greetd-wlgreet-sway-session unable to login (Respawning term-tty1)

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
One participant
  • Franz Geffke
Submitted by
Franz Geffke
Franz Geffke wrote on 16 Mar 11:47 +0100
(address .
It seems like `greetd-wlgreet-sway-session` broke for me, sometime in the last
10 days. Initially I suspected it's related to my hardware, or a newer kernel,
but I was able to rule these out with a clean config in the VM.
- It's working as of `3da49b1472919a62df1fe399638f23a246aa325d` (05.03) but does
not anymore.
- On my working setup (05.03), I use logind; but I also tried seatd, without change.
- I suspected maybe Sway 1.9, but using the previous 1.8.1 did not help.
- Maybe related, but looks like a hardware

(define-public sway-legacy
(inherit sway)
(name "sway")
(version "1.8.1")

(service greetd-service-type
(greeter-supplementary-groups (list "video" "input" "seat"))
(terminal-vt "1")
(terminal-switch #t)
(sway sway-legacy)
(command (file-append sway-legacy "/bin/sway")))))))

(terminal-vt "2"))
(terminal-vt "3"))
(terminal-vt "4"))
(terminal-vt "5"))
(terminal-vt "6"))))))

Here's a bunch of logs:

tail -f /var/log/messages
Mar 16 09:49:33 localhost shepherd[1]: Respawning term-tty1.
Mar 16 09:49:33 localhost shepherd[1]: Starting service term-tty1...
Mar 16 09:49:33 localhost shepherd[1]: Service term-tty1 has been started.
Mar 16 09:49:33 localhost shepherd[1]: Service term-tty1 started.
Mar 16 09:49:33 localhost shepherd[1]: Service term-tty1 running with value 1382.
Mar 16 09:49:36 localhost shepherd[1]: Respawning term-tty1.
Mar 16 09:49:36 localhost shepherd[1]: Starting service term-tty1...
Mar 16 09:49:36 localhost shepherd[1]: Service term-tty1 has been started.
Mar 16 09:49:36 localhost shepherd[1]: Service term-tty1 started.
Mar 16 09:49:36 localhost shepherd[1]: Service term-tty1 running with value 1396.


dmesg | greo greetd
[ 31.025881] shepherd[1]: Starting service file-system-/run/greetd/pam_mount...
[ 31.088881] shepherd[1]: Service file-system-/run/greetd/pam_mount started.
[ 31.118389] shepherd[1]: Service file-system-/run/greetd/pam_mount running
with value #t.
[ 31.131180] shepherd[1]: Service file-system-/run/greetd/pam_mount has been


tail greetd-1.log
2024-03-16 10:00:13 error: check_children: greeter exited without creating a session
2024-03-16 10:00:16 error: check_children: greeter exited without creating a session
2024-03-16 10:00:19 error: check_children: greeter exited without creating a session
2024-03-16 10:00:22 error: check_children: greeter exited without creating a session


2024-03-16 09:59:58 00:14:15.066 [INFO] [seatd/seat.c:170] Added client 1 to seat0
2024-03-16 09:59:58 00:14:15.066 [INFO] [seatd/seat.c:480] Opened client 1 on seat0
2024-03-16 09:59:58 00:14:15.385 [INFO] [seatd/client.c:471] Client disconnected
2024-03-16 09:59:58 00:14:15.387 [INFO] [seatd/seat.c:418] No clients on seat0
to activate
2024-03-16 09:59:58 00:14:15.404 [INFO] [seatd/seat.c:524] Closed client 1 on seat0
2024-03-16 09:59:58 00:14:15.404 [INFO] [seatd/seat.c:192] Removed client 1 from
2024-03-16 10:00:01 00:14:18.072 [INFO] [seatd/server.c:145] New client
connected (pid: 3919, uid: 999, gid: 982)
2024-03-16 10:00:01 00:14:18.072 [INFO] [seatd/seat.c:170] Added client 1 to seat0
2024-03-16 10:00:01 00:14:18.073 [INFO] [seatd/seat.c:480] Opened client 1 on seat0
2024-03-16 10:00:02 00:14:18.405 [INFO] [seatd/client.c:471] Client disconnected


Mar 16 09:56:45 localhost greetd: pam_unix(greetd:session): session closed for
user greeter
Mar 16 09:56:46 localhost greetd: pam_unix(greetd:session): session opened for
user greeter(uid=999) by (uid=0)
Mar 16 09:56:46 localhost greetd: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
Mar 16 09:56:46 localhost greetd: gkr-pam: gnome-keyring-daemon started properly
Mar 16 09:56:48 localhost greetd: pam_unix(greetd:session): session closed for
user greeter
Mar 16 09:56:49 localhost greetd: pam_unix(greetd:session): session opened for
user greeter(uid=999) by (uid=0)

And files;

ls /run/
avahi-daemon/ blkid/ booted-system containerd/ current-system docker/
greetd/ greetd-1423.sock greetd-208.sock greetd-214.sock greetd-219.sock
greetd-225.sock greetd-228.sock pcscd/ seatd.sock setuid-programs/
tlp/ udev/ xtables.lock

I'm a bit at the end of my latin, or guix, I guess.

Am I missing something that changed recently?

Thank you.

Franz Geffke wrote on 16 Mar 13:08 +0100
New information always turns up, the minute after you submit the report. Thanks
to a kind soul, I also found the greeter logs:

00:02:17.018 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:261] Handling command 'exec
"/gnu/store/w6ify3cx17hnq8wd6qf6swkwdj37l6wj-wlgreet-0.4.1/bin/wlgreet --config
/gnu/store/1kzi74isam7q5z8bsrm8h642hgx8pdq8-sway-1.9/bin/swaymsg exit"'
00:02:17.018 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:58] Executing
/gnu/store/w6ify3cx17hnq8wd6qf6swkwdj37l6wj-wlgreet-0.4.1/bin/wlgreet --config
/gnu/store/1kzi74isam7q5z8bsrm8h642hgx8pdq8-sway-1.9/bin/swaymsg exit
00:02:17.038 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:111] Child process created
with pid 929
00:02:17.039 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:113] Recording workspace for
process 929
00:02:17.041 [INFO] [sway/server.c:396] Running compositor on wayland display
00:02:17.044 [ERROR] [wlr] [libseat] [libseat/backend/logind.c:83] Ping failed:
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Method call timed out
00:02:17.047 [ERROR] [wlr] [libseat] [libseat/backend/logind.c:83] Ping failed:
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Method call timed out
00:02:17.050 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/swapchain.c:106] Allocating new swapchain buffer
00:02:17.061 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/allocator/drm_dumb.c:106] Allocated 1280x800
DRM dumb buffer
00:02:17.063 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/pixman/renderer.c:152] Created pixman buffer
00:02:17.390 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:692] New wlr_surface 0x72e830
(res 0x6d1730)
00:02:17.392 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_layer_shell_v1.c:458] new layer_surface
0x6ab630 (res 0x6d28f0)
00:02:17.393 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:646] new layer surface:
namespace layer 3 anchor 0 size 1x1 margin 0,0,0,0,
thread 'main' panicked at src/
internal error: entered unreachable code
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
[wayland-client error] A handler for wl_surface panicked.
00:02:17.425 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:386] Layer surface destroyed ()
00:02:17.446 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:197] New client: fd 33
00:02:17.448 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:261] Handling command 'exit'
00:02:17.451 [INFO] [sway/main.c:418] Shutting down sway

This is on:
- Libre kernel
- using logind
- Sway 1.9

Apparently this is a known issue:

Reverting Sway to 1.8.1 works.
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