Christopher Howard wrote 5 years ago
(address .
Hi, I installed gnuradio and gnuradio-osmosdr, but when I open
gnuradio, none of the osmosdr blocks are available from gnuradio blocks
list. Specifically, I was looking for osmosdr source block, which I am
familiar with from using gnuradio under Debian. I believe the problem
is that the osmosdr blocks are not in the directory where gnuradio-
companion is looking for blocks.
When starting up gnuradio-companion, stdout indicates grc is looking for blocks here:
But osmosdr blocks are in
Evidentally gnuradio package needs to be enhanced to create a per-
profile merged directory from all gnuradio- block packages that are
installed. Unless there is some way to extend the gnuradio search path
through environment variables.
Christopher Howard
p: +1 (907) 374-0257
gpg: ADDEAADE5D607C8D (