(name . bug-guix)(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)
From Cuirass:
Toggle snippet (30 lines)
QDEBUG : Ft_MIMPluginManager::testPluginDescriptions() virtual QString DummyInputMethod::activeSubView(Maliit::HandlerState) const
QDEBUG : Ft_MIMPluginManager::testPluginDescriptions() virtual void DummyInputMethod::setState(const QSet<Maliit::HandlerState>&) QSet(0)
=== Received signal at function time: 3ms, total time: 24ms, dumping stack ===
=== End of stack trace ===
QFATAL : Ft_MIMPluginManager::testPluginDescriptions() Received signal 11
Function time: 3ms Total time: 24ms
FAIL! : Ft_MIMPluginManager::testPluginDescriptions() Received a fatal error.
Loc: [Unknown file(0)]
Totals: 6 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 26ms
********* Finished testing of Ft_MIMPluginManager *********
Start 12: ut_maliit_glib_settings
12/12 Test #12: ut_maliit_glib_settings .......... Passed 0.01 sec
92% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 12
Total Test time (real) = 0.53 sec
The following tests FAILED:
11 - ft_mimpluginmanager (Subprocess aborted)
Errors while running CTest
make: *** [Makefile:74: test] Error 8
Test suite failed, dumping logs.
error: in phase 'check': uncaught exception:
%exception #<&invoke-error program: "make" arguments: ("test" "-j" "16") exit-status: 2 term-signal: #f stop-signal: #f>
phase `check' failed after 0.6 seconds
The test failure is possibly non-deterministic.