Christopher Howard wrote 4 months ago
(address .
Note that to even display the guix-command-popup, you have to either set guix-repl-use-server to nil, or apply the patch from bug#73462.
The magit popup code for the guix-command-popup (M-x guix c) appears to be broken so that it skips the popup menu where you would construct your command line argument. Instead, it assumes an empty argument, and jumps to the popup where you select whether you want to run the command in the REPL or from a shell.
This code is in guix-command.el, and uses the old magit-popup interface (now superceded by transient). Presumably either something has changed in magit-popup since the code was written (2015-2020) or some Emacs change has broken guix-command.el. I hope to investigate this further. My hope is that some minor fix can be made to guix-command.el rather than having to rewrite everything for transient.
One part I am fuzzy on is how to debug it as it is apparently not possible to run edebug-instrument-function on guix-command-popup, as guix-command-popup is a function generated by other code. If anybody has any advice concerning this, that would be helpful.
Testing this on GNU Emacs 30.0.92 (build 2, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.41, cairo version 1.18.0) of 2024-10-29.
馃摏 Christopher Howard
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