file-needed/recurive does not canonicalize paths

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
2 participants
  • Lars-Dominik Braun
  • Ludovic Courtès
Submitted by
Lars-Dominik Braun

Debbugs page

Lars-Dominik Braun wrote 2 years ago
(address .

(CC-ing Ludo, who wrote the code according to git logs)

during testing of wip-haskell I observed the make-dynamic-linker-cache
phase is taking alot of time (up to two minutes on a fast machine with
SSD). Looking at ghc-hindent for example [1]:

starting phase `make-dynamic-linker-cache'
created '/gnu/store/2nrzbaxmqs2rq9yv52bpyn2azb3qj6h1-ghc-hindent-5.3.4/etc/' from 10085 library search path entries
phase `make-dynamic-linker-cache' succeeded after 119.5 seconds

And while Haskell packages link to a pretty large number of dynamic
libraries (116 in this case), 10000 search path entries seems wrong. Running just

(file-needed/recursive "/gnu/store/2nrzbaxmqs2rq9yv52bpyn2azb3qj6h1-ghc-hindent-5.3.4/bin/hindent")

takes a long time and reveals entries like
so it looks like it deduplicates values, but does not canonicalize
paths. A relatively straight-forward fix could be the following change,
but I don’t know if that would cause any issues, since canonicalize-path
throws an exception if the resulting path does not exist. It’s also
a world rebuild since pretty much any package uses this phase (and the
reason and I cannot test it on a larger scale).

Toggle diff (21 lines)
diff --git a/guix/build/gremlin.scm b/guix/build/gremlin.scm
index 2a74d51dd9..6eb8f688ea 100644
--- a/guix/build/gremlin.scm
+++ b/guix/build/gremlin.scm
@@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ (define (file-needed/recursive file)
(if (and runpath needed)
(let* ((runpath (map (cute expand-origin <> (dirname file))
- (resolved (map (cut search-path runpath <>)
- needed))
+ (resolved (map (lambda (x) (and=> x canonicalize-path)) (map (cut search-path runpath <>)
+ needed)))
(failed (filter-map (lambda (needed resolved)
(and (not resolved)
(not (libc-library? needed))


Ludovic Courtès wrote 2 years ago
(name . Lars-Dominik Braun)(address . .
Hi Lars,

Lars-Dominik Braun <> skribis:

Toggle quote (22 lines)
> during testing of wip-haskell I observed the make-dynamic-linker-cache
> phase is taking alot of time (up to two minutes on a fast machine with
> SSD). Looking at ghc-hindent for example [1]:
> starting phase `make-dynamic-linker-cache'
> created '/gnu/store/2nrzbaxmqs2rq9yv52bpyn2azb3qj6h1-ghc-hindent-5.3.4/etc/' from 10085 library search path entries
> phase `make-dynamic-linker-cache' succeeded after 119.5 seconds
> And while Haskell packages link to a pretty large number of dynamic
> libraries (116 in this case), 10000 search path entries seems wrong. Running just
> (file-needed/recursive "/gnu/store/2nrzbaxmqs2rq9yv52bpyn2azb3qj6h1-ghc-hindent-5.3.4/bin/hindent")
> takes a long time and reveals entries like
> /gnu/store/1cyk8j2nd6r0cvm6kx1408kd763yf8h5-ghc-9.2.5/lib/ghc-9.2.5/Cabal-
> so it looks like it deduplicates values, but does not canonicalize
> paths. A relatively straight-forward fix could be the following change,
> but I don’t know if that would cause any issues, since canonicalize-path
> throws an exception if the resulting path does not exist. It’s also
> a world rebuild since pretty much any package uses this phase (and the
> reason and I cannot test it on a larger scale).

Right. Other arguments against systematic canonicalization: (1)
‘canonicalize-path’ is costly, (2) developers and tools might choose to
write ‘x/y/../z’ for a good reason and changing that could break their

Can you see how we end up with those entries? These at DT_NEEDED
entries, not DT_RUNPATH, right?

If so, that probably means that ghc at some points invokes the linker
along the lines of:

ld -o hindent ../foo/../bar/../baz/

Could you check in build logs exactly how that executable gets linked?
Is there a way we could canonicalize there, or, better, get the build
system to do something like:

ld -o hindent -L ../foo/../bar/../baz -lbaz

? That way DT_NEEDED would be just “” instead of the complete
file name. DT_RUNPATH would contain the weird file name, but that’s
probably okay.

Lars-Dominik Braun wrote 2 years ago
(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address . .
Hi Ludo,

Toggle quote (2 lines)
> Can you see how we end up with those entries? These at DT_NEEDED
> entries, not DT_RUNPATH, right?
they definitely do not come from the hindent binary. `readelf -d` looks
like this

0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
0x000000000000001d (RUNPATH) Library runpath: [/gnu/store/2nrzbaxmqs2rq9yv52bpyn2azb3qj6h1-ghc-hindent-5.3.4/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.2.5:/gnu/store/1cyk8j2nd6r0cvm6kx1408kd763yf8h5-ghc-9.2.5/lib/ghc-9.2.5/Cabal-…

and I believe GHC adds `-L/gnu/store/…` and `-lHSXXX` to the linker
invokation only, which should be correct. However GHC’s
bundled libraries are linked differently and result in a `readelf -d
like this:

0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
0x000000000000001d (RUNPATH) Library runpath: [$ORIGIN/../process-$ORIGIN/../parsec-$ORIGIN/../text-$ORIGIN/../mtl-2.2.2:$ORIGIN/../transformers-$ORIGIN/../directory-$ORIGIN/../unix-$ORIGIN/../time-$ORIGIN/../filepath-$ORIGIN/../binary-$ORIGIN/../containers-$ORIGIN/../bytestring-$ORIGIN/../template-haskell-$ORIGIN/../pretty-$ORIGIN/../ghc-boot-th-9.2.5:$ORIGIN/../deepseq-$ORIGIN/../array-$ORIGIN/../base-$ORIGIN/../ghc-bignum-1.2:$ORIGIN/../ghc-prim-0.8.0:$ORIGIN/../rts:/gnu/store/5h2w4qi9hk1qzzgi1w83220ydslinr4s-glibc-2.33/lib:/gnu/store/094bbaq6glba86h1d4cj16xhdi6fk2jl-gcc-10.3.0-lib/lib:/gnu/store/fwbiihd2sbhai63y1pvvdh0f2bakfzrf-gmp-6.2.1/lib:/gnu/store/094bbaq6glba86h1d4cj16xhdi6fk2jl-gcc-10.3.0-lib/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/10.3.0/../../..]

These obviously will get expanded to
And there’s about 40 of these bundled libraries referencing each other,
which is why the problem is amplified.

I still believe this is a bug in file-needed/recursive, because it
recurses, but does not correctly keep track of “visited” shared
libraries (by not canonicalizing paths). Its documentation also says
that it returns a “list of absolute .so file names” – which I
would expect not to have relative path elements in. The output of `ldd`
does so too. So yes, canonicalize-path may be expensive, but evaluating
10000 shared libraries is too.


PS: This is not a problem for wip-haskell any more, since I switched to
static linking, but it’s going to bite someone else.
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