Null pointer error when partitioning with the graphical installer

  • Done
  • quality assurance status badge
4 participants
  • Julien Lepiller
  • Ludovic Courtès
  • Mathieu Othacehe
  • Vivien Kraus
Submitted by
Vivien Kraus
Merged with

Debbugs page

Vivien Kraus wrote 6 years ago
(address .

Thank you for all the work you've put in the Guixsd release. I have
used guix on top of a Debian distribution for some time, but with the
release I wanted to try and install it on its own.

I'm trying to install guix on my system. I have the 1.0.1 patch, but I
had the same problem with 1.0.0.

I already have a debian system with an encrypted drive, and I would like
to erase it with an encrypted Guix system with a separate /home partition.

I have chosen my language (français).

My location (France).

I have chosen the graphical installer.

I have chosen my timezone (Europe / Paris).

I have chosen my keyboard (Français / Français (sans touche morte Sun):
this one seems to be correct but I don't have much information. It
would be awesome if I could test it in a text box).

I have chosen the guided installation with encryption.

I have chosen my hard drive, the only option:
ATA WDC WD15EARS-60M (scsi) /dev/sda 1500 GB gpt

I have chosen the option to have a separate /home.

And then I get the exception. I copy it from another keyboard, but I
hope that I copied it correctly.

In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
829:9 19 (catch srfi-34 #<procedure 22744c0 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 ()> #<procedure 2214550 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
829:9 18 (catch srfi-34 #<procedure 22742c0 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 ()> #<procedure 2214500 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
829:9 17 (catch srfi-34 #<procedure 22740c0 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 ()> #<procedure 22144b0 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
829:9 16 (catch srfi-34 #<procedure 23a3280 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 ()> #<procedure c19fa0 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
In ./gnu/installer/steps.scm:
182:21 15 (_)
In ./gnu/installer/newt/partition.scm:
755:33 14 (run-partitioning-page)
In ./gnu/installer/parted.scm:
1010:14 13 (auto-partition! #<<disk> bytestructure:
#<bytestructure 0xbddb10>> #:scheme _)
870:21 12 (loop _ _ _)
863:17 11 (loop _ 1962582833 967694336)
771:25 10 (mkpart #<<disk> bytestructure: #<bytestructure
0xbddb10>> _ #:previous-partition _)
In parted/structs.scm:
552:19 9 (pointer->partition _)
132:3 8 (pointer->bytestructure #<pointer 0x0>
#<bytestructure-descriptor 0x251d600>)
In unknown file:
7 (pointer->bytevector #<pointer 0x0> 88 #<undefined>
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
751:25 6 (dispatch-exception 5 null-pointer-error
("pointer->bytevector" "null pointer dereference" () ()))
In ice-9/eval.scm:
619:8 5 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 68f140>
#<<installer> name: newt init: #<procedure init()> exit:
#<procedure exit ()> exit-error: #<procedure exit-error (file
key args)> final-p...>) ...))
619:8 4 (_ #(#(#(#<directory (guile-user) 68f140>
#<<installer> name: newt init: #<procedure init ()> exit:
#<procedure exit ()> exit-error: #<procedure exit-error (file
key args)> fi...>) ...) #))
In ice-9/ports.scm:
462:17 3 (call-with-output-file _ _ #:binary _ #:encoding _)
In ice-9/eval.scm:
619:8 2 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 68f140>
null-pointer-error ("pointer->bytevector" "null pointer
dereference" () ())) #<output: /tmp/last-installer-error 12>))
159:9 1 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 68f140>
null-pointer-error ("pointer->bytevector" "null pointer
dereference" () ())) #<output: /tmp/last-installer-error 12>))
In unknown file:
0 (make-stack #t)
ice-9/eval.scm:159:9: In procedure pointer->bytevector: null
pointer dereference

If you need more information, please tell me. I can retry the
installation to help debugging that, but I need simple instructions :)

Best regards,

Ludovic Courtès wrote 6 years ago
(name . Vivien Kraus)(address .
Hello Vivien,

Vivien Kraus <> skribis:

Toggle quote (3 lines)
> I'm trying to install guix on my system. I have the 1.0.1 patch, but I
> had the same problem with 1.0.0.

We fixed a bug similar to what you describe in 1.0.1:

Can you confirm that the backtrace you posted comes from 1.0.1 and not
1.0.0? (It seems to be from 1.0.1 accordingly to the line numbers, but
better be on the safe side.)

Toggle quote (57 lines)
> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
> 829:9 19 (catch srfi-34 #<procedure 22744c0 at
> ./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 ()> #<procedure 2214550 at
> ./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
> 829:9 18 (catch srfi-34 #<procedure 22742c0 at
> ./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 ()> #<procedure 2214500 at
> ./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
> 829:9 17 (catch srfi-34 #<procedure 22740c0 at
> ./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 ()> #<procedure 22144b0 at
> ./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
> 829:9 16 (catch srfi-34 #<procedure 23a3280 at
> ./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 ()> #<procedure c19fa0 at
> ./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
> In ./gnu/installer/steps.scm:
> 182:21 15 (_)
> In ./gnu/installer/newt/partition.scm:
> 755:33 14 (run-partitioning-page)
> In ./gnu/installer/parted.scm:
> 1010:14 13 (auto-partition! #<<disk> bytestructure:
> #<bytestructure 0xbddb10>> #:scheme _)
> 870:21 12 (loop _ _ _)
> 863:17 11 (loop _ 1962582833 967694336)
> 771:25 10 (mkpart #<<disk> bytestructure: #<bytestructure
> 0xbddb10>> _ #:previous-partition _)
> In parted/structs.scm:
> 552:19 9 (pointer->partition _)
> 132:3 8 (pointer->bytestructure #<pointer 0x0>
> #<bytestructure-descriptor 0x251d600>)
> In unknown file:
> 7 (pointer->bytevector #<pointer 0x0> 88 #<undefined>
> #<undefined>)
> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
> 751:25 6 (dispatch-exception 5 null-pointer-error
> ("pointer->bytevector" "null pointer dereference" () ()))
> In ice-9/eval.scm:
> 619:8 5 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 68f140>
> #<<installer> name: newt init: #<procedure init()> exit:
> #<procedure exit ()> exit-error: #<procedure exit-error (file
> key args)> final-p...>) ...))
> 619:8 4 (_ #(#(#(#<directory (guile-user) 68f140>
> #<<installer> name: newt init: #<procedure init ()> exit:
> #<procedure exit ()> exit-error: #<procedure exit-error (file
> key args)> fi...>) ...) #))
> In ice-9/ports.scm:
> 462:17 3 (call-with-output-file _ _ #:binary _ #:encoding _)
> In ice-9/eval.scm:
> 619:8 2 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 68f140>
> null-pointer-error ("pointer->bytevector" "null pointer
> dereference" () ())) #<output: /tmp/last-installer-error 12>))
> 159:9 1 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 68f140>
> null-pointer-error ("pointer->bytevector" "null pointer
> dereference" () ())) #<output: /tmp/last-installer-error 12>))
> In unknown file:
> 0 (make-stack #t)
> ice-9/eval.scm:159:9: In procedure pointer->bytevector: null
> pointer dereference

Is it 100% reproducible for you?

Could you post the output of “fdisk -l /dev/sda” (hit Ctrl-Alt-F3 and
run that command)?

Does the problem occur when you choose the “manual partitioning” method
instead of “guided partitioning”?

Vivien Kraus wrote 6 years ago
(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address .
(Please pardon me for the duplicate)


Thank you for your answer.

Toggle quote (1 lines)
> Can you confirm that the backtrace you posted comes from 1.0.1 and
Toggle quote (1 lines)
> 1.0.0?  (It seems to be from 1.0.1 accordingly to the line numbers,
Toggle quote (2 lines)
> better be on the safe side.)

After backing up my data, I re-downloaded the guix image from the
website, burnt it, and booted it.  The boot screen reads

I also had an error during the loading with an error in finalization
thread: Bad file descriptor (twice, reproducible) but no additional
info, right after ssh-keygen.  Is there a log file for that?  I had
little time to catch it.

Toggle quote (2 lines)
> Is it 100% reproducible for you?

Except for the bytestructures (but with the same loop at 863:17), I
reproduced it 4/4 times with a full reboot, and 4/4 times without a

Toggle quote (1 lines)
> Does the problem occur when you choose the “manual partitioning”
Toggle quote (2 lines)
> instead of “guided partitioning”?

So I use the same language and such and select the manual partitioning:
I get to a screen with the 3 partitions already present on my 1.5T
 - 1 537MB fat32 boot,esp /boot/efi
 - 2 256MB ext2
 - 3 1500GB

If I select the second partition, I get another reproducible (2/2 with
full reboot) backtrace:

In .gnu/installer/steps.scm:
       189:6 19 (run-installer-steps #:steps _ #:rewind-strategy _ 
#:menu-proc _)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
    829:9 18 (catch srfi-34 #<procedure 3d78ac0 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 ()> #<procedure 3cf40f0 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
    829:9 17 (catch srfi-34 #<procedure 3de9e40 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 ()> #<procedure 3de4d70 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
    829:9 16 (catch srfi-34 #<procedure 3de9c40 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 ()> #<procedure 3de4d20 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
    829:9 15 (catch srfi-34 #<procedure 3de9a40 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 ()> #<procedure 3de4cd0 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
    829:9 14 (catch srfi-34 #<procedure 2ac0c00 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 ()> #<procedure 29917d0 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
In ./gnu/installer/steps.scm:
   182:21 13 (_)
In ./gnu/installer/newt/partition.scm:
   762:40 12 (run-partitioning-page)
   668:10 11 (run-disk-page (#<<disk> bytestructure:
#<bytestructure 0x29a8330>>) _ #:guided? _)
In ./gnu/installer/newt/page.scm:
   397:21 10 (run-listbox-selection-page #:info-text _ #:title _
#:info-textbox-width _ #:listbox-items _ #:listbox-item->text _
#:listbox-height _ #:listbox-default-item _ # _ # _
#:allow-delete? ...)
In ./gnu/installer/newt/partition.scm:
   640:20 9 (listbox-action _)
In ./gnu/installer/parted.scm:
   317:18 8 (partition->user-partition #<<partition>
bytestructure: #<bytestructure 0x2af5210>>)
In unknown file:
           7 (scm-error misc-error #f "~A" ("Unhandled ext2
fs-type\n") #f)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
   751:25  6 (dispatch-exception 5 misc-error (#f "~A"
("Unhandled ext2 fs-type\n") #f))
In ice-9/eval.scm:
    619:8  5 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 24b9140>
#<<installer> name: newt init: #<procedure init()> exit:
#<procedure exit()> exit-error: #<procedure exit-error (file
key args)> final-...>) ...))
    619:8  4 (_ #(#(#(#<directory (guile-user) 24b9140>
#<<installer> name: newt init: #<procedure init()> exit:
#<procedure exit ()> exit-error: #<procedure exit-error (file 
key args)> f...>) ...) #))
In ice-9/ports.scm:
   462:17  3 (call-with-output-file _ _ #:binary _ #:encoding _)
In ice-9/eval.scm:
    619:8  2 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 24b9140> misc-error
(#f "~A" ("Unhandled ext2 fs-type\n") #f)) #<output:
/tmp/last-installererror 12>))
    159:9 1 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 24b9140> misc-error
(#f "~A" ("Unhandled ext2 fs-type\n") #f)) #<output:
/tmp/last-installer-error 12>))
In unknown file:
           0 (make-stack #t)
ice-9/eval.scm:159:9: Unhandled ext2 fs-type

I've managed to avoid the problem with a manual partitioning
procedure, selecting my hard drive, selecting "gpt" to get rid of the
existing ext2 partition.

Then I go to create a single root partition (with the idea of
re-installing guix with the default cryptsetup options once the ext2
partition is forgotten), but then I get another "null pointer
dereference" exception -- this one is longer :(

In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
    829:9 19 (catch _ _ #<procedure 2ebbf50 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
    829:9 18 (catch _ _ #<procedure 2ebbf00 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
    829:9 17 (catch _ _ #<procedure 186ba00 at
./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
In ./gnu/installer/steps.scm:
   182:21 16 (_)
In ./gnu/installer/newt/partition.scm:
   763:40 15 (run-partitioning-page)
   714:40 14 (run-disk-page _ _ #:guided? _)
   429:10 13 (run-partition-page _ #:default-item _)
In ./gnu/installer/newt/page.scm:
   384:15 12 (run-listbox-selection-page #:info-text _ #:title _
#:info-textbox-width _ #:listbox-items _ #:listbox-item->text _
#:listbox-height _ #:listbox-default-item _ # _ # _
#:allow-delete? ...)
In ./gnu/installer/newt/partition.scm:
   400:23 11 (button-action)
In ./gnu/installer/parted.scm:
   771:25 10 (mkpart #<<disk> bytestructure: #<bytestructure
0x19c60c0>> _ #:previous-partition _)
In parted/structs.scm:
   552:19  9 (pointer->partition _)
    132:3  8 (pointer->bytestructure _
#<bytestructure-descriptor 0x3234740>)
In unknown file:
           7 (pointer->bytevector #<pointer 0x0> 88 #<undefined>
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
   751:25  6 (dispatch-exception 5 null-pointer-error
("pointer->bytevector" "null pointer dereference" () ()))
In ice-9/eval.scm:
    619:8  5 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 137c140>
#<<installer> name: newt init: #<procedure init ()> exit:
#<procedure exit ()> exit-error: #<procedure exit-error (file
key args> final-...>) ...))
    619:8  4 (_ #(#(#(#<directory (guile-user) 137c140>
#<<installer> name: newt init: #<procedure init ()> exit:
#<procedure exit ()> exit-error: #<procedure exit-error (file
key args)> f...>) ...) #))
In ice-9/ports.scm:
   462:17  3 (call-with-output-file _ _ #:binary _ #:encoding _)
In ice-9/eval.scm:
    619:8  2 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 137c140>
null-pointer-error ("pointer->bytevector" "null pointer
dereference" () ())) #<output: /tmp/last-installer-error 12>))
    159:9  1 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 137c140>
null-pointer-error ("pointer->bytevector" "null pointer
dereference" () ())) #<output: /tmp/last-installer-error 12>))
In unknown file:
           0 (make-stack #t)
ice-9/eval.scm:159:9: In procedure pointer->bytevector: null
pointer dereference

I reboot and the partition table is erased (good thing I updated my
backups just before the operation ;) less so that I don't have an
operating system on my main computer and have to use this one :(

However, selecting the automatic method for whole disk encryption
still gives the first error, and trying to add a partition manually
gives the second.

Toggle quote (4 lines)
> Could you post the output of “fdisk -l /dev/sda” (hit Ctrl-Alt-F3 and
> run that command)?

I wanted to give it before the GPT erasure but I thought I could save
to / on the Guix installer, and it did not work.  So I only have the
after the procedure:
Disk /dev/ram0: 64 MiB, 67108864 bytes, 131072 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes

(repeat exactly this for /dev/ram1 to /dev/ram15)

Disk /dev/sda: 1.4 TiB, 1500301910016, 2930277168 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: D8D62D0Aè7272-425E-A46A-8FC7275FD65C

Disk /dev/sdb: 3.8 GiB, 4009754624 bytes, 7831552 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical / physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: 30373931-3130-4130-B138-333934393436

Device       Start     End Sectors  Size Type
/dev/sdb1       64   43839   43776 21.4M Microsoft basic data
/dev/sdb2    43840   49599    5460  2.8M EFI System
/dev/sdb3    49600 2693755 2644156  1.3G Apple HFS/HFS+
/dev/sdb4  2693756 2694355     600  300K Microsoft basic data

And here is the error that came with it in red:

GPT PMBR size mismatch (2694403 != 7831551) will be corrected by write.
The backup GPT table is corrupt, but the primary appears OK, so that
will be used.
The backup GPT table is not on the end of the device. This problem will
be corrected by write.

I remember that a similar error happened when I had the previous GPT
table, but I don't remember the exact wording.  So maybe there is
still a backup of the GPT table that still has the ext2 partition?

Anyways, I have saved all my data and have a rainy-days computer at
hand, so the situation is not so bad.  
Mathieu Othacehe wrote 6 years ago
(name . Vivien Kraus)(address .
Hello Vivien,

Thank you very much for the detailed report and sorry about all those
errors :(

Toggle quote (4 lines)
> In unknown file:
> 0 (make-stack #t)
> ice-9/eval.scm:159:9: Unhandled ext2 fs-type

So this one is easy, it's yet another unsupported fs type. Maybe the fix
would be to get rid of libparted fs types -> <user-partition> fs types
conversions like discussed with Danny.

Otherwise, we'll have to maintain conversions for every kind of
partitions in user-fs-type-name, user-fs-type->mount-type and
partition-filesystem-user-type procedures.

Toggle quote (35 lines)
> Then I go to create a single root partition (with the idea of
> re-installing guix with the default cryptsetup options once the ext2
> partition is forgotten), but then I get another "null pointer
> dereference" exception -- this one is longer :(
> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
> 829:9 19 (catch _ _ #<procedure 2ebbf50 at
> ./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
> 829:9 18 (catch _ _ #<procedure 2ebbf00 at
> ./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
> 829:9 17 (catch _ _ #<procedure 186ba00 at
> ./gnu/installer/steps.scm:144:7 (key c)> _)
> In ./gnu/installer/steps.scm:
> 182:21 16 (_)
> In ./gnu/installer/newt/partition.scm:
> 763:40 15 (run-partitioning-page)
> 714:40 14 (run-disk-page _ _ #:guided? _)
> 429:10 13 (run-partition-page _ #:default-item _)
> In ./gnu/installer/newt/page.scm:
> 384:15 12 (run-listbox-selection-page #:info-text _ #:title _
> #:info-textbox-width _ #:listbox-items _ #:listbox-item->text _
> #:listbox-height _ #:listbox-default-item _ # _ # _
> #:allow-delete? ...)
> In ./gnu/installer/newt/partition.scm:
> 400:23 11 (button-action)
> In ./gnu/installer/parted.scm:
> 771:25 10 (mkpart #<<disk> bytestructure: #<bytestructure
> 0x19c60c0>> _ #:previous-partition _)
> In parted/structs.scm:
> 552:19 9 (pointer->partition _)
> 132:3 8 (pointer->bytestructure _
> #<bytestructure-descriptor 0x3234740>)
> In unknown file:
> 7 (pointer->bytevector #<pointer 0x0> 88 #<undefined>

Not sure what happened here :(

Ludovic Courtès wrote 6 years ago
control message for bug #35858
(address .
severity 35858 important
Ludovic Courtès wrote 6 years ago
Re: bug#35858: Null pointer error when partitioning with the graphical installer
(name . Vivien Kraus)(address .
Hi Vivien,

Vivien Kraus <> skribis:

Toggle quote (12 lines)
> Thank you for your answer.
>> Can you confirm that the backtrace you posted comes from 1.0.1 and
> not
>> 1.0.0?  (It seems to be from 1.0.1 accordingly to the line numbers,
> but
>> better be on the safe side.)
> After backing up my data, I re-downloaded the guix image from the
> website, burnt it, and booted it.  The boot screen reads
> "1.0.1-1.8204295".


Toggle quote (6 lines)
> I also had an error during the loading with an error in finalization
> thread: Bad file descriptor (twice, reproducible) but no additional
> info, right after ssh-keygen.  Is there a log file for that?  I had
> very
> little time to catch it.

These are annoying but harmless.

Toggle quote (4 lines)
> However, selecting the automatic method for whole disk encryption
> still gives the first error, and trying to add a partition manually
> gives the second.

That’s terrible. :-/ That’s on x86_64, right?

(In the meantime you could the “manual” installation method:

As Mathieu notes, there’s one bug for which the fix is clear, but the
null-pointer exception is pretty bad, especially if we cannot reproduce
it easily.

Let’s see what can be done…

Thank you for testing thoroughly and for providing a detailed bug report!

Vivien Kraus wrote 6 years ago
(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address .

I have issued

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda 

for a couple of minutes, then create a new gpt partition table with
cfdisk (and write it) in the hope that I would be able to proceed with
the guided installer with a fresh partition table, but I still get the
null pointer dereference. So i guess the ext2 partition is not
responsible for this one.

Yes, it's a x86_64 (intel i3).

Le mercredi 29 mai 2019 à 11:22 +0200, Ludovic Courtès a écrit :
Toggle quote (2 lines)
> That’s terrible.  :-/  That’s on x86_64, right?

Vivien Kraus wrote 6 years ago
(name . Ludovic Courtès)(address .

I have installed with the manual method, it worked, I rebooted but my
luck ends here: after entering my decryption key twice (the first time
with a keyboard configured as US, the second with my azerty
configuration, is this normal? Whatever I can add a new luks key with
the US keyboard), I get a boot screen reading:

GC Warning: pthread_getattr_np or pthread_attr_getstack failed for main
GC Warning: Couldn't read /proc/stat
Welcome, this is GNU's early boot Guile.
Use '--repl' for an initrd REPL.

loading kernel modules...
Enter passphrase for /dev/sda2:
ext2fs_check_if_mount: Can't check if filesystem is mounted due to
missing mtab file while determining whether /dev/dm-0 is mounted.
guix-root: clean, 181099/91545600 files, 7013116/366152801 blocks
loading '/gnu/store/vxpwkiw1dp8m4xpjnzvmfq5bsnzccf61-system/boot'...
making '/gnu/store/vxpwkiw1dp8m4xpjnzvmfq5bsnzccf61-system' the current
setting up setuid programs in '/run/setuid-programs'...
populating /etc from /gnu/store/qm_brk2hzpvzqsr3g62m3krbz9j4zh2i-etc...
error in finalization thread: Success
CP437: Invalid argument
[ 17.016506] udevd[245]: no sender credentials received, message
nscd: 249 monitoring file `/etc/hosts` (1)
nscd: 249 monitoring directory `/etc` (2)
nscd: 249 monitoring file `/etc/resolv.conf` (3)
nscd: 249 monitoring directory `/etc` (2)
nscd: 249 monitoring file `/etc/services` (4)
nscd: 249 monitoring directory `/etc` (2)
[ 19.155923] Error: Driver 'pcspkr' is already registered,

The success error and pcspkr are also printed when running the

I have 2 partitions: /dev/sda1 is the 512MB ESP partition, and
/dev/sda2 is the fully encrypted disk (named 'guix-root'). Except for
the keyboard configuration, UUIDs and default user, I have kept the
default 'desktop' configuration.scm.

There is no disk activity, no fan activity and it does not respond to
C-M-Fn, but it does reboot on C-M-DEL.

And if I re-run the graphical installer, I still get the null pointer

So I will revert to having guix on top of another distro for now.

Best regards,

Julien Lepiller wrote 6 years ago
(name . Vivien Kraus)(address .
Le Fri, 31 May 2019 12:52:51 +0200,
Vivien Kraus <> a écrit :

Toggle quote (8 lines)
> Hello,
> I have installed with the manual method, it worked, I rebooted but my
> luck ends here: after entering my decryption key twice (the first time
> with a keyboard configured as US, the second with my azerty
> configuration, is this normal? Whatever I can add a new luks key with
> the US keyboard), I get a boot screen reading:

Toggle quote (43 lines)
> GC Warning: pthread_getattr_np or pthread_attr_getstack failed for
> main thread
> GC Warning: Couldn't read /proc/stat
> Welcome, this is GNU's early boot Guile.
> Use '--repl' for an initrd REPL.
> loading kernel modules...
> Enter passphrase for /dev/sda2:
> ext2fs_check_if_mount: Can't check if filesystem is mounted due to
> missing mtab file while determining whether /dev/dm-0 is mounted.
> guix-root: clean, 181099/91545600 files, 7013116/366152801 blocks
> loading '/gnu/store/vxpwkiw1dp8m4xpjnzvmfq5bsnzccf61-system/boot'...
> making '/gnu/store/vxpwkiw1dp8m4xpjnzvmfq5bsnzccf61-system' the
> current system...
> setting up setuid programs in '/run/setuid-programs'...
> populating /etc
> from /gnu/store/qm_brk2hzpvzqsr3g62m3krbz9j4zh2i-etc... error in
> finalization thread: Success CP437: Invalid argument
> [ 17.016506] udevd[245]: no sender credentials received, message
> ignored
> nscd: 249 monitoring file `/etc/hosts` (1)
> nscd: 249 monitoring directory `/etc` (2)
> nscd: 249 monitoring file `/etc/resolv.conf` (3)
> nscd: 249 monitoring directory `/etc` (2)
> nscd: 249 monitoring file `/etc/services` (4)
> nscd: 249 monitoring directory `/etc` (2)
> [ 19.155923] Error: Driver 'pcspkr' is already registered,
> aborting...
> The success error and pcspkr are also printed when running the
> installer.
> I have 2 partitions: /dev/sda1 is the 512MB ESP partition, and
> /dev/sda2 is the fully encrypted disk (named 'guix-root'). Except for
> the keyboard configuration, UUIDs and default user, I have kept the
> default 'desktop' configuration.scm.
> There is no disk activity, no fan activity and it does not respond to
> C-M-Fn, but it does reboot on C-M-DEL.

Have you tried to press 'Enter'?

Toggle quote (15 lines)
> And if I re-run the graphical installer, I still get the null pointer
> dereference.
> So I will revert to having guix on top of another distro for now.
> Best regards,
> Vivien
Ludovic Courtès wrote 6 years ago
(name . Julien Lepiller)(address .

Julien Lepiller <> skribis:

Toggle quote (3 lines)
> Le Fri, 31 May 2019 12:52:51 +0200,
> Vivien Kraus <> a écrit :


Toggle quote (10 lines)
>> I have 2 partitions: /dev/sda1 is the 512MB ESP partition, and
>> /dev/sda2 is the fully encrypted disk (named 'guix-root'). Except for
>> the keyboard configuration, UUIDs and default user, I have kept the
>> default 'desktop' configuration.scm.
>> There is no disk activity, no fan activity and it does not respond to
>> C-M-Fn, but it does reboot on C-M-DEL.
> Have you tried to press 'Enter'?

Also, could you email your configuration file?

Ludovic Courtès wrote 6 years ago
control message for bug #35858
(address .
merge 35858 36402
Your comment

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