herd unresponsive on new 1.4.0 install

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
3 participants
  • Ludovic Courtès
  • Antero Mejr
  • Richard Sent
Submitted by
Antero Mejr
Antero Mejr wrote on 23 May 2024 07:28
(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)
On a new Guix 1.4.0 install, I logged in and ran `herd status` to check
if sshd was running. However, the command blocked indefinitely with no
output. When I cancelled that and tried to shut the machine down with
`halt`, it also blocked and did nothing. The system was not being
reconfigured at the time.
Ludovic Courtès wrote on 23 May 2024 11:35
(name . Antero Mejr)(address . mail@antr.me)(address . 71139@debbugs.gnu.org)

Antero Mejr <mail@antr.me> skribis:

Toggle quote (6 lines)
> On a new Guix 1.4.0 install, I logged in and ran `herd status` to check
> if sshd was running. However, the command blocked indefinitely with no
> output. When I cancelled that and tried to shut the machine down with
> `halt`, it also blocked and did nothing. The system was not being
> reconfigured at the time.

Could it be that your system clock changed drastically, for instance in
response to ntpd synchronization? There’s a bug when that happens:

Antero Mejr wrote on 24 May 2024 20:36
(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address . ludo@gnu.org)(address . 71139@debbugs.gnu.org)
Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org> writes:

Toggle quote (5 lines)
> Could it be that your system clock changed drastically, for instance in
> response to ntpd synchronization? There’s a bug when that happens:
> https://github.com/wingo/fibers/issues/89

Yes I think that's it, since the machine was a server that hadn't done
an NTP sync before.

Perhaps we should consider using Fibers 1.1 for all architectures? This
problem occurred on a x86-64 machine. This issue reverted Fibers 1.3
just for ARM:

Based on the Github discussion, it seems this bug isn't a priority for
the Fibers maintainers, and it has been an outstanding (and seemingly
common) issue for almost a year now.
Richard Sent wrote on 25 May 2024 19:18
(name . Antero Mejr)(address . mail@antr.me)
Toggle quote (5 lines)
> Perhaps we should consider using Fibers 1.1 for all architectures? This
> problem occurred on a x86-64 machine. This issue reverted Fibers 1.3
> just for ARM:
> https://issues.guix.gnu.org/64966#6

With https://issues.guix.gnu.org/70892#3Fibers is also reverted to 1.1
on RISC-V 64.

Take it easy,
Richard Sent
Making my computer weirder one commit at a time.
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