emacs-org-generate, emacs-picpocket test suite failures

  • Done
  • quality assurance status badge
2 participants
  • Leo Prikler
  • Maxim Cournoyer
Submitted by
Leo Prikler

Debbugs page

Leo Prikler wrote 4 years ago
[WIP Emacs] Emacs packages, that fail to build on master
(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)
I'm currently in the process of verifying, that all Emacs packages
build in the wip-emacs branch. To that end, I'm running a manifest
generated from all emacs-xyz exports, which will fail for some package,
that I've broken, then rinse and repeat.
However, there are some build failures, that exist not only in wip-

In order not to generate too many bug numbers, I'm filing this as some
sort of meta bug. Fixes could likely be pushed directly to master, but
if it's fine for everyone to wait a little, I'd send them through wip-
emacs first.



emacs-nodejs-repl has a non-deterministic error in its test suite.
Trying to complete "Error" sometimes yields nil for no apparent reason.

emacs-org-generate fails with the following:

starting phase `check'
Loading /gnu/store/36ypaaqlmdqi3srzw892d3ppxm5hd6qi-emacs-mustache-
0.23/share/emacs/site-lisp/mustache-render.el (source)...
Loading /gnu/store/36ypaaqlmdqi3srzw892d3ppxm5hd6qi-emacs-mustache-
0.23/share/emacs/site-lisp/mustache-lex.el (source)...
Package cl is deprecated
Loading /gnu/store/36ypaaqlmdqi3srzw892d3ppxm5hd6qi-emacs-mustache-
0.23/share/emacs/site-lisp/mustache-parse.el (source)...
Eager macro-expansion failure: (wrong-type-argument sequencep :equal)
Eager macro-expansion failure: (wrong-type-argument sequencep :equal)
Wrong type argument: sequencep, :equal
command "emacs" "--batch" "--quick" "--directory=." "--load=org-
generate-tests.el" "--funcall=cort-test-run" failed with status 255

emacs-picpocket fails with the following:

37 unexpected results:
FAILED picpocket-add-tag-delete-file
FAILED picpocket-copy-all
FAILED picpocket-delete-from-beginning
FAILED picpocket-delete-from-the-middle-and-end
FAILED picpocket-delete-redundant-tagged-file
FAILED picpocket-delete-unique-tagged-file
FAILED picpocket-empty-undo-buffer-test
FAILED picpocket-external-file-sha-change
FAILED picpocket-file-list-dot-file
FAILED picpocket-file-list-symlink-loop
FAILED picpocket-files-in-list-test
FAILED picpocket-hardlink-all
FAILED picpocket-insert-after-current
FAILED picpocket-insert-before-current
FAILED picpocket-move-all
FAILED picpocket-single-undelete-test
FAILED picpocket-tag-to-all
FAILED picpocket-test-compute-filter-index
FAILED picpocket-test-compute-filter-match-count
FAILED picpocket-test-jump
FAILED picpocket-test-pic-by-index
FAILED picpocket-tree-add-and-clear-tag
FAILED picpocket-tree-add-tag-to-all
FAILED picpocket-tree-copy-within-tree
FAILED picpocket-tree-file-list
FAILED picpocket-tree-files
FAILED picpocket-tree-make-list-with-tags
FAILED picpocket-tree-make-list-with-tags2
FAILED picpocket-tree-move-outside-tree
FAILED picpocket-tree-move-within-tree
FAILED picpocket-undelete-all-test
FAILED picpocket-undo-add-tag-test
FAILED picpocket-undo-buffer-test
FAILED picpocket-undo-copy-test
FAILED picpocket-undo-move-test
FAILED picpocket-undo-remove-tag-test
FAILED picpocket-undo-rename-test

command "emacs" "--batch" "-l" "picpocket-test.el" "-f" "ert-run-tests-
batch-and-exit" failed with status 1
builder for `/gnu/store/6217gnljvphffsllvn9d8s9sl284ms7w-emacs-
picpocket-40.drv' failed with exit code 1
Maxim Cournoyer wrote 4 years ago
(name . Leo Prikler)(address . leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at)(address . 47592@debbugs.gnu.org)
Hi Leo,

Leo Prikler <leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at> writes:

Toggle quote (82 lines)
> I'm currently in the process of verifying, that all Emacs packages
> build in the wip-emacs branch. To that end, I'm running a manifest
> generated from all emacs-xyz exports, which will fail for some package,
> that I've broken, then rinse and repeat.
> However, there are some build failures, that exist not only in wip-
> emacs.
> In order not to generate too many bug numbers, I'm filing this as some
> sort of meta bug. Fixes could likely be pushed directly to master, but
> if it's fine for everyone to wait a little, I'd send them through wip-
> emacs first.
> Regards,
> Leo
> emacs-nodejs-repl has a non-deterministic error in its test suite.
> Trying to complete "Error" sometimes yields nil for no apparent reason.
> emacs-org-generate fails with the following:
> starting phase `check'
> Loading /gnu/store/36ypaaqlmdqi3srzw892d3ppxm5hd6qi-emacs-mustache-
> 0.23/share/emacs/site-lisp/mustache-render.el (source)...
> Loading /gnu/store/36ypaaqlmdqi3srzw892d3ppxm5hd6qi-emacs-mustache-
> 0.23/share/emacs/site-lisp/mustache-lex.el (source)...
> Package cl is deprecated
> Loading /gnu/store/36ypaaqlmdqi3srzw892d3ppxm5hd6qi-emacs-mustache-
> 0.23/share/emacs/site-lisp/mustache-parse.el (source)...
> Eager macro-expansion failure: (wrong-type-argument sequencep :equal)
> Eager macro-expansion failure: (wrong-type-argument sequencep :equal)
> Wrong type argument: sequencep, :equal
> command "emacs" "--batch" "--quick" "--directory=." "--load=org-
> generate-tests.el" "--funcall=cort-test-run" failed with status 255
> emacs-picpocket fails with the following:
> 37 unexpected results:
> FAILED picpocket-add-tag-delete-file
> FAILED picpocket-copy-all
> FAILED picpocket-delete-from-beginning
> FAILED picpocket-delete-from-the-middle-and-end
> FAILED picpocket-delete-redundant-tagged-file
> FAILED picpocket-delete-unique-tagged-file
> FAILED picpocket-empty-undo-buffer-test
> FAILED picpocket-external-file-sha-change
> FAILED picpocket-file-list-dot-file
> FAILED picpocket-file-list-symlink-loop
> FAILED picpocket-files-in-list-test
> FAILED picpocket-hardlink-all
> FAILED picpocket-insert-after-current
> FAILED picpocket-insert-before-current
> FAILED picpocket-move-all
> FAILED picpocket-single-undelete-test
> FAILED picpocket-tag-to-all
> FAILED picpocket-test-compute-filter-index
> FAILED picpocket-test-compute-filter-match-count
> FAILED picpocket-test-jump
> FAILED picpocket-test-pic-by-index
> FAILED picpocket-tree-add-and-clear-tag
> FAILED picpocket-tree-add-tag-to-all
> FAILED picpocket-tree-copy-within-tree
> FAILED picpocket-tree-file-list
> FAILED picpocket-tree-files
> FAILED picpocket-tree-make-list-with-tags
> FAILED picpocket-tree-make-list-with-tags2
> FAILED picpocket-tree-move-outside-tree
> FAILED picpocket-tree-move-within-tree
> FAILED picpocket-undelete-all-test
> FAILED picpocket-undo-add-tag-test
> FAILED picpocket-undo-buffer-test
> FAILED picpocket-undo-copy-test
> FAILED picpocket-undo-move-test
> FAILED picpocket-undo-remove-tag-test
> FAILED picpocket-undo-rename-test
> command "emacs" "--batch" "-l" "picpocket-test.el" "-f" "ert-run-tests-
> batch-and-exit" failed with status 1
> builder for `/gnu/store/6217gnljvphffsllvn9d8s9sl284ms7w-emacs-
> picpocket-40.drv' failed with exit code 1

Pardon me for not checking myself, but I thought perhaps you had taken
care of these issues on the recently merged wip-emacs branch?

If so, let's close it!

Thank you,

Maxim Cournoyer wrote 4 years ago
control message for bug #47592
(address . control@debbugs.gnu.org)
retitle 47592 emacs-org-generate, emacs-picpocket test suite failures
Leo Prikler wrote 4 years ago
Re: bug#47592: [WIP Emacs] Emacs packages, that fail to build on master
(name . Maxim Cournoyer)(address . maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com)(address . 47592@debbugs.gnu.org)
Hi Maxim,

Am Donnerstag, den 20.05.2021, 08:44 -0400 schrieb Maxim Cournoyer:
Toggle quote (99 lines)
> Hi Leo,
> Leo Prikler <leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at> writes:
> > I'm currently in the process of verifying, that all Emacs packages
> > build in the wip-emacs branch. To that end, I'm running a manifest
> > generated from all emacs-xyz exports, which will fail for some
> > package,
> > that I've broken, then rinse and repeat.
> > However, there are some build failures, that exist not only in wip-
> > emacs.
> >
> > In order not to generate too many bug numbers, I'm filing this as
> > some sort of meta bug. Fixes could likely be pushed directly to
> > master, but if it's fine for everyone to wait a little, I'd send
> > them through wip-emacs first.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Leo
> >
> > ----- BEGIN BUILD FAILURES -----
> >
> > emacs-nodejs-repl has a non-deterministic error in its test suite.
> > Trying to complete "Error" sometimes yields nil for no apparent
> > reason.
> >
> > emacs-org-generate fails with the following:
> >
> > starting phase `check'
> > Loading /gnu/store/36ypaaqlmdqi3srzw892d3ppxm5hd6qi-emacs-mustache-
> > 0.23/share/emacs/site-lisp/mustache-render.el (source)...
> > Loading /gnu/store/36ypaaqlmdqi3srzw892d3ppxm5hd6qi-emacs-mustache-
> > 0.23/share/emacs/site-lisp/mustache-lex.el (source)...
> > Package cl is deprecated
> > Loading /gnu/store/36ypaaqlmdqi3srzw892d3ppxm5hd6qi-emacs-mustache-
> > 0.23/share/emacs/site-lisp/mustache-parse.el (source)...
> > Eager macro-expansion failure: (wrong-type-argument sequencep
> > :equal)
> > Eager macro-expansion failure: (wrong-type-argument sequencep
> > :equal)
> > Wrong type argument: sequencep, :equal
> > command "emacs" "--batch" "--quick" "--directory=." "--load=org-
> > generate-tests.el" "--funcall=cort-test-run" failed with status 255
> >
> > emacs-picpocket fails with the following:
> >
> > 37 unexpected results:
> > FAILED picpocket-add-tag-delete-file
> > FAILED picpocket-copy-all
> > FAILED picpocket-delete-from-beginning
> > FAILED picpocket-delete-from-the-middle-and-end
> > FAILED picpocket-delete-redundant-tagged-file
> > FAILED picpocket-delete-unique-tagged-file
> > FAILED picpocket-empty-undo-buffer-test
> > FAILED picpocket-external-file-sha-change
> > FAILED picpocket-file-list-dot-file
> > FAILED picpocket-file-list-symlink-loop
> > FAILED picpocket-files-in-list-test
> > FAILED picpocket-hardlink-all
> > FAILED picpocket-insert-after-current
> > FAILED picpocket-insert-before-current
> > FAILED picpocket-move-all
> > FAILED picpocket-single-undelete-test
> > FAILED picpocket-tag-to-all
> > FAILED picpocket-test-compute-filter-index
> > FAILED picpocket-test-compute-filter-match-count
> > FAILED picpocket-test-jump
> > FAILED picpocket-test-pic-by-index
> > FAILED picpocket-tree-add-and-clear-tag
> > FAILED picpocket-tree-add-tag-to-all
> > FAILED picpocket-tree-copy-within-tree
> > FAILED picpocket-tree-file-list
> > FAILED picpocket-tree-files
> > FAILED picpocket-tree-make-list-with-tags
> > FAILED picpocket-tree-make-list-with-tags2
> > FAILED picpocket-tree-move-outside-tree
> > FAILED picpocket-tree-move-within-tree
> > FAILED picpocket-undelete-all-test
> > FAILED picpocket-undo-add-tag-test
> > FAILED picpocket-undo-buffer-test
> > FAILED picpocket-undo-copy-test
> > FAILED picpocket-undo-move-test
> > FAILED picpocket-undo-remove-tag-test
> > FAILED picpocket-undo-rename-test
> >
> > command "emacs" "--batch" "-l" "picpocket-test.el" "-f" "ert-run-
> > tests-
> > batch-and-exit" failed with status 1
> > builder for `/gnu/store/6217gnljvphffsllvn9d8s9sl284ms7w-emacs-
> > picpocket-40.drv' failed with exit code 1
> Pardon me for not checking myself, but I thought perhaps you had
> taken care of these issues on the recently merged wip-emacs branch?
> If so, let's close it!
> Thank you,
> Maxim
Sadly, I did not. I merely documented that it wasn't wip-emacs which
broke them. However, I don't think this bug is useful to keep around
now that wip-emacs is merged. If anyone has a fix to a breaking emacs-
package, that warrant's it's own bug/patch thread.

Maxim Cournoyer wrote 3 years ago
control message for bug #47592
(address . control@debbugs.gnu.org)
close 47592
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