Jami 20240524.0 not working on Guix System but working on foreign distro

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
5 participants
  • Divya Ranjan
  • Giovanni Biscuolo
  • Giovanni Biscuolo
  • Maxim Cournoyer
  • Luis Felipe
Submitted by
Giovanni Biscuolo
Merged with

Debbugs page

Giovanni Biscuolo wrote 4 weeks ago
(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)(name . SW - Andrea Rossi)(address . andrea.rossi@swws.it)

on my two work machines (one desktop and one laptop) I use guix as
package manager on top of Debian, I installed jami on both and it works
perfectly: I'm really impressed by Jami!

I'm testing Jami on a Guix System I installed on a test machine (on the
very same network of my work machines) and it does not work... the same
jami package installed on top of Debian :-(.

I also tested Jami on two different Guix Systems of a friend of mine and
the "mode of failure" is the very same I'm observing on my test Guix

First an easy fix: in Guix System I have to install
gsettings-desktop-schemas otherwise Jami does not start with this error:

Toggle snippet (6 lines)
(jami:4825): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 15:04:05.424: Settings schema 'org.gnome.desktop.interface' is not installed
Trace/breakpoint trap

Once I start Jami (jami in a terminal to see log messages) I can import
my account from another device [1] but:

- the list "Linked devices" shows only one device and the "Device name"
are the first 8 chars of the device fingerprint (usually is the
hostname of that device)

- the list of contacts shows my list of contacts and the last message
date is 1/1/70

- I have no messages in any of my swarms (chat rooms)

It seems my Jami client on Guix System cannot connect the DHT and
sincronize data.

If you are interested below you can find a complete log I got running
"jami -d jami-debug.log"

I'm not an expert so I cannot fully understand the meaning of all debug
logs, but I guess it has something to do with this specific logs:

Toggle snippet (13 lines)
[1739369430.679|5099|jamiaccount.cpp :932 ] [Account aba3d9634a668ab7] Can't load proxy URL from cache: filesystem error: cannot get file time: No such file or directory [/home/g/.cache/jami/aba3d9634a668ab7/dhtproxy]

[1739369430.808|5099|conversation_module.cpp :447 ] [ConversationModule] error loading syncingMetadatas_: Can't read file: /home/g/.local/share/jami/aba3d9634a668ab7/syncingMetadatas

[1739369430.810|5099] No IGD available. Mapping will be requested when an IGD becomes available

[1739369433.137|5099] UPNP/NAT-PMP enabled, but no valid IGDs available

[1739369443.560|5099] [device cc3646a4fcc88a3553e11d981dad2a84edfe5aaf80f4dd0c33fc7b0a15de5a49] Already connecting, wait for ICE negotiation

Furthermore, the Jami client on Guix System freezes when trying to use
the following settings or menu options:

1. Account | Manage Account | Enable account (try to switch it off)[2]

(I see no messages in terminal)

2. Account | Customize profile | (change name and press enter)

Toggle snippet (7 lines)
default [1739371696297][WRN][7f8a0e139f80]: qrc:/settingsview/components/CustomizeProfilePage.qml:49:13: QML Connections: Detected function "onStopBooth" in Connections element. This is probably intended to be a signal handler but no signal of the target matches the name.
default [1739371696303][WRN][7f8a0e139f80]: qrc:/settingsview/components/CustomizeProfilePage.qml:50: ReferenceError: settingsView is not defined
default [1739371700439][WRN][7f8964ff96c0]: QSGPlainTexture: Mipmap settings changed without having image data available. Call setImage() again or enable m_retain_image. Falling back to previous mipmap filtering mode.

3. Account | Call settings | Ringtone (try to switch it off)

(no messages in terminal)

4. Account | Advanced settings | Enable local peer discovery (try to
switch it on)

5. Account | Advanced settings | Enable proxy (try to switch it on)

There are other settings I did not try, so freezes could be more.

The very same settings on Jami installed on my work machines (foreign
distro) are working as expected.

I hope we can find a solution since IMHO Jami a very useful tool.

Happy hacking, Gio'.

[1] the "pairing" workflow works perfectly, using the PIN generated on
one of the other devices and the account password (I have encrypted my

[2] but when restarting Jami the account is actually disabled, and if I
enable it it works without freezing
Attachment: jami-debug.log
Giovanni Biscuolo

«Si può sperare
Che il mondo torni a quote più normali».


Giovanni Biscuolo wrote 4 weeks ago
merge #76233 with #76231
(address . control@debbugs.gnu.org)
merge 76233 76231

Sorry, I was not receiving the usual Acknowledgement so I sent my bug
report from another email address.

Happy hacking!

Giovanni Biscuolo

«Si può sperare
Che il mondo torni a quote più normali».


Divya Ranjan wrote 4 weeks ago
Re: bug#76231: Jami 20240524.0 not working on Guix System but working on foreign distro
(name . Giovanni Biscuolo)(address . giovanni@biscuolo.net)(address . 76231@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Jan Wielkiewicz)(address . tona_kosmicznego_smiecia@interia.pl)(name . Maxim Cournoyer)(address . maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com)(name . SW - Andrea Rossi)(address . andrea.rossi@swws.it)
Hello again Giovanni,

I’ll just go ahead and CC some old developers from Guix who were initially part of bringing Jami to Guix. Found them by searching down the mailing list[0].

Hopefully y’all can guide us a bit with regards to where things are going wrong.

Divya Ranjan,
Philosophy, Mathematics, Libre Software.

PGP Fingerprint: F0B3 1A69 8006 8FB8 096A 2F12 B245 10C6 108C 8D4A
Luis Felipe wrote 4 weeks ago
Jami 20240524.0 not working on Guix System but working on foreign distro
(address . 76231@debbugs.gnu.org)
Hello, just to confirm that using
  guix system 4fccad8
  Jami 20240524.0
I see the same errors:
  [1739460365.258|6114|jamiaccount.cpp         :932 ] [Account
4feb6fb4bf3ae927] Can't load proxy URL from cache: filesystem error:
cannot get file time: No existe el fichero o el directorio
  [1739460365.309|6114|conversation_module.cpp :447 ]
[ConversationModule] error loading syncingMetadatas_: Can't read file:
In my case, Jami is not working in the sense that I'm not able to
contact anyone, and nobody is able to contact me (see
Sometimes I can see contact requests only if I restart Jami (by
finishing the .jami-real process and starting Jami again), but from
there on Jami can't identify when accepted contacts are online. So it
sure looks like synchronization problems.
But the jami client does start normally for me though. Maybe in my case
the missing dependency that Giovanni had to install is already satisfied
because I use the GNOME desktop.
Luis Felipe López Acevedo
Maxim Cournoyer wrote 4 weeks ago
(name . Divya Ranjan)(address . divya@subvertising.org)(address . 76231@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Jan Wielkiewicz)(address . tona_kosmicznego_smiecia@interia.pl)(name . SW - Andrea Rossi)(address . andrea.rossi@swws.it)(name . Giovanni Biscuolo)(address . giovanni@biscuolo.net)
Hi Divya,

Divya Ranjan <divya@subvertising.org> writes:

Toggle quote (8 lines)
> Hello again Giovanni,
> I’ll just go ahead and CC some old developers from Guix who were
> initially part of bringing Jami to Guix. Found them by searching down
> the mailing list[0].
> Hopefully y’all can guide us a bit with regards to where things are going wrong.

I'm guessing it's simply getting a bit dated? In my experience, as soon
as you fall one on a few stable releases behind, you start experimenting
more problems. I'm not sure if Jami is supposed to be backward
compatible with previous versions, but even if it was, it's probably not
super well tested.

I'd suggest updating it (but as you noted, that's sadly often not
trivial). I could provide some assistance if you'd like to pick up its

Giovanni Biscuolo wrote 4 weeks ago
(name . Maxim Cournoyer)(address . maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com)(address . 76231@debbugs.gnu.org)
Hello Maxim,

thank you for your interest in this bug report.

First of all: please are you succesfully running Jami on a Guix System
and if yes what's its version?

Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com> writes:

Toggle quote (12 lines)
> Divya Ranjan <divya@subvertising.org> writes:
>> Hello again Giovanni,
>> I’ll just go ahead and CC some old developers from Guix who were
>> initially part of bringing Jami to Guix. Found them by searching down
>> the mailing list[0].
>> Hopefully y’all can guide us a bit with regards to where things are going wrong.
> I'm guessing it's simply getting a bit dated?

I guess you are guessing the Jami I'm running is a little bit dated: I'm
using the last available package in guix, please see the subject.

Or are you guessing that 20240524.0 packaged in Guix is a little bit


Toggle quote (5 lines)
> In my experience, as soon as you fall one on a few stable releases
> behind, you start experimenting more problems. I'm not sure if Jami
> is supposed to be backward compatible with previous versions, but even
> if it was, it's probably not super well tested.

As I reported in the first message of this bug report thread, the issue
I'm [1] experiencing it's _only_ when running Jami 20240524.0 on a Guix
System, the very same version - installed via guix as package manager -
is running (very) well on Debian.

Maybe it's just some missing dependency in the package definition that
luckily is installed in on my Debian sistems?

I'd like to help finding what is making running Jami problematic on a
Guix System but I don't know what to do except reporting the logs I
found (see my first message in the bug report)

Toggle quote (4 lines)
> I'd suggest updating it (but as you noted, that's sadly often not
> trivial). I could provide some assistance if you'd like to pick up its
> maintenance.

I agree that updating the Guix Jami package is useful but I'd like to
understand what is preventing 20240524.0 from running on a Guix System
but not on a foreign distro.

Thanks, Gio'

[1] and others, i.e. Luis Felipe as he confirmed

Giovanni Biscuolo

Xelera IT Infrastructures


Maxim Cournoyer wrote 4 weeks ago
(name . Giovanni Biscuolo)(address . g@xelera.eu)(address . 76231@debbugs.gnu.org)
Hi Giovanni,

Giovanni Biscuolo <g@xelera.eu> writes:

Toggle quote (7 lines)
> Hello Maxim,
> thank you for your interest in this bug report.
> First of all: please are you succesfully running Jami on a Guix System
> and if yes what's its version?

It's been a while I've tried to make actual calls, with my last
experience (perhaps 2 months ago) was not successful in establish calls
to another Guix System user. I've definitely used it successfully in
the past.

Toggle quote (20 lines)
> Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com> writes:
>> Divya Ranjan <divya@subvertising.org> writes:
>>> Hello again Giovanni,
>>> I’ll just go ahead and CC some old developers from Guix who were
>>> initially part of bringing Jami to Guix. Found them by searching down
>>> the mailing list[0].
>>> Hopefully y’all can guide us a bit with regards to where things are going wrong.
>> I'm guessing it's simply getting a bit dated?
> I guess you are guessing the Jami I'm running is a little bit dated: I'm
> using the last available package in guix, please see the subject.
> Or are you guessing that 20240524.0 packaged in Guix is a little bit
> dated?

The later, yes. The latest stable release 20241126, and there are
recent nightlies as well.

Toggle quote (15 lines)
> Anyway...
>> In my experience, as soon as you fall one on a few stable releases
>> behind, you start experimenting more problems. I'm not sure if Jami
>> is supposed to be backward compatible with previous versions, but even
>> if it was, it's probably not super well tested.
> As I reported in the first message of this bug report thread, the issue
> I'm [1] experiencing it's _only_ when running Jami 20240524.0 on a Guix
> System, the very same version - installed via guix as package manager -
> is running (very) well on Debian.
> Maybe it's just some missing dependency in the package definition that
> luckily is installed in on my Debian sistems?

I wouldn't expect something missing, but perhaps some service component
is Debian is behaving differently/e.g. NetworkManager, which Jami uses
to detect connection changes. I'm not sure. Or our nss-certs
certificates used on Guix System may be too old.

Toggle quote (4 lines)
> I'd like to help finding what is making running Jami problematic on a
> Guix System but I don't know what to do except reporting the logs I
> found (see my first message in the bug report)

Oh, apologies for missing that earlier; I thought you were comparing
different versions of Jami. That's indeed very curious/interesting that
the same Guix jami package would work on better on a foreign
distribution than on Guix System. I'm not sure how you could go to
debug this...

Perhaps you could compare their strace captures? You may find a hint of
a notable difference there. I use 'emacs-strace-mode' to open .strace
files I've generated with e.g.

Toggle snippet (3 lines)
$ strace -f -s600 -ojami.strace jami -d

Divya Ranjan wrote 4 weeks ago
(name . Maxim Cournoyer)(address . maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com)(address . 76231@debbugs.gnu.org)(name . Jan Wielkiewicz)(address . tona_kosmicznego_smiecia@interia.pl)(name . SW - Andrea Rossi)(address . andrea.rossi@swws.it)(name . Giovanni Biscuolo)(address . giovanni@biscuolo.net)
Hello Maxim,

Toggle quote (6 lines)
> I'm guessing it's simply getting a bit dated? In my experience, as soon
> as you fall one on a few stable releases behind, you start experimenting
> more problems. I'm not sure if Jami is supposed to be backward
> compatible with previous versions, but even if it was, it's probably not
> super well tested.

Right, make sense. I check the logs and realized it’s actually packaging an old commit.

Toggle quote (4 lines)
> I'd suggest updating it (but as you noted, that's sadly often not
> trivial). I could provide some assistance if you'd like to pick up its
> maintenance.

Well, to be honest, I don’t exactly piece together how Jami gets packaged on Guix? Also, why do we need to package ffmpeg-jami separately? Can you give a brief idea of how it is packaged currently, and what are the caveats? I have a hunch that it should/can be done better, but not sure how exactly.

Divya Ranjan,
Philosophy, Mathematics, Libre Software.

PGP Fingerprint: F0B3 1A69 8006 8FB8 096A 2F12 B245 10C6 108C 8D4A
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