Guile Macros did not print the error-line-number ?

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
2 participants
  • Joshua Branson
  • Ludovic Courtès
Submitted by
Joshua Branson

Debbugs page

Joshua Branson wrote 4 years ago
(address . .

Recently on irc, I posted an example of an incorrectly used
define-record-type* NOT displaying an error line number.

mdevos mentioned that this could potentially be fixed in (guix
records), but it may also be a guile compile bug as well.

First here is a (guix records) example:

#+BEGIN_SRC scheme
(use-modules (guix records))

(define-record-type* <sway-bindsym>
sway-bindsym make-sway-bindsym
(key-combo sway-bindsym-key-combo
(default "")))

(display sway-bindsym) ;; compile error at unknown location
;; (display (sway-bindsym)) this is one "correct" way to call this code

One will get a compile error like the following

;;; note: source file /home/joshua/prog/guile/test.scm
;;; newer than compiled /home/joshua/.cache/guile/ccache/3.0-LE-8-4.4/home/joshua/prog/guile/test.scm.go
;;; note: auto-compilation is enabled, set GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0
;;; or pass the --no-auto-compile argument to disable.
;;; compiling /home/joshua/prog/guile/test.scm
;;; WARNING: compilation of /home/joshua/prog/guile/test.scm failed:
;;; Syntax error:
;;; unknown location: source expression failed to match any pattern in form sway-bindsym
ice-9/psyntax.scm:2800:12: In procedure syntax-violation:
Syntax error:
unknown location: source expression failed to match any pattern in form sway-bindsym

As you can see, you do NOT see a error-line-number. If this file was
sufficiently large, this might be hard to track down. Though it IS
NICE to see that the error comes from an "sway-bindsym".

mdevos then mentioned that I should provide a simple use case NOT
involving (guix records). Here is one:

#+BEGIN_SRC scheme
(define-syntax when
(syntax-rules ()
((when condititon exp ...)
(if condititon
(begin exp ...)))))

(when #t (display "Hello\n"))

(display when)

The error message looks like:

;;; note: source file /home/joshua/prog/guile/macro-bug.scm
;;; newer than compiled /home/joshua/.cache/guile/ccache/3.0-LE-8-4.4/home/joshua/prog/guile/macro-bug.scm.go
;;; note: auto-compilation is enabled, set GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0
;;; or pass the --no-auto-compile argument to disable.
;;; compiling /home/joshua/prog/guile/macro-bug.scm
;;; WARNING: compilation of /home/joshua/prog/guile/macro-bug.scm failed:
;;; Syntax error:
;;; unknown location: source expression failed to match any pattern in form when
ice-9/psyntax.scm:2800:12: In procedure syntax-violation:
Syntax error:
unknown location: source expression failed to match any pattern in form when

Again, I do not see an error-line-number message.



P.S. I am no scheme compiler expert. As far as I know, maybe it's
impossible to display the error-line-number, when you use macros. I
just heard that few free software users report bugs. I'm just trying
to be helpful. :) I hope I am.
Ludovic Courtès wrote 4 years ago
(name . jbranso--- via Bug reports for GNU Guix)(address .
Hi Joshua,

jbranso--- via Bug reports for GNU Guix <> skribis:

Toggle quote (21 lines)
> Recently on irc, I posted an example of an incorrectly used
> define-record-type* NOT displaying an error line number.
> mdevos mentioned that this could potentially be fixed in (guix
> records), but it may also be a guile compile bug as well.
> First here is a (guix records) example:
> #+BEGIN_SRC scheme
> (use-modules (guix records))
> (define-record-type* <sway-bindsym>
> sway-bindsym make-sway-bindsym
> sway-bindsym?
> (key-combo sway-bindsym-key-combo
> (default "")))
> (display sway-bindsym) ;; compile error at unknown location
> ;; (display (sway-bindsym)) this is one "correct" way to call this code

Source location info is missing because currently (as of 3.0.5), Guile
keeps location info in the form of “source properties” only for lists.
The ‘sway-bindsym’ symbol above has no associated location info.

This may change in the near future as Andy has been rewriting ‘read’
(the Scheme “parser”) in Scheme, among other things.

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