guix invocation induces guile locale error

  • Done
  • quality assurance status badge
3 participants
  • Bengt Richter
  • Gábor Boskovits
  • Ludovic Courtès
Submitted by
Bengt Richter

Debbugs page

Bengt Richter wrote 5 years ago
(name . New-Bug)(address .
Attachment: file
Gábor Boskovits wrote 5 years ago
(address .
Submitter requested to close the bug on #37914. Closing.

OpenPGP Key Fingerprint: 7988:3B9F:7D6A:4DBF:3719:0367:2506:A96C:CF63:0B21
Attachment: file
Ludovic Courtès wrote 5 years ago
(address .
Gábor Boskovits <> skribis:

Toggle quote (2 lines)
> Submitter requested to close the bug on #37914. Closing.

You closed 37900 though, not 37914, or am I missing something?

Gábor Boskovits wrote 5 years ago
(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address .
Sorry, maybe I was not clear on this. On 37914 there was a message that it
is ok to close 37900. See:

Ludovic Courtès <> ezt írta (idÅ‘pont: 2019. okt. 25., P, 22:46):

Toggle quote (10 lines)
> Gábor Boskovits <> skribis:
> > Submitter requested to close the bug on #37914. Closing.
> You closed 37900 though, not 37914, or am I missing something?
> Ludo’.

OpenPGP Key Fingerprint: 7988:3B9F:7D6A:4DBF:3719:0367:2506:A96C:CF63:0B21
Attachment: file
Bengt Richter wrote 5 years ago
(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address .
Hi Ludo,

On +2019-10-25 22:46:16 +0200, Ludovic Courtès wrote:
Toggle quote (8 lines)
> Gábor Boskovits <> skribis:
> > Submitter requested to close the bug on #37914. Closing.
> You closed 37900 though, not 37914, or am I missing something?
> Ludo’.

Sorry, 37900 was mine, but (IIRC) trying to make a helpful comment
on 37914 that my 37900 might be relevant, I also mentioned
that recent fixes to guix had made my 37900 difficulties go away,
so closing 37900 would be ok by me. Gábor apparently picked up on that :)

I'm still curious about the avahi entaglement I demonstrated in 37900 though ;-)
Bengt Richter
P.S. Is there a better way to post trying-to-be-helpful comments than to
add them to bug reports? Looking at archives, I see bits that could go
in turorials mixed with lots of friendly stuff that is just noise when
you want straight technical info.
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