issue with openldap managed users on HPC

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
2 participants
  • Davide Corrado
  • Ludovic Courtès
Submitted by
Davide Corrado
Davide Corrado wrote on 28 Mar 11:20 +0100
(name . .
hello, I installed guix in a HPC environment and everything works as expected if I use guix as a local user. I got this issue when I try to run it as an openldap/sssd-managed user.

root@frontend ~]# id konrad
uid=10000(konrad) gid=10000(hpc-users) groups=10000(hpc-users)

[root@frontend ~]# getent passwd -s sss
konrad:*:10000:10000:Davide Corrado:/home/konrad:/bin/bash

[root@frontend ~]# su - konrad
Last login: Thu Mar 28 11:04:07 CET 2024 on pts/0
[konrad@frontend ~]$ id
uid=10000(konrad) gid=10000(hpc-users) groups=10000(hpc-users)
[konrad@frontend ~]$ guix install hello
user with UID 10000 not found
guix install: error: while creating directory `/var/guix/profiles/per-user/konrad': Permission denied
hint: Please create the `/var/guix/profiles/per-user/konrad' directory, with you as the owner.

I could create the missing /var/guix/profiles/per-user/konrad directory with the proper uid and gid and everything works as expected, but creating a procedure for managing this issue do not look like a clean solution to me. Am I missing something? Am I the only one using guix with such an environment?

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Ludovic Courtès wrote on 27 May 17:06 +0200
(name . Davide Corrado)(address . .
Hi Davide,

Sorry for the delay; it looks like your bug report fell through the

Davide Corrado <> skribis:

Toggle quote (17 lines)
> hello, I installed guix in a HPC environment and everything works as expected if I use guix as a local user. I got this issue when I try to run it as an openldap/sssd-managed user.
> example:
> [
> root@frontend ~]# id konrad
> uid=10000(konrad) gid=10000(hpc-users) groups=10000(hpc-users)
> [root@frontend ~]# getent passwd -s sss
> konrad:*:10000:10000:Davide Corrado:/home/konrad:/bin/bash
> [root@frontend ~]# su - konrad
> Last login: Thu Mar 28 11:04:07 CET 2024 on pts/0
> [konrad@frontend ~]$ id
> uid=10000(konrad) gid=10000(hpc-users) groups=10000(hpc-users)
> [konrad@frontend ~]$ guix install hello
> user with UID 10000 not found

I think this message shows the core of the problem.

Is nscd running on this machine, as per

It has to be installed and running so that Guix-installed programs can
access the user account database etc.

A simple way to check whether this is working is by running the ‘id’
program of the ‘coreutils’ package provided by Guix, like so:

guix shell coreutils -- id


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