Josep Bigorra wrote 2 months ago
(address .
Hey all , happy new year 🥳
I am very happy to announce that my Guile Scheme CI/CD project,
byggsteg ( SQLite + base64 +
Artanis is a reality, and it's got an amazing performance boost, all
also thanks to your contributions, help and hinting, and my hours 😄
Byggsteg works real nicely on all my computers.
I was having a bit of problems deploying the new version to my Guix
server (,specially due to the
addition of guile-dbd and guile-dbi-sqlite but I have resolved this. I
also managed to now configure everything properly about hostnames and
redirections of HTTP to HTTPS.
Byggsteg almost works 100% on the server, but somehow the Shepherd
service crashes and restarts when i try to start a new job.
I was suspicious of threading capabilities of my server, but all works
as expected there, also checked from the Guix REPL, and hardware is
powerful and up to date enough. So now I suspect that my database
operations somehow are making things crash.
Could you please help me figure this out, I am at a loss cause there
is no useful error being displayed 😢
I attached the logs from my server, maybe they tell you more than they tell me.
The code where things go BOOM 💣 I think? is at
lib/byggsteg/job/pipeline.scm, also attached to this thread.
Find below also the Shepherd service definition I use (in byggsteg
readme as well)
Thank you in advance!
(define (wolk-jjba-byggsteg-service config)
(list (shepherd-service (documentation "Run byggsteg as a daemon")
(provision '(byggsteg))
(requirement '())
(start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
'("make" "production-server")
(stop #~(make-kill-destructor))
(auto-start? #t)
(respawn? #t))))
(define wolk-jjba-byggsteg-service-type
(service-type (name 'byggsteg)
(description "Run byggsteg as a daemon")
(extensions (list (service-extension
(default-value '())))