bo0od wrote 4 years ago
(address .
Hi There,
Guix distro is a rolling distro, Packages almost hourly/daily get upgraded.
This is nice but it wont go through without errors due to many factors.
Current situation when there is an error and package failed to build
guix will stop upgrading all the upgrade process e.g:
If you have package x and y in your system
guix upgrade (or guix upgrade x y)
and there is error in x
guix will stop the upgrade process for y as well, even though y package
has no problems with its upgrade.
Current (manual) solution is:
guix package --upgrade . --do-not-upgrade x
Why this is not useful:
- Straight forward bad usability for end user
- Average/New user want guix upgrade to work at 100% percent whenever
possible, Since there is an error possibility then it should work at 90%
or so (depending on how many packages having errors). Current situation
by default either all build fine then upgrade or one error then no
upgrade, Which is below good expectation.
- If user just kept waiting for an upstream/package maintainer fixation
(without reporting the issue or communicate with the support, and i
would expect that from average users) which will take several days if
not more y package will be kept on an outdated stage and this give
security issues as well (because upgrades are not just new features or
fixing bugs many of the upgrades contain fixes for critical security
Real Example:
Caused to stop the upgrade process for all of guix users (at least who
had icedove installed) and no automatic solutions except the manual one.
guix upgrade x y
x contain error cant be upgraded
skip building it due to meow error message
upgrading y from 1.0 to 2.0
upgrade successful without x package couldnt be built due to meow error
This will insure all the packages on the distro going to be upgraded
except the one which contain error/couldnt successfully upgraded.
Faster(?) workaround for current situation:
Note: This is just faster to implement but not better than the previous
Current error message is:
Better as well to add something like:
Use guix package --upgrade . --do-not-upgrade PackageNameWithError to
build other packages seccessfully.
(Or any better wording message).