aspell-dict-* packages lack .cmap and .cset files

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
3 participants
  • francismb
  • Ludovic Courtès
  • vapnik spaknik
Submitted by
vapnik spaknik
vapnik spaknik wrote on 3 Mar 2022 12:30
Fw: missing files from aspell-dict package
(name . .
I have installed the latest versions of aspell & aspell-dict-en via guix on a foreign distro:

Toggle quote (1 lines)
> guix package --list-installed=aspell\*
aspell                0.60.8               out    /gnu/store/xyz0ljdw4m25k8vhnl8261ywq7dvmr49-aspell-0.60.8
aspell-dict-en    2020.12.07-0    out    /gnu/store/v90ifhzvln0p61i6xpadjj6qvjqvr4sb-aspell-dict-en-2020.12.07-0 

However, when recollindex tries to run this aspell command it emits an error:

Toggle quote (1 lines)
> aspell --lang=en --encoding=utf-8 create master ~/recoll/aspdict.en.rws
Error: The language "en" is not known. This is probably because: the file "/gnu/store/xyz0ljdw4m25k8vhnl8261ywq7dvmr49-aspell-0.60.8/lib/aspell-0.60/en.dat" can not be opened for reading.

If I add a --data-dir option to point to the aspell-dict-en dir which contains en.dat I get a different error:
Toggle quote (1 lines)
> aspell --data-dir=~/.guix-profile/lib/aspell --lang=en --encoding=utf-8 create master ~/recoll/aspdict.en.rws
Error: The file "~/.guix-profile/lib/aspell/iso-8859-1.cset" can not be opened for reading. 

The aspell installation contains cset & cmap files in its lib/aspell-0.60/ subdir, but no dat files, whereas the aspell-dict-en contains dat files but not cset or cmap files. However, aspell expects them to be in the same directory, as they are in the debian aspell package (in /usr/lib/aspell).


p.s. "vapnik spaknik" is a randomly chosen email name for the sake of anonymity, not a shady Russian cracker. I prefer to (try to) stay anonymous online because I took heed of Richard Stallmans warnings about the internet, not because I'm doing anything dodgy. I say these things because I worry that the current political situation may invoke a negative reaction to the name in the From field of this message, and reduce its chances of being answered.
Ludovic Courtès wrote on 16 Mar 2022 14:52
(name . vapnik spaknik)(address . .

vapnik spaknik <> skribis:

Toggle quote (17 lines)
> I have installed the latest versions of aspell & aspell-dict-en via guix on a foreign distro:
>> guix package --list-installed=aspell\*
> aspell                0.60.8               out    /gnu/store/xyz0ljdw4m25k8vhnl8261ywq7dvmr49-aspell-0.60.8
> aspell-dict-en    2020.12.07-0    out    /gnu/store/v90ifhzvln0p61i6xpadjj6qvjqvr4sb-aspell-dict-en-2020.12.07-0 
> However, when recollindex tries to run this aspell command it emits an error:
>> aspell --lang=en --encoding=utf-8 create master ~/recoll/aspdict.en.rws
> Error: The language "en" is not known. This is probably because: the file "/gnu/store/xyz0ljdw4m25k8vhnl8261ywq7dvmr49-aspell-0.60.8/lib/aspell-0.60/en.dat" can not be opened for reading.
> If I add a --data-dir option to point to the aspell-dict-en dir which contains en.dat I get a different error:
>> aspell --data-dir=~/.guix-profile/lib/aspell --lang=en --encoding=utf-8 create master ~/recoll/aspdict.en.rws
> Error: The file "~/.guix-profile/lib/aspell/iso-8859-1.cset" can not be opened for reading. 
> The aspell installation contains cset & cmap files in its lib/aspell-0.60/ subdir, but no dat files, whereas the aspell-dict-en contains dat files but not cset or cmap files. However, aspell expects them to be in the same directory, as they are in the debian aspell package (in /usr/lib/aspell).

I replied before seeing this bug report at
and asked the following questions:

Toggle quote (6 lines)
> Normally ~/.guix-profile/etc/profile does:
> export ASPELL_DICT_DIR="$HOME/lib/aspell“
> Can you confirm that’s the case?


Toggle quote (12 lines)
> I’m not familiar enough with Aspell. Do you think this is a
> misconfiguration of the ‘aspell-dict-en’ package and possibly other
> ‘aspell-dict-’ packages?
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> $ find $(guix build aspell-dict-fr ) -name \*cset
> $ find $(guix build aspell-dict-fr ) -name \*cmap
> $ find $(guix build aspell-dict-en ) -name \*cmap
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> Let us know if you have clues on how to fix it.

Thanks in advance for your help,
Ludovic Courtès wrote on 16 Mar 2022 14:53
control message for bug #54238
(address .
retitle 54238 aspell-dict-* packages lack .cmap and .cset files
francismb wrote on 15 Jul 2023 21:39
File is searched on incorrect path
(address .
here on the same track, trying to use recoll on guix foreign distro:

1) recoll log.txt
:2:index/indexer.cpp:405::ConfIndexer::createAspellDict: aspell
buildDict failed: aspell dictionary creation command failed:
--lang=en --encoding=utf-8 create master /home/ci/.recoll/aspdict.en.rws
One possible reason might be missing language data files for lang = en.
Maybe try to execute the command by hand for a better diag.

2) ~$ guix package --list-installed=aspell\*
aspell-dict-es 1.11-2 out
aspell 0.60.8 out
aspell-dict-uk 1.4.0-0 out
aspell-dict-de 20161207-7-0 out
aspell-dict-en 2020.12.07-0 out
aspell-dict-ca 2.5.0 out

Trying to run the aspell, as the recoll log.txt:
3) ~$ aspell --lang=en --encoding=utf-8 create master
Error: The language "en" is not known. This is probably because: the
can not be opened for reading.

Find does not seem to find anything:

4) ~$ find $(guix build aspell-dict-en) -name \*cset

5) ~$ find $(guix build aspell-dict-en) -name \*cmap

as vapnik spaknik stated, there seems to be no "file
but those are on the language package itself:

6) ~$ find $(guix build aspell-dict-en) -name \*.dat

(that last is not
(see 3)

I hope it helps!
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