Brett Gilio wrote 5 years ago
(address .
There is an issue after the EMACSLOADPATH change that creates a problem
when `proof-general` and `emacs` share a profile. This issue can be
replicated as follows:
Toggle snippet (3 lines)
$ guix environment --ad-hoc proof-general emacs
When you launch the client of either of these after spinning up the
environment, you are prompted with this from the *Messages* buffer.
Toggle snippet (5 lines)
Loading /gnu/store/bi3yv2q84fpyq1ym9z8rpa8hv2xhz1bf-profile/share/emacs/site-lisp/ProofGeneral/generic/proof-autoloads...done
Loading /gnu/store/bi3yv2q84fpyq1ym9z8rpa8hv2xhz1bf-profile/share/emacs/site-lisp/ProofGeneral/generic/proof-autoloads...
byte-code: Already loaded
Loading stops without an error message at this point, failing to
complete the initialization process.
I can probably figure out this issue, but I am currently drained for
time, so I am reporting it here. If nobody else gets to it before I do,
I will come back to it.
Brett M. Gilio