[whishlist] Mathjax 3 / Google Closure Compiler

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
One participant
  • Ricardo Wurmus
Submitted by
Ricardo Wurmus
Ricardo Wurmus wrote on 30 Dec 2020 15:07
(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)
We should attempt to package Mathjax 3. It is needed by a number of R
packages that cannot be upgraded due to the lack of MathjaxR, which
provides Mathjax 3 for R.

Mathjax is written in JavaScript. Parts of it are written in
Typescript. While I made some progress translating the Typescript parts
with esbuild, we still need to package

which is used by the accessibility modules of Mathjax and cannot easily
be skipped.

SRE needs the Google Closure Compiler (written in Java, with latest
versions requiring Bazel) and depends on three more JavaScript

Of those I packaged Commander.js and xmldom-sre (not sure if they work,
because I’m ignorant of how node.js libraries are used);
wicked-good-xpath also requires the Google Closure Compiler.

So the next step appears to be to package an older pre-Bazel version of
Google Closure Compiler (and the associated Google Closure library), so
that we can build wicked-good-xpath and speech-rule-engine.

Ricardo Wurmus wrote on 30 Dec 2020 17:09
(address . 45554@debbugs.gnu.org)
Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net> writes:

Toggle quote (4 lines)
> So the next step appears to be to package an older pre-Bazel version of
> Google Closure Compiler (and the associated Google Closure library), so
> that we can build wicked-good-xpath and speech-rule-engine.

v20200920 is the last version of the project that comes with a pom.xml
and presumably does not require Bazel:

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