1. Upgrade bat 0.18.2 → 0.18.3 fails, 2. guix upgrade ... but "nothing to do"

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
One participant
  • Rostislav Svoboda
Submitted by
Rostislav Svoboda
Rostislav Svoboda wrote on 26 Aug 2021 19:32
1. Upgrade bat 0.18.2 → 0.18.3 fails, 2. guix upgr ade ... but "nothing to do"
(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)
I found two bugs or problems:
1. Upgrade bat 0.18.2 → 0.18.3 fails
2. There's "nothing to do" for some packages, nevertheless the
packages appear in the `guix upgrade` output

guest@gnu ~$ guix pull
Updating channel 'guix' from Git repository at
Building from this channel:
Computing Guix derivation for 'x86_64-linux'... \
nothing to be done

guest@gnu ~$ guix upgrade
The following packages will be upgraded:
bat 0.18.2 → 0.18.3
emacs (dependencies or package changed)
git (dependencies or package changed)
git:gui (dependencies or package changed)
krusader (dependencies or package changed)
qutebrowser (dependencies or package changed)
spice-vdagent (dependencies or package changed)
telegram-desktop (dependencies or package changed)
virt-viewer (dependencies or package changed)

substitute: updating substitutes from 'https://ci.guix.gnu.org'... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from 'https://bordeaux.guix.gnu.org'... 100.0%
The following derivations will be built:

building /gnu/store/khd1v14j1cyc6xn9ddml7j8m7cmwjwh4-bat-0.18.3.drv...
- 'check' phaseKilled
guest@gnu ~$ guix upgrade emacs git git:gui krusader virt-viewer
guix upgrade: warning: nothing to do
guest@gnu ~$
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