Badly treated eol-style (end of line style) in R6RS transcoders.

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
One participant
  • Yuval Langer
Submitted by
Yuval Langer

Debbugs page

Yuval Langer wrote 1 months ago
(address .
When running the `transcoders.scm` script (file attached) in Guile:

$ guile transcoders.scm

I get the output:


but it should be:


When running Chez Scheme:

$ chezscheme --script transcoders.scm

I get the right output:


This is due to faulty transcoders in Guile, maybe?

My `guile --version` says `guile (GNU Guile) 3.0.9`, and `chezscheme
--version` says `9.5.4`.

Many thanks,
Yuval Langer.
(import (rnrs io ports) (rnrs bytevectors)) (let* ([x (string->utf8 "abc\r\ndef\r\n")] [input-port-from-bytevector (open-bytevector-input-port x)] [transcoder (make-transcoder (utf-8-codec) (eol-style crlf))] [text-port (transcoded-port input-port-from-bytevector transcoder)] [a-line (get-line text-port)]) (write a-line) (newline) a-line) ;; => "abc\r", but should be "abc"
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