Rutherther wrote 6 months ago
(address .
When I add both python and a python package (seems like any) to a
relocatable guix pack, the resulting python in the merged profile seems
to be broken. Specifically its `sys.path` contains missing paths.
To replicate:
mkdir -p /tmp/b && cd /tmp/b
tar xzvf $(guix pack -RR python python-pyflakes -S /profile=)`
Then try executing the python from merged profile, and see sys.path output
Toggle snippet (6 lines)
>>> import sys
>>> print(sys.path)
['', '/tmp/b/pwajwfiygrkmag8fm1wzn3cf362j7sri-python-3.10.7R/lib/', '/tmp/b/pwajwfiygrkmag8fm1wzn3cf362j7sri-python-3.10.7R/lib/python3.10', '/tmp/b/pwajwfiygrkmag8fm1wzn3cf362j7sri-python-3.10.7R/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload', '/tmp/b/pwajwfiygrkmag8fm1wzn3cf362j7sri-python-3.10.7R/lib/python3.10/site-packages']
Now if you instead use the realpath of this python
Toggle snippet (6 lines)
$(realpath ./profile/bin/python3)
>>> import sys
>>> print(sys.path)
['', '/tmp/b/gnu/store/pwajwfiygrkmag8fm1wzn3cf362j7sri-python-3.10.7R/lib/', '/tmp/b/gnu/store/pwajwfiygrkmag8fm1wzn3cf362j7sri-python-3.10.7R/lib/python3.10', '/tmp/b/gnu/store/pwajwfiygrkmag8fm1wzn3cf362j7sri-python-3.10.7R/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload', '/tmp/b/gnu/store/pwajwfiygrkmag8fm1wzn3cf362j7sri-python-3.10.7R/lib/python3.10/site-packages']
As can be observed, the first instance misses "gnu/store" in the path,
and instead points to a path that does not exist. I have not
investigated, at least not yet, where this discrepancy comes from.
I was not able to replicate this with anything else than relocatable
pack. So my guess would be something strange happens when making
bwrap/fakechroot etc.