Robert Vollmert <rob@vllmrt.net> ezt írta (id?pont: 2020. jan. 9., Cs, 11:54):
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> I’ve been having hard-to-debug caching issues serving up static files
> with nginx. It turns out this is due to nginx computing e-tag headers
> from file timestamps, which are all epoch in the guix store.
> I’ve fixed this on my server by applying a patch from Nix:
> https://github.com/robx/guix/commit/4b406f5bc608b3c0e18e15795d8fe61d3477a3e2
this is a known issue. Could you look around the tracker and merge?
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Also, on the long run it would be nice to contribute a working etags
computation to nginx, that
is based on the file content hash, or something like that. Does that make sense?
Best regards,
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