plasma-workspace 5.25.5 build segfaults in check-after-install phase

  • Done
  • quality assurance status badge
2 participants
  • 宋文武
  • Athena Martin
Submitted by
Athena Martin

Debbugs page

Athena Martin wrote 2 years ago
(address .
I did a 'guix system build' of my Plasma configuration ahead of actually
installing it and got the following build failure:

phase `install' succeeded after 15.5 seconds
starting phase `check-after-install'
Test project /tmp/guix-build-plasma-workspace-5.25.5.drv-0/build
Start 1: kworkspace-testPlatformDetection
1/14 Test #1: kworkspace-testPlatformDetection ... Passed 0.01 sec
Start 2: tasktoolstest
2/14 Test #2: tasktoolstest ...................... Passed 0.05 sec
Start 3: launchertasksmodeltest
3/14 Test #3: launchertasksmodeltest ............. Passed 0.11 sec
Start 4: screenpooltest
4/14 Test #4: screenpooltest .....................***Exception: SegFault 2.52 sec
********* Start testing of ScreenPoolTest *********
Config: Using QtTest library 5.15.8, Qt 5.15.8 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release b
uild; by GCC 11.3.0), unknown unknown
PASS : ScreenPoolTest::initTestCase()
PASS : ScreenPoolTest::testScreenInsertion()
PASS : ScreenPoolTest::testRedundantScreenInsertion()
PASS : ScreenPoolTest::testMoveOutOfRedundant()
PASS : ScreenPoolTest::testMoveInRedundant()
PASS : ScreenPoolTest::testPrimarySwap()
PASS : ScreenPoolTest::testPrimarySwapToRedundant()
PASS : ScreenPoolTest::testMoveRedundantToMakePrimary()
PASS : ScreenPoolTest::testMoveInRedundantToLosePrimary()
PASS : ScreenPoolTest::testSecondScreenRemoval()
PASS : ScreenPoolTest::testThirdScreenRemoval()
QINFO : ScreenPoolTest::testLastScreenRemoval() qt.qpa.wayland: Creating a fake screen in order for
Qt not to crash
PASS : ScreenPoolTest::testLastScreenRemoval()
PASS : ScreenPoolTest::testFakeToRealScreen()
PASS : ScreenPoolTest::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 14 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 2399ms
********* Finished testing of ScreenPoolTest *********

Start 5: klipper-testHistory
5/14 Test #5: klipper-testHistory ................ Passed 0.03 sec
Start 6: klipper-testHistoryModel
6/14 Test #6: klipper-testHistoryModel ........... Passed 0.04 sec
Start 7: klipper-testUtils
7/14 Test #7: klipper-testUtils .................. Passed 0.03 sec
Start 8: testChromeBookmarks
8/14 Test #8: testChromeBookmarks ................ Passed 0.05 sec
Start 9: testFirefoxBookmarks
9/14 Test #9: testFirefoxBookmarks ............... Passed 0.10 sec
Start 10: testBookmarksMatch
10/14 Test #10: testBookmarksMatch ................. Passed 0.04 sec
Start 11: calculatorrunnertest
11/14 Test #11: calculatorrunnertest ............... Passed 0.08 sec
Start 12: locationsrunnertest
12/14 Test #12: locationsrunnertest ................ Passed 0.28 sec
Start 13: servicerunnertest
13/14 Test #13: servicerunnertest .................. Passed 0.26 sec
Start 14: shellrunnertest
14/14 Test #14: shellrunnertest .................... Passed 0.10 sec

93% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 14

Total Test time (real) = 3.71 sec

The following tests FAILED:
4 - screenpooltest (SEGFAULT)
Errors while running CTest
error: in phase 'check-after-install': uncaught exception:
%exception #<&invoke-error program: "ctest" arguments: ("-E" "(appstreamtest|lookandfeel-kcmTest|tst
_triangleFilter|systemtraymodeltest|testdesktop| screenpooltest)") exit-status: 8 term-signal: #f st
op-signal: #f>
phase `check-after-install' failed after 3.7 seconds
command "ctest" "-E" "(appstreamtest|lookandfeel-kcmTest|tst_triangleFilter|systemtraymodeltest|test
desktop| screenpooltest)" failed with status 8
builder for `/gnu/store/ims94hwcfi3wjsxqz89vr8xhr2shxm3d-plasma-workspace-5.25.5.drv' failed with ex
it code 1
build of /gnu/store/ims94hwcfi3wjsxqz89vr8xhr2shxm3d-plasma-workspace-5.25.5.drv failed
View build log at '/var/log/guix/drvs/im/s94hwcfi3wjsxqz89vr8xhr2shxm3d-plasma-workspace-5.25.5.drv.
guix system: error: build of `/gnu/store/ims94hwcfi3wjsxqz89vr8xhr2shxm3d-plasma-workspace-5.25.5.dr
v' failed


宋文武 wrote 2 years ago
(name . Athena Martin)(address . .
Athena Martin <> writes:

Toggle quote (10 lines)
> I did a 'guix system build' of my Plasma configuration ahead of actually
> installing it and got the following build failure:
> [...]
> The following tests FAILED:
> 4 - screenpooltest (SEGFAULT)
> [...]
> guix system: error: build of `/gnu/store/ims94hwcfi3wjsxqz89vr8xhr2shxm3d-plasma-workspace-5.25.5.dr
> v' failed

Hello, we have plasma-workspace 5.27.7 build fine on CI now, closing.

If the issue still exist, please reopen it, thanks!
Your comment

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