Toggle diff (333 lines)
diff --git a/ b/
index 75b406f..0c2ab95 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ dist_scriptsmodule_DATA = \
dist_forgesmodule_DATA = \
src/cuirass/forges/forgejo.scm \
- src/cuirass/forges/gitlab.scm
+ src/cuirass/forges/gitlab.scm \
+ src/cuirass/forges/notification.scm
nodist_pkgmodule_DATA = \
@@ -182,6 +183,7 @@ TESTS = \
tests/store.scm \
tests/database.scm \
tests/forgejo.scm \
+ tests/forges-notification.scm \
tests/gitlab.scm \
tests/http.scm \
tests/metrics.scm \
diff --git a/src/cuirass/forges/notification.scm b/src/cuirass/forges/notification.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca7ed7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cuirass/forges/notification.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+;;; notification.scm -- Notification mechanism for forges.
+;;; Copyright © 2025 Romain Garbage <>
+;;; This file is part of Cuirass.
+;;; Cuirass is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; Cuirass is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with Cuirass. If not, see <>.
+(define-module (cuirass forges notification)
+ #:use-module (cuirass database)
+ #:use-module (cuirass forges forgejo)
+ #:use-module (cuirass logging)
+ #:use-module (cuirass specification)
+ #:use-module (fibers)
+ #:use-module (fibers channels)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-71)
+ #:export (forge-notification-service
+ spawn-forge-notification-service))
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; This module implements procedures and variables used by the
+;;; forge-notification-service.
+;;; Code:
+;;; Forge communication.
+;; A-list of supported forges for the notification service associated with
+;; their handler. Handlers are procedures expected to have the following
+;; signature:
+;; (handler spec
+;; #:key (jobset-created #f)
+;; (evaluation-started #f)
+;; (evaluation-succeeded #f)
+;; (evaluation-failed #f)
+;; (build-results #f))
+;; with:
+;; - SPEC, a specification record
+;; - JOBSET-CREATED, a boolean
+;; - EVALUATION-STARTED, a number (evaluation-id)
+;; - EVALUATION-SUCCEEDED, a number (evaluation-id)
+;; - EVALUATION-FAILED, a number (evaluation-id)
+;; - BUILD-RESULTS, a list of BUILD records
+(define %forge-notification-handlers
+ '())
+;; The jobset monitor spawns a forge-notification-service instance and subscribes it
+;; to the event-log-service that forwards a copy of every newly created event
+;; to its subscribers, in particular:
+;; - jobset creation
+;; - jobset evaluation started
+;; - jobset evaluation completed
+;; - build results
+(define* (forge-notification-service channel spec
+ #:optional
+ (forge-notification-handlers %forge-notification-handlers))
+ "Spawn a forge notification agent that listens to events on CHANNEL and
+communicates with the forge defined in SPEC properties. The agent handles
+generic events and relies on forge-specific handlers to communicate with the
+forge. These specific are expected to raise an error if there is any issue
+when communcating with the forge."
+ (lambda ()
+ (define start-time (time-second (current-time time-utc)))
+ (define forge-type (assoc-ref (specification-properties spec)
+ 'forge-type))
+ ;; Can't be FALSE because it is checked by
+ (define handler (assoc-ref forge-notification-handlers forge-type))
+ (let loop ((spec spec)
+ ;; Keeps track of the evaluations related to our
+ ;; specification.
+ (evaluation-ids '())
+ ;; Keeps track of the build results related to our
+ ;; specification.
+ (build-results '()))
+ (let* ((name (specification-name spec))
+ (jobset-matches? (lambda (jobset)
+ (eq? (specification-name jobset)
+ name)))
+ (build-matches? (lambda (build)
+ (find (lambda (evaluation-id)
+ (= (build-evaluation-id build)
+ evaluation-id))
+ evaluation-ids)))
+ (updated-build-results (lambda (build)
+ (filter (lambda (existing-build)
+ ;; Remove builds that have
+ ;; the same nix-name and a
+ ;; lower evaluation-id.
+ ;; Keep the rest.
+ (not (and (string=? (build-nix-name existing-build)
+ (build-nix-name build))
+ (< (build-evaluation-id existing-build)
+ (build-evaluation-id build)))))
+ (cons build build-results)))))
+ (guard (c (#t ; catch all
+ (log-error "forge-notification-service: ~s" c)))
+ (match (get-message channel)
+ (`(jobset-created ,timestamp ,jobset)
+ (when (jobset-matches? jobset)
+ (handler spec #:jobset-created #t))
+ (loop spec evaluation-ids build-results))
+ (`(jobset-updated ,timestamp ,updated-spec)
+ (if (jobset-matches? updated-spec)
+ (loop updated-spec evaluation-ids build-results)
+ (loop spec evaluation-ids build-results)))
+ (`(evaluation-started ,timestamp ,evaluation-id ,evaluated-spec)
+ (when (jobset-matches? evaluated-spec)
+ (handler spec #:evaluation-started evaluation-id))
+ (loop spec evaluation-ids build-results))
+ (`(evaluation-completed ,timestamp ,evaluation-id ,evaluated-spec)
+ (when (jobset-matches? evaluated-spec)
+ ;; (= 0 status) is success.
+ (if (= 0 (evaluation-current-status
+ (db-get-evaluation evaluation-id)))
+ (begin (handler spec #:evaluation-succeeded evaluation-id)
+ (loop spec (cons evaluation-id evaluation-ids) build-results))
+ (begin (handler spec #:evaluation-failed evaluation-id)
+ (loop spec evaluation-ids build-results))))
+ (loop spec evaluation-ids build-results))
+ (`(build-status-changed ,timestamp ,build)
+ (let* ((evaluation-id (build-evaluation-id build))
+ (build-results (if (build-matches? build)
+ (updated-build-results (build))
+ build-results))
+ (summaries (map db-get-evaluation-summary
+ evaluation-ids))
+ (pending-builds (reduce + 0 (map evaluation-summary-scheduled
+ summaries))))
+ (when (= 0 pending-builds)
+ (handler spec #:build-results build-results))
+ (loop spec evaluation-ids build-results)))
+ (message
+ (log-info "nothing to do for ~s" message)
+ (loop spec evaluation-ids build-results))))))))
+(define (spawn-forge-notification-service spec)
+ "Spawn a forge notification actor that communicates Cuirass events to external
+ (let* ((channel (make-channel))
+ (properties (specification-properties spec))
+ (forge-type (assoc-ref properties 'forge-type)))
+ (if (assoc-ref %forge-notification-handlers forge-type)
+ (begin
+ (log-info "spawning forge notif for ~a" (specification-name spec))
+ (spawn-fiber (forge-notification-service channel spec))
+ channel)
+ (begin
+ ;; Don't start the fiber when the forge type is not supported.
+ (log-info "forge type ~a not implemented in forge-notification-service (spec ~a), not starting the forge-notification-service"
+ forge-type (specification-name spec))
+ #f))))
diff --git a/tests/forges-notification.scm b/tests/forges-notification.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fff10ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/forges-notification.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+;;; forges-notification.scm -- tests for (cuirass forges notification) module
+;;; Copyright © 2025 Romain GARBAGE <>
+;;; This file is part of Cuirass.
+;;; Cuirass is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; Cuirass is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with Cuirass. If not, see <
+(use-modules (cuirass forges notification)
+ (cuirass specification)
+ (cuirass tests http)
+ (fibers)
+ (fibers channels)
+ (guix channels)
+ (ice-9 match))
+(test-equal "spawn-forge-notification-service: undefined forge-type property"
+ #f
+ (let ((spec (specification
+ (name 'specification-name)
+ (build '(channels . (project-name)))
+ (channels
+ (cons* (channel
+ (name 'project-name)
+ (url "https://instance.local/path/to/channel")
+ (branch "test-branch"))
+ %default-channels)))))
+ (run-fibers (lambda ()
+ (spawn-forge-notification-service spec)))))
+(test-equal "spawn-forge-notification-service: unsupported forge-type property"
+ #f
+ (let ((spec (specification
+ (name 'specification-name)
+ (build '(channels . (project-name)))
+ (channels
+ (cons* (channel
+ (name 'project-name)
+ (url "https://instance.local/path/to/channel")
+ (branch "test-branch"))
+ %default-channels))
+ (properties '((forge-type . unsupported-forge))))))
+ (run-fibers (lambda ()
+ (spawn-forge-notification-service spec)))))
+;; This block defines a FORGE-TYPE with its associated notification handler
+;; procedure. It is used to check code paths in the forge-notification-service
+;; procedure.
+(let* ((forge-type 'mock-type)
+ (spec (specification
+ (name 'specification-name)
+ (build '(channels . (project-name)))
+ (channels
+ (cons* (channel
+ (name 'project-name)
+ (url "https://instance.local/path/to/channel")
+ (branch "test-branch"))
+ %default-channels))
+ (properties `((forge-type . ,forge-type)))))
+ (channel (make-channel))
+ (%handler-values '())
+ ;; This defines a forge handler that returns the value associated with
+ ;; a specific key.
+ (forge-handler (lambda* (spec
+ #:key
+ jobset-created
+ evaluation-started
+ evaluation-succeeded
+ evaluation-failed
+ build-results)
+ (format #t "forge-handler started for ~a~%" (specification-name spec))
+ (let ((return-value (match (list jobset-created
+ evaluation-started
+ evaluation-succeeded
+ evaluation-failed
+ build-results)
+ ((#f #f #f #f #f)
+ 'no-provided-value-error)
+ ((jobset-created #f #f #f #f)
+ jobset-created)
+ ((#f evaluation-started #f #f #f)
+ evaluation-started)
+ ((#f #f evaluation-succeeded #f #f)
+ evaluation-succeeded)
+ ((#f #f #f evaluation-failed #f)
+ evaluation-failed)
+ ((#f #f #f #f build-results)
+ build-results)
+ (_
+ 'more-than-one-key-error))))
+ (set! %handler-values
+ (cons return-value %handler-values)))
+ (format #t "%return-values: ~s"
+ %handler-values)))
+ (notification-handlers `((,forge-type . ,forge-handler))))
+ (test-equal "forge-notification-service: message handling without database"
+ (list 1 #t)
+ (run-fibers
+ (lambda ()
+ (spawn-fiber (forge-notification-service channel spec notification-handlers))
+ (put-message channel `(jobset-created 0 ,spec))
+ (put-message channel `(evaluation-started 0 1 ,spec))
+ ;; XXX: These need to communicate with the database.
+ ;; (put-message channel `(evaluation-completed 0 2 ,spec))
+ ;; (put-message channel `(evaluation-failed 0 3 ,spec))
+ ;; (put-message channel `(build-status-changed 0 ,spec))
+ (sleep 1) ; wait for the fiber to proceed messages.
+ %handler-values))))