Emacs as build tool fails to launch after update

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
3 participants
  • Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
  • Liliana Marie Prikler
  • Richard Sent
Submitted by
Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide

Debbugs page

Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide wrote 8 months ago
(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)

Since an update, my Emacs crashes when trying to run it in a dedicated setup.
The two generations involved are at the end of the email.

I expect that there are some leftover files from byte compilation or
native compilation that cause the problem.

To do a clean run:

sudo mkdir -p /home/arne/eigenes/Webseiten/
sudo chmod a+rwx /home/arne/eigenes/Webseiten/
hg clone https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/draketo/home/arne/eigenes/Webseiten/arnebab-org
cd /home/arne/eigenes/Webseiten/arnebab-org
echo -e "utf-8\n" | HOME="/home/arne/eigenes/Webseiten/arnebab-org" emacs --batch --load .emacs.d/init.el --load setup.el "setup.el" -f org-feed-update-all -f kill-emacs && touch "external-rss.org.in"

Since I updated Guix, it is broken for me:

echo -e "utf-8\n" | HOME="/home/arne/eigenes/Webseiten/arnebab-org"
emacs --batch --load .emacs.d/init.el --load setup.el "setup.el" -f
org-feed-update-all -f kill-emacs && touch "external-rss.org.in" # the
echo is a hack to work around broken encoding -> no longer empty, but
still broken
Loading ido (native compiled elisp)...

Error: error ("Recursive ‘require’ for feature ‘ox’")
[require org-macs org-release "9.7.4" warn "Org version
mismatch.\nThis warning usually appears when a built-in Org version is
loaded\nprior to the more recent Org version.\n\nVersion mismatch is
commonly encountered in the following situations:\n\n1. Emacs is
loaded using literate Org config and more recent Org\n version is
loaded inside the file loaded by `org-babel-load-file'.\n
`org-babel-load-file' triggers the built-in Org version clashing\n the
newer Org version attempt to be loaded later.\n\n It is recommended to
move the Org loading code before the\n `org-babel-load-file'
call.\n\n2. New Org version is loaded manually by setting `load-path',
but some\n other package depending on Org is loaded before the
`load-path' is\n configured.\n This \"other package\" is triggering
built-in Org version, again\n causing the version mismatch.\n\n It is
recommended to set `load-path' as early in the config as\n
possible.\n\n3. New Org version is loaded using straight.el package
manager and\n other package depending on Org is loaded before straight
triggers\n loading of the newer Org version.\n\n It is recommended to
put\n\n %s\n\n early in the config. Ideally, right after the
straight.el\n bootstrap. Moving `use-package' :straight declaration
may not be\n sufficient if the corresponding `use-package' statement
is\n deferring the loading.\n\n4. A new Org version is synchronized
with Emacs git repository and\n stale .elc files are still left from
the previous build.\n\n It is recommended to remove .elc files from
lisp/org directory and\n re-compile." "(straight-use-package 'org)" ox
ox-publish cl-lib org-export-define-backend ascii ((bold .
org-ascii-bold) (center-block . org-ascii-center-block) (clock .
org-ascii-clock) (code . org-ascii-code) (drawer . org-ascii-drawer)
(dynamic-block . org-ascii-dynamic-block) (entity . org-ascii-entity)
(example-block . org-ascii-example-block) (export-block .
org-ascii-export-block) (export-snippet . org-ascii-export-snippet)
(fixed-width . org-ascii-fixed-width) (footnote-reference .
org-ascii-footnote-reference) (headline . org-ascii-headline)
(horizontal-rule . org-ascii-horizontal-rule) (inline-src-block .
org-ascii-inline-src-block) (inlinetask . org-ascii-inlinetask)
(inner-template . org-ascii-inner-template) (italic .
org-ascii-italic) (item . org-ascii-item) (keyword .
org-ascii-keyword) (latex-environment . org-ascii-latex-environment)
(latex-fragment . org-ascii-latex-fragment) (line-break .
org-ascii-line-break) (link . org-ascii-link) (node-property .
org-ascii-node-property) (paragraph . org-ascii-paragraph) (plain-list
. org-ascii-plain-list) (plain-text . org-ascii-plain-text) (planning
. org-ascii-planning) (property-drawer . org-ascii-property-drawer)
(quote-block . org-ascii-quote-block) (radio-target .
org-ascii-radio-target) (section . org-ascii-section) (special-block .
org-ascii-special-block) (src-block . org-ascii-src-block)
(statistics-cookie . org-ascii-statistics-cookie) (strike-through .
org-ascii-strike-through) (subscript . org-ascii-subscript)
(superscript . org-ascii-superscript) (table . org-ascii-table)
(table-cell . org-ascii-table-cell) (table-row . org-ascii-table-row)
(target . org-ascii-target) (template . org-ascii-template) (timestamp
. org-ascii-timestamp) (underline . org-ascii-underline) (verbatim .
org-ascii-verbatim) (verse-block . org-ascii-verse-block)) :menu-entry
(116 "Export to Plain Text" ((65 "As ASCII buffer" (lambda (a s v b)
(org-ascii-export-as-ascii a s v b '(:ascii-charset ascii)))) (97 "As
ASCII file" (lambda (a s v b) (org-ascii-export-to-ascii a s v b
'(:ascii-charset ascii)))) (76 "As Latin1 buffer" (lambda (a s v b)
(org-ascii-export-as-ascii a s v b '(:ascii-charset latin1)))) (108
"As Latin1 file" (lambda (a s v b) (org-ascii-export-to-ascii a s v b
'(:ascii-charset latin1)))) (85 "As UTF-8 buffer" (lambda (a s v b)
(org-ascii-export-as-ascii a s v b '(:ascii-charset utf-8)))) (117 "As
UTF-8 file" (lambda (a s v b) (org-ascii-export-to-ascii a s v b
'(:ascii-charset utf-8)))))) :filters-alist ((:filter-headline .
org-ascii-filter-headline-blank-lines) (:filter-parse-tree
org-ascii-filter-paragraph-spacing org-ascii-filter-comment-spacing)
(:filter-section . org-ascii-filter-headline-blank-lines))
:options-alist ((:subtitle "SUBTITLE" nil nil parse) (:ascii-bullets
nil nil org-ascii-bullets) (:ascii-caption-above nil nil
org-ascii-caption-above) (:ascii-charset nil nil org-ascii-charset)
(:ascii-global-margin nil nil org-ascii-global-margin)
(:ascii-format-drawer-function nil nil
org-ascii-format-drawer-function) (:ascii-format-inlinetask-function
nil nil org-ascii-format-inlinetask-function) (:ascii-headline-spacing
nil nil org-ascii-headline-spacing) (:ascii-indented-line-width nil
nil org-ascii-indented-line-width) (:ascii-inlinetask-width nil nil
org-ascii-inlinetask-width) (:ascii-inner-margin nil nil
org-ascii-inner-margin) (:ascii-links-to-notes nil nil
org-ascii-links-to-notes) (:ascii-list-margin nil nil
org-ascii-list-margin) (:ascii-paragraph-spacing nil nil
org-ascii-paragraph-spacing) (:ascii-quote-margin nil nil
org-ascii-quote-margin) (:ascii-table-keep-all-vertical-lines nil nil
org-ascii-table-keep-all-vertical-lines) (:ascii-table-use-ascii-art
nil nil org-ascii-table-use-ascii-art) (:ascii-table-widen-columns nil
nil org-ascii-table-widen-columns) (:ascii-text-width nil nil
org-ascii-text-width) (:ascii-underline nil nil org-ascii-underline)
(:ascii-verbatim-format nil nil org-ascii-verbatim-format))
custom-declare-group org-export-ascii nil "Options for exporting Org
mode files to ASCII." :tag "Org Export ASCII" :group org-export
custom-declare-variable org-ascii-text-width funcall function
#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x18c000ae6ce14>) "Maximum width of
exported text.\nThis number includes margin size, as set
in\n`org-ascii-global-margin'." :version "24.4" :package-version (Org
. "8.0") :type integer org-ascii-global-margin #f(compiled-function ()
#<bytecode 0x18c000ae69414>) "Width of the left margin, in number of
characters." (Org . "8.0") org-ascii-inner-margin #f(compiled-function
() #<bytecode 0x18c000ae69694>) "Width of the inner margin, in number
of characters.\nInner margin is applied between each headline." (Org .
"8.0") org-ascii-quote-margin #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode
0x18c000ae69394>) "Width of margin used for quoting text, in
characters.\nThis margin is applied on both sides of the text. It is
also\napplied on the left side of contents in descriptive lists." (Org
. "8.0") org-ascii-list-margin #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode
0x18c000ae69414>) "Width of margin used for plain lists, in
characters.\nThis margin applies to top level list only, not to
its\nsub-lists." "26.1" (Org . "8.3") org-ascii-inlinetask-width
#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x18c000ae6a594>) "Width of inline
tasks, in number of characters.\nThis number ignores any margin." (Org
. "8.0") org-ascii-headline-spacing #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode
0x18c000ae6aa94>) "Number of blank lines inserted around
headlines.\n\nThis variable can be set to a cons cell. In that case,
its car\nrepresents the number of blank lines present before
headline\ncontents whereas its cdr reflects the number of blank lines
after\ncontents.\n\nA nil value replicates the number of blank lines
found in the\noriginal Org buffer at the same place." (Org . "8.0")
(choice (const :tag "Replicate original spacing" nil) (cons :tag "Set
a uniform spacing" (integer :tag "Number of blank lines before
contents") (integer :tag "Number of blank lines after contents")))
org-ascii-indented-line-width #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode
0x29ac9a1ad7f794>) "Additional indentation width for the first line in
a paragraph.\nIf the value is an integer, indent the first line of
each\nparagraph by this width, unless it is located at the beginning
of\na section, in which case indentation is removed from that
line.\nIf it is the symbol `auto' preserve indentation from
original\ndocument." (Org . "8.0") (choice (integer :tag "Number of
white spaces characters") (const :tag "Preserve original width" auto))
org-ascii-paragraph-spacing #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode
0x29ac9a1ad7f794>) "Number of white lines between paragraphs.\nIf the
value is an integer, add this number of blank lines\nbetween
contiguous paragraphs. If is it the symbol `auto', keep\nthe same
number of blank lines as in the original document." (Org . "8.0")
(choice (integer :tag "Number of blank lines") (const :tag "Preserve
original spacing" auto)) org-ascii-charset #f(compiled-function ()
#<bytecode 0x18c000ae88114>) "The charset allowed to represent various
elements and objects.\nPossible values are:\n`ascii' Only use plain
ASCII characters\n`latin1' Include Latin-1 characters\n`utf-8' Use all
UTF-8 characters" (Org . "8.0") (choice (const :tag "ASCII" ascii)
(const :tag "Latin-1" latin1) (const :tag "UTF-8" utf-8))
org-ascii-underline #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode
0x18c000ae69414>) "Characters for underlining headings in ASCII
export.\n\nAlist whose key is a symbol among `ascii', `latin1' and
`utf-8'\nand whose value is a list of characters.\n\nFor each
supported charset, this variable associates a sequence\nof underline
characters. In a sequence, the characters will be\nused in order for
headlines level 1, 2, ... If no character is\navailable for a given
level, the headline won't be underlined." (Org . "8.0") (list (cons
:tag "Underline characters sequence" (const :tag "ASCII charset"
ascii) (repeat character)) (cons :tag "Underline characters sequence"
(const :tag "Latin-1 charset" latin1) (repeat character)) (cons :tag
"Underline characters sequence" (const :tag "UTF-8 charset" utf-8)
(repeat character))) org-ascii-bullets #f(compiled-function ()
#<bytecode 0x18c000ae69414>) "Bullet characters for headlines
converted to lists in ASCII export.\n\nAlist whose key is a symbol
among `ascii', `latin1' and `utf-8'\nand whose value is a list of
characters.\n\nThe first character is used for the first level
considered as low\nlevel, and so on. If there are more levels than
characters given\nhere, the list will be repeated.\n\nNote that this
variable doesn't affect plain lists\nrepresentation." (Org . "8.0")
(list (cons :tag "Bullet characters for low level headlines" (const
:tag "ASCII charset" ascii) (repeat character)) (cons :tag "Bullet
characters for low level headlines" (const :tag "Latin-1 charset"
latin1) (repeat character)) (cons :tag "Bullet characters for low
level headlines" (const :tag "UTF-8 charset" utf-8) (repeat
character))) org-ascii-links-to-notes #f(compiled-function ()
#<bytecode 0x18c000ae69b14>) "Non-nil means convert links to notes
before the next headline.\nWhen nil, the link will be exported in
place. If the line\nbecomes long in this way, it will be wrapped."
(Org . "8.0") boolean org-ascii-table-keep-all-vertical-lines
#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x18c000ae69414>) "Non-nil means
keep all vertical lines in ASCII tables.\nWhen nil, vertical lines
will be removed except for those needed\nfor column grouping." (Org .
"8.0")] 12)
[require org-macs org-release "9.7.4" warn "Org version
mismatch.\nThis warning usually appears when a built-in Org version is
loaded\nprior to the more recent Org version.\n\nVersion mismatch is
commonly encountered in the following situations:\n\n1. Emacs is
loaded using literate Org config and more recent Org\n version is
loaded inside the file loaded by `org-babel-load-file'.\n
`org-babel-load-file' triggers the built-in Org version clashing\n the
newer Org version attempt to be loaded later.\n\n It is recommended to
move the Org loading code before the\n `org-babel-load-file'
call.\n\n2. New Org version is loaded manually by setting `load-path',
but some\n other package depending on Org is loaded before the
`load-path' is\n configured.\n This \"other package\" is triggering
built-in Org version, again\n causing the version mismatch.\n\n It is
recommended to set `load-path' as early in the config as\n
possible.\n\n3. New Org version is loaded using straight.el package
manager and\n other package depending on Org is loaded before straight
triggers\n loading of the newer Org version.\n\n It is recommended to
put\n\n %s\n\n early in the config. Ideally, right after the
straight.el\n bootstrap. Moving `use-package' :straight declaration
may not be\n sufficient if the corresponding `use-package' statement
is\n deferring the loading.\n\n4. A new Org version is synchronized
with Emacs git repository and\n stale .elc files are still left from
the previous build.\n\n It is recommended to remove .elc files from
lisp/org directory and\n re-compile." "(straight-use-package 'org)" ob
ox-ascii] 3)
org-babel-do-load-languages(org-babel-load-languages ((C . t) (R .
t) (asymptote) (awk) (calc) (clojure) (comint) (css) (ditaa . t) (dot
. t) (emacs-lisp . t) (fortran) (gnuplot . t) (haskell) (io) (java)
(js) (latex) (ledger) (lilypond) (lisp) (matlab) (maxima) (mscgen)
(ocaml) (octave) (org . t) (perl) (picolisp) (plantuml) (python . t)
(ref) (ruby) (sass) (scala) (scheme . t) (screen) (shell . t) (shen)
(sql) (sqlite)))
custom-initialize-reset(org-babel-load-languages (funcall #'#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x18c000ae69414>)))
custom-declare-variable(org-babel-load-languages (funcall
#'#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x18c000ae69414>)) "Languages
which can be evaluated in Org buffers.\n\\<org-mode-map>\nThis list
can be used to load support for any of the available\nlanguages with
babel support (see info node `(org) Languages'). Each\nlanguage will
depend on a different set of system executables and/or\nEmacs
modes.\n\nWhen a language is \"loaded\", code blocks in that language
can\nbe evaluated with `org-babel-execute-src-block', which is
bound\nby default to \\[org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c].\n\nThe
`org-babel-no-eval-on-ctrl-c-ctrl-c' option can be set to\nremove code
block evaluation from \\[org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c]. By\ndefault, only Emacs
Lisp is loaded, since it has no specific\nrequirement." :group
org-babel :set org-babel-do-load-languages :package-version (Org .
"9.6") :type (alist :tag "Babel Languages" :key-type (choice (const
:tag "Awk" awk) (const :tag "C, D, C++, and cpp" C) (const :tag "R" R)
(const :tag "Calc" calc) (const :tag "Clojure and ClojureScript"
clojure) (const :tag "CSS" css) (const :tag "Ditaa" ditaa) (const :tag
"Dot" dot) (const :tag "Emacs Lisp" emacs-lisp) (const :tag "Eshell"
eshell) (const :tag "Forth" forth) (const :tag "Fortran" fortran)
(const :tag "GnuPlot" gnuplot) (const :tag "Groovy" groovy) (const
:tag "Haskell" haskell) (const :tag "Java" java) (const :tag
"JavaScript" js) (const :tag "Julia" julia) (const :tag "LaTeX" latex)
(const :tag "LilyPond" lilypond) (const :tag "Lisp" lisp) (const :tag
"Lua" lua) (const :tag "Makefile" makefile) (const :tag "Maxima"
maxima) (const :tag "OCaml" ocaml) (const :tag "Octave and MatLab"
octave) (const :tag "Org" org) (const :tag "Perl" perl) (const :tag
"Processing" processing) (const :tag "PlantUML" plantuml) (const :tag
"Python" python) (const :tag "Ruby" ruby) (const :tag "Sass" sass)
(const :tag "Scheme" scheme) (const :tag "Screen" screen) (const :tag
"Sed" sed) (const :tag "Shell Script" shell) (const :tag "Sql" sql)
(const :tag "Sqlite" sqlite)) :value-type (boolean :tag "Activate"
:value t)))
[custom-declare-variable org-babel-load-languages funcall function
#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x18c000ae69414>) "Languages which
can be evaluated in Org buffers.\n\\<org-mode-map>\nThis list can be
used to load support for any of the available\nlanguages with babel
support (see info node `(org) Languages'). Each\nlanguage will depend
on a different set of system executables and/or\nEmacs modes.\n\nWhen
a language is \"loaded\", code blocks in that language can\nbe
evaluated with `org-babel-execute-src-block', which is bound\nby
default to \\[org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c].\n\nThe
`org-babel-no-eval-on-ctrl-c-ctrl-c' option can be set to\nremove code
block evaluation from \\[org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c]. By\ndefault, only Emacs
Lisp is loaded, since it has no specific\nrequirement." :group
org-babel :set org-babel-do-load-languages :package-version (Org .
"9.6") :type (alist :tag "Babel Languages" :key-type (choice (const
:tag "Awk" awk) (const :tag "C, D, C++, and cpp" C) (const :tag "R" R)
(const :tag "Calc" calc) (const :tag "Clojure and ClojureScript"
clojure) (const :tag "CSS" css) (const :tag "Ditaa" ditaa) (const :tag
"Dot" dot) (const :tag "Emacs Lisp" emacs-lisp) (const :tag "Eshell"
eshell) (const :tag "Forth" forth) (const :tag "Fortran" fortran)
(const :tag "GnuPlot" gnuplot) (const :tag "Groovy" groovy) (const
:tag "Haskell" haskell) (const :tag "Java" java) (const :tag
"JavaScript" js) (const :tag "Julia" julia) (const :tag "LaTeX" latex)
(const :tag "LilyPond" lilypond) (const :tag "Lisp" lisp) (const :tag
"Lua" lua) (const :tag "Makefile" makefile) (const :tag "Maxima"
maxima) (const :tag "OCaml" ocaml) (const :tag "Octave and MatLab"
octave) (const :tag "Org" org) (const :tag "Perl" perl) (const :tag
"Processing" processing) (const :tag "PlantUML" plantuml) (const :tag
"Python" python) (const :tag "Ruby" ruby) (const :tag "Sass" sass)
(const :tag "Scheme" scheme) (const :tag "Screen" screen) (const :tag
"Sed" sed) (const :tag "
This message was truncated. Download the full message here.


Richard Sent wrote 8 months ago
(name . Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide via Bug reports for GNU Guix)(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)
Hello Arne,

"Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" via Bug reports for GNU Guix
<bug-guix@gnu.org> writes:

Toggle quote (8 lines)
> I currently work around it by switching back to generation 1287:
> guix package -S 1287
> But this means, that I can’t really update.
> How can I help track this down?

In between your two generations there was an upgrade in Emacs from 29.3
to 29.4. Unlike other upgrades this was done as a graft on
emacs-minimal, not a direct version bump.

I've noticed an uptick on IRC of other complaints about odd Emacs
breakages recently. In at least one case the problem was solved by
disabling grafts. Perhaps there is some odd graft related breakage going
on. (An Emacs bug introduced in 29.3->29.4 is unlikely to be the culprit
as the changelog alleges org-mode was the only change).

This is just a hunch however. I'm not sure of the best way to test this
since disabling grafts will also disable the 29.4 upgrade entirely, but
perhaps creating your profile with --no-grafts (including Emacs
packages) will help you narrow it down.

Do note that disabling grafts will remove many security fixes from the
profile. Best not to use it long term.

CC'ing a couple people involved in the 29.4 upgrade so they are aware of
my pet theory. I don't have a smoking gun. Like I said, it's just a
hunch. Thanks for your work! :)

Take it easy,
Richard Sent
Making my computer weirder one commit at a time.
Liliana Marie Prikler wrote 8 months ago
Re: Emacs as build tool fails to launch after update
Hi Arne,

Am Freitag, dem 28.06.2024 um 09:38 +0200 schrieb Dr. Arne
Toggle quote (26 lines)
> To do a clean run:
> sudo mkdir -p /home/arne/eigenes/Webseiten/
> sudo chmod a+rwx /home/arne/eigenes/Webseiten/
> hg clone
> https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/draketo /home/arne/eigenes/Webseiten/arneba
> b-org
> cd /home/arne/eigenes/Webseiten/arnebab-org
> echo -e "utf-8\n" | HOME="/home/arne/eigenes/Webseiten/arnebab-org"
> emacs --batch --load .emacs.d/init.el --load setup.el "setup.el" -f
> org-feed-update-all -f kill-emacs && touch "external-rss.org.in"
> Since I updated Guix, it is broken for me:
> echo -e "utf-8\n" | HOME="/home/arne/eigenes/Webseiten/arnebab-org"
> emacs --batch --load .emacs.d/init.el --load setup.el "setup.el" -f
> org-feed-update-all -f kill-emacs && touch "external-rss.org.in" #
> the
> echo is a hack to work around broken encoding -> no longer empty, but
> still broken
> Loading ido (native compiled elisp)...
> Error: error ("Recursive ‘require’ for feature ‘ox’")
> […]
> How can I help track this down?
With PWD="/home/arne/eigenes/Webseiten/", I can run 
guix shell coreutils mercurial emacs emacs-ox-rss --pure

followed by
HOME="$PWD" emacs --batch --load .emacs.d/init.el --load setup.el
"setup.el" -f org-feed-update-all -f kill-emacs

and it gives me the following:

Toggle snippet (41 lines)
.emacs.d/lisp/key-chord.el: Warning: Obsolete calling convention for
Contacting host: rollenspiel.social:443
Mark set
Replaced 1 occurrence
Mark set
Replaced 3 occurrences
Mark set
Replaced 2 occurrences
Mark set
Replaced 2 occurrences
Mark set
Replaced 1 occurrence
Mark set
Replaced 3 occurrences
Mark set
Replaced 2 occurrences
Mark set
Replaced 4 occurrences
Mark set
Replaced 4 occurrences
Mark set
Replaced 7 occurrences
Mark set
Replaced 1 occurrence
Mark set
Replaced 33 occurrences
Clipboard pasted as level 2 subtree
Position saved to mark ring, go back with `C-c &'.
Added 1 new item from feed rollenspiel.social/@ArneBab to file
external-rss.org.in, heading rollenspiel.social
Contacting host: sn.1w6.org:80
No new items in feed sn.1w6.org
Contacting host: www.1w6.org:80
uncompressing publicsuffix.txt.gz...
uncompressing publicsuffix.txt.gz...done
No new items in feed 1w6
No new items in feed Weltenwald, alt
1 new entry from 5 feeds (unavailable feeds: 1)

Thus, at the very least with a pure environment, you shouldn't
encounter this. I'm not sure, what's in your profile, but you might
want to use pure environments to encapsulate them, then file bugs
against broken combinations that you encounter.

Your comment

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