Warnings hidden in log for derivation

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
One participant
  • Felix Lechner
Submitted by
Felix Lechner

Debbugs page

Felix Lechner wrote 2 years ago
(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)(name . Bruno Victal)(address . mirai@makinata.eu)
X-Debbugs-CC: mirai@makinata.eu


I recently started seeing deprecation warnings about how serializers
in a "define-configuration" stanza were positioned relative to a
docstring. Unfortunately, the warnings disappeared from view (during
both "pull" and "deploy") when I moved the cachefilesd service to a
custom channel. [1]

The warnings were then in a derivation log, but I would not have seen
them without an unrelated error. The full log is below.

I believe warnings in such a derivation should be brought to a user's
attention with the same prominence as when they arise as part of a
system configuration. Thanks!

Kind regards

* * *

(repl-version 0 1 1)
guix repl: warning: specifying serializers after documentation is
deprecated, use (serializer (make-option-serializer (quote dir)))
guix repl: warning: specifying serializers after documentation is
deprecated, use (serializer (make-option-serializer (quote tag)))
guix repl: warning: specifying serializers after documentation is
deprecated, use (serializer (make-option-serializer (quote secctx)))
guix repl: warning: specifying serializers after documentation is
deprecated, use (serializer (make-percentage-threshold-serializer
(quote brun))) instead
guix repl: warning: specifying serializers after documentation is
deprecated, use (serializer (make-percentage-threshold-serializer
(quote frun))) instead
guix repl: warning: specifying serializers after documentation is
deprecated, use (serializer (make-percentage-threshold-serializer
(quote bcull))) instead
guix repl: warning: specifying serializers after documentation is
deprecated, use (serializer (make-percentage-threshold-serializer
(quote fcull))) instead
guix repl: warning: specifying serializers after documentation is
deprecated, use (serializer (make-percentage-threshold-serializer
(quote bstop))) instead
guix repl: warning: specifying serializers after documentation is
deprecated, use (serializer (make-percentage-threshold-serializer
(quote fstop))) instead
guix repl: warning: specifying serializers after documentation is
deprecated, use (serializer (make-option-serializer (quote
culltable))) instead
guix repl: warning: specifying serializers after documentation is
deprecated, use (serializer (lambda (variable-symbol value) (if value
))) instead
(exception unbound-variable (value #f) (value "Unbound variable: ~S")
(value (package)) (value #f))
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