Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com> ezt írta (idÅ‘pont: 2019. máj. 26., Vas
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> Marlon <mbmattos1113@firemail.cc> writes:
> > My user and root passwords have been reset about 3 times in 4 days upon
> running guix system reconfigure.
> >
> > I can't seem to recognize any pattern, it appears to occur randomly, and
> it requires setting passwords manually.
> >
> > The password is left blank, and could be a security issue, as anybody
> would be able to access the root account easily.
I have also noticed this once, but could not reproduce it since then. This
happened to me not too much after the 1.0.1 release, on a vm with 512 mb
ram. I later cleared up that machine, as it was too small. So in my case it
was either a sporadic thing, a specific commit from guix pull fixed later,
or a not obvious out of memory. Wdyt?
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> This sounds really odd. Can you share your system configuration?
> Do you manage users outside of the Guix configuration system by any
> chance? Or can you reproduce it by simply invoking `guix system
> reconfigure` enough times?
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