Feature request: parameterized /var/guix/profiles/per-user

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
2 participants
  • Dimitri DELABROYE
  • Ludovic Courtès
Submitted by
Dimitri DELABROYE wrote on 19 Jan 2021 14:34
(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)(address . support-staff@lists.grid5000.fr)

We have installed guix following this cluster documentation
Grid'5000 which is a testbed.

In order to be more secure we did not want to export /var/guix with RW
rights, we cannot trust root on the nodes. So for the user profile to
work we did the following:
    - mount the user's home on the guix server
    - instead of letting guix create the user's profile on
/var/guix/profiles/per-user we created symlink: ln -s /home/USER/.guix
This way we can export /var/guix with RO rights and users can't see each
others profiles.

Another way would be to have a parameter to configure the
/var/guix/profiles/per-user directory so the symlink mecanism would not
be needed. For example guix could directly write in the user directory
in /home/USER/.guix.

Best regards,

Grid'5000 Techteam
Ludovic Courtès wrote on 21 Jan 2021 15:34
(name . Dimitri DELABROYE)(address . dimitri.delabroye@inria.fr)
Hi Dimitri,

Dimitri DELABROYE <dimitri.delabroye@inria.fr> skribis:

Toggle quote (3 lines)
> In order to be more secure we did not want to export /var/guix with RW
> rights, we cannot trust root on the nodes.

Just so those unfamiliar with Grid’5000 understand: what’s special here
is that users can spawn new nodes where they are root, but this root
user is not trusted as an admin of the cluster as a whole.

Thus, if /var/guix as we know it were NFS-exported read/write, anyone
could fiddle with all of /var/guix/profiles/per-user. That’s the reason
why Dimitri & co. came up with the idea of storing per-user profiles in
each user’s home directory.

Why home directories? Because there’s already machinery on G5K that
arranges so that a node can NFS-mount nothing but the home directory of
the user who reserved the node.

Why not treat /var/guix/profiles/per-user/USER NFS shares in the same
way as home directories, then? That’s an option, but that’d mean extra
work for G5K, AIUI.

Toggle quote (9 lines)
> So for the user profile to
> work we did the following:
>     - mount the user's home on the guix server
>     - instead of letting guix create the user's profile on
> /var/guix/profiles/per-user we created symlink: ln -s /home/USER/.guix
> /var/guix/profiles/per-user/USER
> This way we can export /var/guix with RO rights and users can't see
> each others profiles.

The problem is that ‘gc-roots’ in (guix store roots) won’t traverse
those /per-user/USER symlinks. Instead, it assumes they are symlinks to
indirect roots.

Toggle quote (5 lines)
> Another way would be to have a parameter to configure the
> /var/guix/profiles/per-user directory so the symlink mecanism would
> not be needed. For example guix could directly write in the user
> directory in /home/USER/.guix.

In fact, it’s possible to use profiles other than the default profile,
and those profiles can be anywhere on the file system. For instance, if
you do:

guix install -p ~/.guix/my-profile emacs

the thing is installed in ~/.guix/my-profile; that profile does not show
up in /var/guix/profiles, but it is seen as a GC root by the daemon, via

Longer-term, we could imagine having a “private profile” option, where
the default profile is managed this way instead of being visible in
/var/guix/profiles/per-user. But obviously that needs more thought and
it’s not an option to solve your immediate problem.

As it stands, the simplest option I think would be handle NFS exports of
/var/guix/profiles/per-user/USER just like exports of /home/USER.


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