test suite failures building Debian 1.4.0 packages

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
One participant
  • Vagrant Cascadian
Submitted by
Vagrant Cascadian

Debbugs page

Vagrant Cascadian wrote 1 years ago
(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)
Several tests have started failing with builds of Guix in Debian:

My suspicion is I need to rebuild one of guix's build dependencies, but
I am not sure which one. Maybe all of them... Debian doesn't quite have
the same nice feature of always rebuilding everything that needs
rebuilding. :/

Digging through the referenced build log and also on a local build, the
following test failures seem to all fail in a similar way, with a
bytevecotr procedure(???):

test-name: fold-available-packages with/without cache
location: /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/tests/packages.scm:1708
+ (test-assert
+ "fold-available-packages with/without cache"
+ (let ()
+ (define no-cache
+ (fold-available-packages
+ (lambda* (name version result #:rest rest)
+ (cons (cons* name version rest) result))
+ '()))
+ (define from-cache
+ (call-with-temporary-directory
+ (lambda (cache)
+ (generate-package-cache cache)
+ (mock ((guix describe) current-profile (const cache))
+ (mock ((gnu packages)
+ cache-is-authoritative?
+ (const #t))
+ (fold-available-packages
+ (lambda* (name version result #:rest rest)
+ (cons (cons* name version rest) result))
+ '()))))))
+ (define (list->set* lst)
+ (let loop ((lst lst) (duplicates '()) (seen (set)))
+ (match lst
+ (() (values seen duplicates))
+ ((head . tail)
+ (if (set-contains? seen head)
+ (loop tail (cons head duplicates) seen)
+ (loop tail duplicates (set-insert head seen)))))))
+ (let ((set1 duplicates1 (list->set* from-cache))
+ (set2 duplicates2 (list->set* no-cache)))
+ (and (null? duplicates1)
+ (null? duplicates2)
+ (every (cut set-contains? set1 <>) no-cache)
+ (every (cut set-contains? set2 <>) from-cache)))))
actual-value: #f
+ (wrong-type-arg
+ "put-bytevector"
+ "Wrong type argument in position ~A (expecting ~A): ~S"
+ (2
+ "bytevector"
+ #<procedure 7fae69e26880 at system/vm/linker.scm:773:8 (port)>)
+ (#<procedure 7fae69e26880 at system/vm/linker.scm:773:8 (port)>))
result: FAIL

test-name: find-packages-by-name with cache
location: /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/tests/packages.scm:1760
+ (test-equal
+ "find-packages-by-name with cache"
+ (find-packages-by-name "guile")
+ (call-with-temporary-directory
+ (lambda (cache)
+ (generate-package-cache cache)
+ (mock ((guix describe) current-profile (const cache))
+ (mock ((gnu packages)
+ cache-is-authoritative?
+ (const #t))
+ (find-packages-by-name "guile"))))))
expected-value: (#<package guile@3.0.8 gnu/packages/guile.scm:392 7fae5c1b8d10> #<package guile@3.0.7 gnu/packages/guile.scm:310 7fae5c1b8dc0> #<package guile@2.2.7 gnu/packages/guile.scm:250 7fae5c1b8f20> #<package guile@2.2.4 gnu/packages/guile.scm:297 7fae5c1b8e70> #<package guile@2.0.14 gnu/packages/guile.scm:147 7fae5c1b2000> #<package guile@1.8.8 gnu/packages/guile.scm:76 7fae5c1b20b0>)
actual-value: #f
+ (wrong-type-arg
+ "put-bytevector"
+ "Wrong type argument in position ~A (expecting ~A): ~S"
+ (2
+ "bytevector"
+ #<procedure 7fae6b40d800 at system/vm/linker.scm:773:8 (port)>)
+ (#<procedure 7fae6b40d800 at system/vm/linker.scm:773:8 (port)>))
result: FAIL

test-name: find-packages-by-name + version, with cache
location: /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/tests/packages.scm:1769
+ (test-equal
+ "find-packages-by-name + version, with cache"
+ (find-packages-by-name "guile" "2")
+ (call-with-temporary-directory
+ (lambda (cache)
+ (generate-package-cache cache)
+ (mock ((guix describe) current-profile (const cache))
+ (mock ((gnu packages)
+ cache-is-authoritative?
+ (const #t))
+ (find-packages-by-name "guile" "2"))))))
expected-value: (#<package guile@2.2.7 gnu/packages/guile.scm:250 7fae5c1b8f20> #<package guile@2.2.4 gnu/packages/guile.scm:297 7fae5c1b8e70> #<package guile@2.0.14 gnu/packages/guile.scm:147 7fae5c1b2000>)
actual-value: #f
+ (wrong-type-arg
+ "put-bytevector"
+ "Wrong type argument in position ~A (expecting ~A): ~S"
+ (2
+ "bytevector"
+ #<procedure 7fae40d6c880 at system/vm/linker.scm:773:8 (port)>)
+ (#<procedure 7fae40d6c880 at system/vm/linker.scm:773:8 (port)>))
result: FAIL

test-name: find-package-locations with cache
location: /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/tests/packages.scm:1927
+ (test-equal
+ "find-package-locations with cache"
+ (map (lambda (package)
+ (cons (package-version package)
+ (package-location package)))
+ (find-packages-by-name "guile"))
+ (call-with-temporary-directory
+ (lambda (cache)
+ (generate-package-cache cache)
+ (mock ((guix describe) current-profile (const cache))
+ (mock ((gnu packages)
+ cache-is-authoritative?
+ (const #t))
+ (find-package-locations "guile"))))))
expected-value: (("3.0.8" . #<<location> file: "gnu/packages/guile.scm" line: 392 column: 2>) ("3.0.7" . #<<location> file: "gnu/packages/guile.scm" line: 310 column: 2>) ("2.2.7" . #<<location> file: "gnu/packages/guile.scm" line: 250 column: 2>) ("2.2.4" . #<<location> file: "gnu/packages/guile.scm" line: 297 column: 2>) ("2.0.14" . #<<location> file: "gnu/packages/guile.scm" line: 147 column: 2>) ("1.8.8" . #<<location> file: "gnu/packages/guile.scm" line: 76 column: 2>))
actual-value: #f
+ (wrong-type-arg
+ "put-bytevector"
+ "Wrong type argument in position ~A (expecting ~A): ~S"
+ (2
+ "bytevector"
+ #<procedure 7fae3f090880 at system/vm/linker.scm:773:8 (port)>)
+ (#<procedure 7fae3f090880 at system/vm/linker.scm:773:8 (port)>))
result: FAIL


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