[IceCat and IceDove]: Doesn't use system's locale/timezone.

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
5 participants
  • bdju
  • Jonathan Brielmaier
  • Maxim Cournoyer
  • Mark H Weaver
  • Raghav Gururajan
Submitted by
Raghav Gururajan
Merged with

Debbugs page

Raghav Gururajan wrote 3 years ago
(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)
Hello Guix,
It appears that the applications IceCat and IceDove doesn't follow
system's locale/timezone. By default, it uses UTC.
This is observed in Guix System and not sure about foreign distros.
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bdju wrote 3 years ago
On Sun Apr 24, 2022 at 1:06 AM CDT, Raghav Gururajan via Bug reports for GNU Guix wrote:
Toggle quote (10 lines)
> Hello Guix,
> It appears that the applications IceCat and IceDove doesn't follow
> system's locale/timezone. By default, it uses UTC.
> This is observed in Guix System and not sure about foreign distros.
> Regards,
> RG.

In IceCat at least I believe this is due to the resistfingerprinting
about:config setting. Not sure about IceDove. I have noticed a similar
issue with w3m, though. It doesn't match my system's time.
Mark H Weaver wrote 3 years ago
Hi Raghav and bdju,

"bdju" via Bug reports for GNU Guix <bug-guix@gnu.org> writes:

Toggle quote (14 lines)
> On Sun Apr 24, 2022 at 1:06 AM CDT, Raghav Gururajan via Bug reports for GNU Guix wrote:
>> Hello Guix,
>> It appears that the applications IceCat and IceDove doesn't follow
>> system's locale/timezone. By default, it uses UTC.
>> This is observed in Guix System and not sure about foreign distros.
>> Regards,
>> RG.
> In IceCat at least I believe this is due to the resistfingerprinting
> about:config setting.

Indeed, the "privacy.resistFingerprinting" setting in <about:config>
makes an attempt to avoid leaking personally identifying information
about you. Locale and time zone are two such pieces of information
which narrow down the set of people you might be, even if you are using
Tor or a VPN. It is set to "true" by default in IceCat, and "false" by
default in upstream Firefox.

We should probably expose the "privacy.resistFingerprinting" in the
IceCat-specific privacy settings in <about:preferences#privacy>, since
it's a setting that many users will want to turn off. The same setting
also causes problems for some Javascript programs, including some
audio/video players.


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Jonathan Brielmaier wrote 2 years ago
[IceCat and IceDove]: Doesn't use system's locale/timezone.
(address . 55089@debbugs.gnu.org)
Hello Raghav,

Hm, I can't reproduce it in Icedove. I have CEST as timezone (UTC-2) and
all timestamps I can found are in CEST.

Where does this problem occur in Icedove for you?
Maxim Cournoyer wrote 2 years ago
(name . Jonathan Brielmaier)(address . jonathan.brielmaier@web.de)(address . 55089@debbugs.gnu.org)

Jonathan Brielmaier <jonathan.brielmaier@web.de> writes:

Toggle quote (7 lines)
> Hello Raghav,
> Hm, I can't reproduce it in Icedove. I have CEST as timezone (UTC-2) and
> all timestamps I can found are in CEST.
> Where does this problem occur in Icedove for you?

I reproduce it on my side, see #59368.

Maxim Cournoyer wrote 2 years ago
control message for bug #55089
(address . control@debbugs.gnu.org)
merge 55089 59368
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