file-database-mcron-jobs expects updatedb to be in /bin, but plocate has it in /sbin

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
One participant
  • David Pflug
Submitted by
David Pflug

Debbugs page

David Pflug wrote 1 years ago
(address .

Chased down the subject line while troubleshooting why my locate db
wasn't updating. Would it be better to alter file-database-mcron-jobs
to check both locations or the plocate package to move its updatedb to
the usual spot?

Actually, its updatedb isn't even a shell script. It doesn't need sed
or coreutils/find. Maybe plocate should provide its own filedb update
service? plocate-file-database-mcron-jobs

I'm happy to work on any of those, but I don't know what's idiomatic
here. Anyone want to weigh in?

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