KKing, Spencer wrote on 15 May 23:24 +0200Recipients:(name . guix-patches@gnu.org)(address . guix-patches@gnu.org)Message-ID:CH3PR02MB97468F01261600687AC4316890EC2@CH3PR02MB9746.namprd02.prod.outlook.comAttachment: 0001-gnu-Add-r-shinydisconnect.patch (.00 MiB)
RRicardo Wurmus wrote on 26 Aug 11:46 +0200Recipients:(address . 70969-done@debbugs.gnu.org)(address . spencer.king@wustl.edu)Message-ID:87ttf7d3be.fsf@elephly.netThank you for the patch. I've applied it with minor changes.Feel free to Cc the R team for future patches to avoid delays.-- Ricardo
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