ingar wrote 4 weeks ago
(address .
# Bug and reproducer
There is a discrepancy between (expected) signal handling of programs when running them directly,
vs. using `guix shell --container -- program`.
An example program can be used to illustrate:
; test.scm
; Test guix shell to catch ctrl-C signal
(while #t
(display "In infinite loop...\n")
(sleep 1))
It uses guile, since bash does some extra funky signal-related things, which not every program does.
My usecase is `typst watch`, a program which only exits on ctrl-C, else it loops.
1) Run as `guile test.scm` and use ctrl-C
It terminates as expected.
Same when using `guix shell --container guile` and then `guile test.scm` inside the container shell.
2) Run `guix shell --container guile -- guile test.scm` and use ctrl-C
It doesn't terminate as expected. Only method is to get the PID and use SIGKILL (`kill -KILL <pid>`)
# Reason (as far as I know):
`guix shell --container -- program` starts the program with PID 1 in it's dedicated namespace.
However, PID 1 is handled specially by the kernel when it comes to signal handlers.
Only explicitly registered handlers are used and the default handlers
are not executed for PID 1 (except SIGKILL & SIGSTOP).
You can use `cat /proc/<PID in parent namespace>/status | grep ^NStgid`
to verify the PID seen by the process (rightmost number).
# Sources:
-"Signals and the init process")
- Docker '--init' flag:
- bash doing funky things:
- Check namespace PID:
# Possible fixes:
- Document the behaviour (and nothing more?)
This is the minimum, and I'll see if I can send a patch.
This lengthy bugreport is due to undocumented & unexpected behaviour, leading down a rabbit hole ;)
- Add an `--init` argument, like in docker?
This adds some minimal init process to forward signals and reap processes...
Not sure how minimal the shepherd is?
- Do this by default, and add a --no-init argument?
- ...
# Workaround:
Add "tini" or "catatonit" as a minimal PID 1 process.
- guix shell --container guile tini -- tini guile test.scm
- guix shell --container guile catatonit -- catatonit guile test.scm
Best regards,