Giovanni Biscuolo wrote 4 weeks ago
(address . . SW - Andrea Rossi)(address .
on my two work machines (one desktop and one laptop) I use guix as
package manager on top of Debian, I installed jami on both and it works
perfectly: I'm really impressed by Jami!
I'm testing Jami on a Guix System I installed on a test machine (on the
very same network of my work machines) and it does not work... the same
jami package installed on top of Debian :-(.
I also tested Jami on two different Guix Systems of a friend of mine and
the "mode of failure" is the very same I'm observing on my test Guix
First an easy fix: in Guix System I have to install
gsettings-desktop-schemas otherwise Jami does not start with this error:
Toggle snippet (6 lines)
(jami:4825): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 15:04:05.424: Settings schema 'org.gnome.desktop.interface' is not installed
Trace/breakpoint trap
Once I start Jami (jami in a terminal to see log messages) I can import
my account from another device [1] but:
- the list "Linked devices" shows only one device and the "Device name"
are the first 8 chars of the device fingerprint (usually is the
hostname of that device)
- the list of contacts shows my list of contacts and the last message
date is 1/1/70
- I have no messages in any of my swarms (chat rooms)
It seems my Jami client on Guix System cannot connect the DHT and
sincronize data.
If you are interested below you can find a complete log I got running
"jami -d jami-debug.log"
I'm not an expert so I cannot fully understand the meaning of all debug
logs, but I guess it has something to do with this specific logs:
Toggle snippet (13 lines)
[1739369430.679|5099|jamiaccount.cpp :932 ] [Account aba3d9634a668ab7] Can't load proxy URL from cache: filesystem error: cannot get file time: No such file or directory [/home/g/.cache/jami/aba3d9634a668ab7/dhtproxy]
[1739369430.808|5099|conversation_module.cpp :447 ] [ConversationModule] error loading syncingMetadatas_: Can't read file: /home/g/.local/share/jami/aba3d9634a668ab7/syncingMetadatas
[1739369430.810|5099] No IGD available. Mapping will be requested when an IGD becomes available
[1739369433.137|5099] UPNP/NAT-PMP enabled, but no valid IGDs available
[1739369443.560|5099] [device cc3646a4fcc88a3553e11d981dad2a84edfe5aaf80f4dd0c33fc7b0a15de5a49] Already connecting, wait for ICE negotiation
Furthermore, the Jami client on Guix System freezes when trying to use
the following settings or menu options:
1. Account | Manage Account | Enable account (try to switch it off)[2]
(I see no messages in terminal)
2. Account | Customize profile | (change name and press enter)
Toggle snippet (7 lines)
default [1739371696297][WRN][7f8a0e139f80]: qrc:/settingsview/components/CustomizeProfilePage.qml:49:13: QML Connections: Detected function "onStopBooth" in Connections element. This is probably intended to be a signal handler but no signal of the target matches the name.
default [1739371696303][WRN][7f8a0e139f80]: qrc:/settingsview/components/CustomizeProfilePage.qml:50: ReferenceError: settingsView is not defined
default [1739371700439][WRN][7f8964ff96c0]: QSGPlainTexture: Mipmap settings changed without having image data available. Call setImage() again or enable m_retain_image. Falling back to previous mipmap filtering mode.
3. Account | Call settings | Ringtone (try to switch it off)
(no messages in terminal)
4. Account | Advanced settings | Enable local peer discovery (try to
switch it on)
5. Account | Advanced settings | Enable proxy (try to switch it on)
There are other settings I did not try, so freezes could be more.
The very same settings on Jami installed on my work machines (foreign
distro) are working as expected.
I hope we can find a solution since IMHO Jami a very useful tool.
Happy hacking, Gio'.
[1] the "pairing" workflow works perfectly, using the PIN generated on
one of the other devices and the account password (I have encrypted my
[2] but when restarting Jami the account is actually disabled, and if I
enable it it works without freezing
Giovanni Biscuolo
«Si può sperare
Che il mondo torni a quote più normali».