URI path in git-http-nginx-location-configuration doesn't accept / properly

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
One participant
  • Richard Sent
Submitted by
Richard Sent
Richard Sent wrote on 20 Jan 18:18 +0100
(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)
Hi all,

In the documentation for Version Control Services, there is example code
for sharing Git repos through Nginx, posted below. The line
(git-http-configuration (uri-path "/")) implies that git repositories
can be reached at "git.my-host.org/repo.git". However, this doesn't work.

Toggle snippet (17 lines)
(service nginx-service-type
(listen '("443 ssl"))
(server-name "git.my-host.org")
(git-http-configuration (uri-path "/"))))))))))

Nginx's location information is generated by
git-http-nginx-location-configuration, which runs

Toggle snippet (3 lines)
(uri (string-append "~ /" (string-trim-both uri-path #\/) "(/.*)"))

If uri-path is "/" (or "", or "\"), this entry will be created in nginx.conf:

Toggle snippet (5 lines)
location ~ /(/.*) {

This location regex pattern will match git.my-host.org//, but not
git.my-host.org/. However, Nginx merges slashes by default, so you
cannot access the repo with 'http://git.my-host.org//repo.git'because
Nginx collapses that to http://git.my-host.org/repo.gitbefore matching
the URI against the location pattern. Which, as mentioned, does not

I did find that (uri-path "*") does work, but I've not tested it
extensively. I also found that I can add `(raw-content (list
"merge_slashes off;"))` to nginx-server-configuration, then use `$ git
clone http://git.my-host.org//repo.git`,but that's not ideal.

At minimum, the documentation should be updated to reflect this
(uri-path "/" vs "\" vs "" are identical). I don't know what the future
plans are for git-http-service, but I can think of two possible solutions:

1. git-http-nginx-location-configuration no longer modifies uri-path and
instead pastes it literally in nginx.conf. To my understanding "/git"
would work identically without the regex match currently used, exposing
repos at "host.domain/git/path/to/repo.git", but I've not tested this.

2. git-http-nginx-location-configuration takes an optional Nginx-style
URI pattern argument that, if passed, replaces the URI generated from

Take it easy,
Richard Sent
Making my computer weirder one commit at a time.