1 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:59 card0-HDMI-A-1 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:58 card0-DVI-D-1 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:58 card0 ->
Toggle quote (2 lines)
> if that's accessible -- I'm wondering if the version of screen
> in the container is built with libdrm and is bypassing X or ??
I doubt it is being built differently than screen normally is.

Toggle quote (2 lines)
> Do you have a makefile or a guix something.scm defining
> what's built/packed into your container?
Nah, it's a rather ad-hoc definition grown from what should be an Eolie
container from the cookbook (also refer to #47097).

guix environment --preserve='^DISPLAY$' --preserve=XAUTHORITY \
--preserve=TERM \
--expose=$XAUTHORITY \
--expose=/etc/machine-id \
--expose=/etc/ssl/certs/ \
--expose=/sys/block --expose=/sys/class --expose=/sys/bus \
--expose=/sys/dev --expose=/sys/devices \
--ad-hoc epiphany nss-certs dbus procps coreutils psmisc screen

Given that I expose most of /sys explicitly, you should take the above
with a grain of salt.

Toggle quote (3 lines)
> Sorry if my curiosity is making work for you, but I'd like to
> try containers down the road -- tho right now I'm taking a break
> from events IRL, so I may disappear for a while...
I'm not personally impacted by this bug or anything, it's much rather a
follow-up to my attempted fix of #47097. I think there might be some
flaw in trying to run a sandbox inside a sandbox (like bubblewrap
inside `guix container`), that doesn't actually improve security in any
meaningful way.

Ludovic Courtès wrote 4 years ago
(name . Leo Prikler)(address . leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Bengt Richter)(address . bokr@bokr.com)
Hi Leo,

Leo Prikler <leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at> skribis:

Toggle quote (12 lines)
> Nah, it's a rather ad-hoc definition grown from what should be an Eolie
> container from the cookbook (also refer to #47097).
> guix environment --preserve='^DISPLAY$' --preserve=XAUTHORITY \
> --preserve=TERM \
> --expose=$XAUTHORITY \
> --expose=/etc/machine-id \
> --expose=/etc/ssl/certs/ \
> --expose=/sys/block --expose=/sys/class --expose=/sys/bus \
> --expose=/sys/dev --expose=/sys/devices \
> --ad-hoc epiphany nss-certs dbus procps coreutils psmisc screen

I’m not sure I follow; does it work when you do this?

/sys is already mounted inside ‘guix environment -C’ containers so I
don’t see what difference it would make.

But wait, the example above lacks ‘-C’; a mistake?

Leo Prikler wrote 4 years ago
(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address . ludo@gnu.org)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Bengt Richter)(address . bokr@bokr.com)
Am Sonntag, den 14.03.2021, 21:32 +0100 schrieb Ludovic Courtès:
Toggle quote (19 lines)
> Hi Leo,
> Leo Prikler <leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at> skribis:
> > Nah, it's a rather ad-hoc definition grown from what should be an
> > Eolie
> > container from the cookbook (also refer to #47097).
> >
> > guix environment --preserve='^DISPLAY$' --preserve=XAUTHORITY \
> > --preserve=TERM \
> > --expose=$XAUTHORITY \
> > --expose=/etc/machine-id \
> > --expose=/etc/ssl/certs/ \
> > --expose=/sys/block --expose=/sys/class --expose=/sys/bus \
> > --expose=/sys/dev --expose=/sys/devices \
> > --ad-hoc epiphany nss-certs dbus procps coreutils psmisc
> > screen
> I’m not sure I follow; does it work when you do this?
It does work insofar as I don't get any warnings about resources
missing from /sys, but the bubblewrapped WebKit processes don't have
access to $DISPLAY even though epiphany itself has. While they don't
crash the browser itself and just infinitely respawn, that's still far
from usable.

Toggle quote (2 lines)
> /sys is already mounted inside ‘guix environment -C’ containers so I
> don’t see what difference it would make.
I think I've been told this several times, but I don't believe it. Not
adding all these expose=/sys lines triggers the "warnings" in the
original post. (Okay, perhaps one of /sys/dev and /sys/devices is
superfluous, I would need to check.)

Toggle quote (1 lines)
> But wait, the example above lacks ‘-C’; a mistake?
Indeed, -CN should also be given, but I hastily edited the command line
inside the email to make it appear more beautiful than it actually is,
thereby deleting it. I'm sorry. The preserves and exposes should be
the same list as I'm actually using however.

Ludovic Courtès wrote 4 years ago
(name . Leo Prikler)(address . leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Bengt Richter)(address . bokr@bokr.com)
Hi Leo,

Leo Prikler <leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at> skribis:

Toggle quote (7 lines)
>> /sys is already mounted inside ‘guix environment -C’ containers so I
>> don’t see what difference it would make.
> I think I've been told this several times, but I don't believe it. Not
> adding all these expose=/sys lines triggers the "warnings" in the
> original post. (Okay, perhaps one of /sys/dev and /sys/devices is
> superfluous, I would need to check.)

It would be great if you could pinpoint which of these --expose=/sys/xyz
makes a difference. From there we could compare the output of ‘find
/sys/xyz’ inside and outside the container, without --expose.

Leo Prikler wrote 4 years ago
(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address . ludo@gnu.org)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Bengt Richter)(address . bokr@bokr.com)
Am Montag, den 15.03.2021, 10:52 +0100 schrieb Ludovic Courtès:
Toggle quote (17 lines)
> Hi Leo,
> Leo Prikler <leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at> skribis:
> > > /sys is already mounted inside ‘guix environment -C’ containers
> > > so I
> > > don’t see what difference it would make.
> > I think I've been told this several times, but I don't believe
> > it. Not
> > adding all these expose=/sys lines triggers the "warnings" in the
> > original post. (Okay, perhaps one of /sys/dev and /sys/devices is
> > superfluous, I would need to check.)
> It would be great if you could pinpoint which of these --
> expose=/sys/xyz
> makes a difference. From there we could compare the output of ‘find
> /sys/xyz’ inside and outside the container, without --expose.
Okay, so here's my basic workflow: Starting with an empty set of --
bwrap: Can't find source path /sys/block: No such file or directory
repeated a few times along with warnings, that the web process crashed
until finally Epiphany itself crashes.
I add /sys/block, and Epiphany miraculously doesn't crash, but bwrap
still complains and the web processes still crash, so we march on.
I'll abbreviate it a little and only show the error messages.
bwrap: Can't find source path /sys/bus: No such file or directory
bwrap: Can't find source path /sys/class: No such file or directory
bwrap: Can't find source path /sys/dev: No such file or directory
bwrap: Can't find source path /sys/devices: No such file or directory

After exposing all of the above, I get
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused

(WebKitWebProcess:2): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:09:01.497: cannot open
display: :1
Using --share instead of --expose for the final set does not seem to
change anything.

For /sys/block, the find inside the container is empty before exposing
it and non-empty on the host. I assume the same holds for the others.

Ludovic Courtès wrote 4 years ago
(name . Leo Prikler)(address . leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Bengt Richter)(address . bokr@bokr.com)

Leo Prikler <leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at> skribis:

Toggle quote (13 lines)
> Okay, so here's my basic workflow: Starting with an empty set of --
> expose:
> bwrap: Can't find source path /sys/block: No such file or directory
> repeated a few times along with warnings, that the web process crashed
> until finally Epiphany itself crashes.
> I add /sys/block, and Epiphany miraculously doesn't crash, but bwrap
> still complains and the web processes still crash, so we march on.
> I'll abbreviate it a little and only show the error messages.
> bwrap: Can't find source path /sys/bus: No such file or directory
> bwrap: Can't find source path /sys/class: No such file or directory
> bwrap: Can't find source path /sys/dev: No such file or directory
> bwrap: Can't find source path /sys/devices: No such file or directory

OK. Additional data points from my Guix System laptop:

Toggle snippet (11 lines)
$ guix environment -C --ad-hoc findutils -- find /sys |wc -l
$ find /sys | wc -l
find: ‘/sys/kernel/debug’: Mankas permeso
$ guix environment -C --ad-hoc findutils -- find /sys/block |wc -l
$ find /sys/block | wc -l

The offending Bubblewrap code is:

Toggle snippet (31 lines)
static void
resolve_symlinks_in_ops (void)
SetupOp *op;

for (op = ops; op != NULL; op = op->next)
const char *old_source;

switch (op->type)
old_source = op->source;
op->source = realpath (old_source, NULL);
if (op->source == NULL)
if (op->flags & ALLOW_NOTEXIST && errno == ENOENT)
op->source = old_source;
die_with_error("Can't find source path %s", old_source);

I wonder how ‘realpath’ can fail here. In fact, it Works For Me:

Toggle snippet (21 lines)
$ cat realpath.scm
(use-modules (system foreign))

(define realpath
(let ((proc (pointer->procedure '* (dynamic-func "realpath" (dynamic-link))
'(* *))))
(lambda (path)
(let ((result (proc (string->pointer path) %null-pointer)))
(and (not (null-pointer? result))
(pointer->string result))))))

(pk 'realpath-> (realpath "/sys/block"))
$ guix environment -C --ad-hoc guile -- guile -s realpath.scm
;;; note: auto-compilation is enabled, set GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0
;;; or pass the --no-auto-compile argument to disable.
;;; compiling /home/ludo/src/guix-debugging/realpath.scm
;;; compiled /home/ludo/.cache/guile/ccache/3.0-LE-8-4.4/home/ludo/src/guix-debugging/realpath.scm.go

;;; (realpath-> "/sys/block")

So I presume bwrap does something else before it reaches that warning.
We should really strace it.

Bengt Richter wrote 4 years ago
Re: bug#47106: Bubblewrap hates Guix containers 😞
(name . Leo Prikler)(address . leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address . ludo@gnu.org)
Hi Leo,
One more favor? ;)

On +2021-03-14 19:05:24 +0100, Leo Prikler wrote:
Toggle quote (101 lines)
> Hi again³
> Am Sonntag, den 14.03.2021, 18:45 +0100 schrieb Bengt Richter:
> > Hi again^2,
> >
> > Maybe
> > pstree -at
> > would show a little more?
> sh
> |-dbus-daemon --syslog-only --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7
> --sess
> |-dbus-launch --autolaunch=fa7a4d52637958ddd37547bb5d8bd9d2--binary-
> synt
> `-screen
> `-screen
> |-sh
> | `-.epiphany-real
> | |-WebKitNetworkPr 3 21
> | | |-{BMScavenger}
> | | |-{ReceiveQueue}
> | | |-{StorageTask}
> | | |-{Storage}
> | | |-{WebStorage}
> | | |-{background}
> | | |-{dconf worker}
> | | |-{erialBackground}
> | | |-{gdbus}
> | | `-{gmain}
> | |-bwrap --args 37 --
> /gnu/store/hqhxgw0i8xh38h6kwmyrkywcd24q5f1z-webk
> | | `-bwrap --args 37 --
> /gnu/store/hqhxgw0i8xh38h6kwmyrkywcd24q5f1z-webk
> | | `-WebKitWebProces 1277 28
> | |-{.epiphany-real}
> | |-{BMScavenger}
> | |-{HashSaltStorage}
> | |-{IconDatabase}
> | |-{PressureMonitor}
> | |-2*[{ReceiveQueue}]
> | |-{dconf worker}
> | |-{e Compile Queue}
> | |-{ebsiteDataStore}
> | |-{gdbus}
> | |-{gmain}
> | |-{re Remove Queue}
> | `-{tore Read Queue}
> `-sh
> `-pstree -at
> > Also,
> > ls -lr /sys/class/drm
> total 0
> -r--r--r-- 1 65534 overflow 4096 Mar 14 17:59 version
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:58 ttm ->
> ../../devices/virtual/drm/ttm
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:59 renderD128 ->
> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/0000:01:00.0/drm/renderD128
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:59 card0-VGA-1 ->
> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/0000:01:00.0/drm/card0/card0-VGA-
> 1
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:59 card0-HDMI-A-1 ->
> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/0000:01:00.0/drm/card0/card0-
> HDMI-A-1
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:58 card0-DVI-D-1 ->
> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/0000:01:00.0/drm/card0/card0-DVI-
> D-1
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:58 card0 ->
> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/0000:01:00.0/drm/card0
> > if that's accessible -- I'm wondering if the version of screen
> > in the container is built with libdrm and is bypassing X or ??
> I doubt it is being built differently than screen normally is.
> > Do you have a makefile or a guix something.scm defining
> > what's built/packed into your container?
> Nah, it's a rather ad-hoc definition grown from what should be an Eolie
> container from the cookbook (also refer to #47097).
> guix environment --preserve='^DISPLAY$' --preserve=XAUTHORITY \
> --preserve=TERM \
> --expose=$XAUTHORITY \
> --expose=/etc/machine-id \
> --expose=/etc/ssl/certs/ \
> --expose=/sys/block --expose=/sys/class --expose=/sys/bus \
> --expose=/sys/dev --expose=/sys/devices \
> --ad-hoc epiphany nss-certs dbus procps coreutils psmisc screen
> Given that I expose most of /sys explicitly, you should take the above
> with a grain of salt.
> > Sorry if my curiosity is making work for you, but I'd like to
> > try containers down the road -- tho right now I'm taking a break
> > from events IRL, so I may disappear for a while...
> I'm not personally impacted by this bug or anything, it's much rather a
> follow-up to my attempted fix of #47097. I think there might be some
> flaw in trying to run a sandbox inside a sandbox (like bubblewrap
> inside `guix container`), that doesn't actually improve security in any
> meaningful way.
> Regards,
> Leo

If you can run this inside your container, I think it will be interesting:
lsof -U|grep -i wayland

The above ought to show quickly if wayland is running.

lsof -U shows the open sockets.

If the above shows nothing, try
lsof -U|grep -i x11
lsof -U|grep X

finally, it is interesting to see
lsof -U|less

but on my laptop I just got
lsof -U|wc
403 3760 34643

so its a lot to look at.
Hopefully less in a container ;)

Bengt Richter
Leo Prikler wrote 4 years ago
Re: bug#47106: Bubblewrap hates Guix containers 😞
(name . Bengt Richter)(address . bokr@bokr.com)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address . ludo@gnu.org)
Am Dienstag, den 16.03.2021, 11:54 +0100 schrieb Bengt Richter:
Toggle quote (127 lines)
> Hi Leo,
> One more favor? ;)
> On +2021-03-14 19:05:24 +0100, Leo Prikler wrote:
> > Hi again³
> >
> > Am Sonntag, den 14.03.2021, 18:45 +0100 schrieb Bengt Richter:
> > > Hi again^2,
> > >
> > > Maybe
> > > pstree -at
> > > would show a little more?
> > sh
> > |-dbus-daemon --syslog-only --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address
> > 7
> > --sess
> > |-dbus-launch --autolaunch=fa7a4d52637958ddd37547bb5d8bd9d2
> > --binary-
> > synt
> > `-screen
> > `-screen
> > |-sh
> > | `-.epiphany-real
> > | |-WebKitNetworkPr 3 21
> > | | |-{BMScavenger}
> > | | |-{ReceiveQueue}
> > | | |-{StorageTask}
> > | | |-{Storage}
> > | | |-{WebStorage}
> > | | |-{background}
> > | | |-{dconf worker}
> > | | |-{erialBackground}
> > | | |-{gdbus}
> > | | `-{gmain}
> > | |-bwrap --args 37 --
> > /gnu/store/hqhxgw0i8xh38h6kwmyrkywcd24q5f1z-webk
> > | | `-bwrap --args 37 --
> > /gnu/store/hqhxgw0i8xh38h6kwmyrkywcd24q5f1z-webk
> > | | `-WebKitWebProces 1277 28
> > | |-{.epiphany-real}
> > | |-{BMScavenger}
> > | |-{HashSaltStorage}
> > | |-{IconDatabase}
> > | |-{PressureMonitor}
> > | |-2*[{ReceiveQueue}]
> > | |-{dconf worker}
> > | |-{e Compile Queue}
> > | |-{ebsiteDataStore}
> > | |-{gdbus}
> > | |-{gmain}
> > | |-{re Remove Queue}
> > | `-{tore Read Queue}
> > `-sh
> > `-pstree -at
> > > Also,
> > > ls -lr /sys/class/drm
> > total 0
> > -r--r--r-- 1 65534 overflow 4096 Mar 14 17:59 version
> > lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:58 ttm ->
> > ../../devices/virtual/drm/ttm
> > lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:59 renderD128 ->
> > ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/0000:01:00.0/drm/renderD128
> > lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:59 card0-VGA-1 ->
> > ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/0000:01:00.0/drm/card0/card0-
> > VGA-
> > 1
> > lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:59 card0-HDMI-A-1 ->
> > ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/0000:01:00.0/drm/card0/card0-
> > HDMI-A-1
> > lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:58 card0-DVI-D-1 ->
> > ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/0000:01:00.0/drm/card0/card0-
> > DVI-
> > D-1
> > lrwxrwxrwx 1 65534 overflow 0 Mar 14 17:58 card0 ->
> > ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/0000:01:00.0/drm/card0
> > > if that's accessible -- I'm wondering if the version of screen
> > > in the container is built with libdrm and is bypassing X or ??
> > I doubt it is being built differently than screen normally is.
> >
> > > Do you have a makefile or a guix something.scm defining
> > > what's built/packed into your container?
> > Nah, it's a rather ad-hoc definition grown from what should be an
> > Eolie
> > container from the cookbook (also refer to #47097).
> >
> > guix environment --preserve='^DISPLAY$' --preserve=XAUTHORITY \
> > --preserve=TERM \
> > --expose=$XAUTHORITY \
> > --expose=/etc/machine-id \
> > --expose=/etc/ssl/certs/ \
> > --expose=/sys/block --expose=/sys/class --expose=/sys/bus \
> > --expose=/sys/dev --expose=/sys/devices \
> > --ad-hoc epiphany nss-certs dbus procps coreutils psmisc
> > screen
> >
> > Given that I expose most of /sys explicitly, you should take the
> > above
> > with a grain of salt.
> >
> > > Sorry if my curiosity is making work for you, but I'd like to
> > > try containers down the road -- tho right now I'm taking a break
> > > from events IRL, so I may disappear for a while...
> > I'm not personally impacted by this bug or anything, it's much
> > rather a
> > follow-up to my attempted fix of #47097. I think there might be
> > some
> > flaw in trying to run a sandbox inside a sandbox (like bubblewrap
> > inside `guix container`), that doesn't actually improve security in
> > any
> > meaningful way.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Leo
> >
> If you can run this inside your container, I think it will be
> interesting:
> lsof -U|grep -i wayland
> The above ought to show quickly if wayland is running.
> lsof -U shows the open sockets.
> If the above shows nothing, try
> lsof -U|grep -i x11
> or
> lsof -U|grep X
Nothing showed up for either, but this got me thinking. Exposing
/tmp/.X11-unix/X1 did do away with the warning, now it's unexposed
dbus, missing icons, etc. etc. Exposing all of /tmp instead yields

** (epiphany:2): ERROR **: 11:11:28.855: Failed to start embed shell D-
Bus server on unix:dir=(null): Error binding to address: No such file
or directory

I still think that exposing all of that is perhaps not the wisest idea,
but eh…

zimoun wrote 4 years ago
block 47297 by 47097 and 47106
(address . control@debbugs.gnu.org)
block 47297 by 47097
block 47297 by 47106
Leo Famulari wrote 4 years ago
Re: bug#47106: Bubblewrap hates Guix containers 😞
(name . Leo Prikler)(address . leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)
This bug is registered as "blocking" the upcoming release.

Is there any chance it will be closed in the next 3 days? Or should I
Leo Prikler wrote 4 years ago
Re: bug#47106: Bubblewrap hates Guix containers 😞
(name . Leo Famulari)(address . leo@famulari.name)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)
Am Mittwoch, den 14.04.2021, 16:07 -0400 schrieb Leo Famulari:
Toggle quote (4 lines)
> This bug is registered as "blocking" the upcoming release.
> Is there any chance it will be closed in the next 3 days? Or should I
> "unblock"?
There is a slim chance, that someone might fix it "by accident", but
I'm personally not diving that deep into bubblewrap, so I don't even
have an estimate of how much we would need to change. I think
unblocking is the wiser choice here; we can update the manual post
string freeze.

Leo Famulari wrote 4 years ago
(no subject)
(address . control@debbugs.gnu.org)
unblock 47297 with 47106
Leo Famulari wrote 4 years ago
Re: bug#47106: Bubblewrap hates Guix containers 😞
(name . Leo Prikler)(address . leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at)(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)
On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 11:23:28PM +0200, Leo Prikler wrote:
Toggle quote (11 lines)
> Am Mittwoch, den 14.04.2021, 16:07 -0400 schrieb Leo Famulari:
> > This bug is registered as "blocking" the upcoming release.
> >
> > Is there any chance it will be closed in the next 3 days? Or should I
> > "unblock"?
> There is a slim chance, that someone might fix it "by accident", but
> I'm personally not diving that deep into bubblewrap, so I don't even
> have an estimate of how much we would need to change. I think
> unblocking is the wiser choice here; we can update the manual post
> string freeze.

Alright, thanks for explaining. I've done the "unblocking".
Maxime Devos wrote 2 years ago
Re: bug#61101: Graphical container examples forget to expose things.
(address . 47106@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Simon Tournier)(address . zimon.toutoune@gmail.com)
On 27-01-2023 18:34, Simon Tournier wrote:
Toggle quote (8 lines)
> Hi,
> On ven., 27 janv. 2023 at 17:50, Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be> wrote:
>> Many of the graphical container examples don't work.
> I think it is related to #47097 [1].
> 1: <http://issues.guix.gnu.org/issue/47097>
Right, didn't notice that one.
That one appears to be mostly about inputs though, not about XAUTHORITY
and /tmp/.X11-unix stuff.
https://issues.guix.gnu.org/47106, being about XAUTHORITY and /sys --
It's a more general issue though, not only the eolie example is affected.
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