Luis Felipe wrote 4 years ago
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## Steps to reproduce
1. guix install emacs-doom-modeline
2. Start Emacs
3. M-x doom-modeline-mode
## Expected result
Doom modeline and its icons display correctly.
## Unexpected result
Doom modeline is displayed, but some of its icons are missing. You only see Unicode placeholders.
To be able to see the appropriate icons, one have to perform additional steps:
1. guix install emacs-all-the-icons
2. Start Emacs
3. M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts
I would expect "guix install emacs-doom-modeline" to install emacs-all-the-icons, and the latter to install any required font packages.
## System information
GNU Emacs 27.1
emacs-doom-modeline 3.0.0
GNU Guix efa773f
Luis Felipe López Acevedo