Christopher Baines wrote 6 years ago
(address .
Rather than emiting warnings directly to a port, have the checkers return the
warning or warnings.
This makes it easier to use the warnings in different ways, for example,
loading the data in to a database, as you can work with the <lint-warning>
records directly, rather than having to parse the output to determine the
package and location.
guix/scripts/lint.scm | 544 +++++++++-------
tests/lint.scm | 1436 +++++++++++++++++++----------------------
2 files changed, 974 insertions(+), 1006 deletions(-)
Toggle diff (488 lines)
diff --git a/guix/scripts/lint.scm b/guix/scripts/lint.scm
index dc338a1d7b..37b17cefb4 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/lint.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/lint.scm
@@ -84,6 +84,14 @@
+ <lint-warning>
+ lint-warning
+ lint-warning-package
+ lint-warning-message
+ lint-warning-location
+ append-warnings
@@ -93,42 +101,65 @@
-;;; Helpers
+;;; Warnings
-(define* (emit-warning package message #:optional field)
+(define-record-type* <lint-warning>
+ lint-warning make-lint-warning
+ lint-warning?
+ (package lint-warning-package)
+ (message lint-warning-message)
+ (location lint-warning-location
+ (default #f)))
+(define (package-file package)
+ (location-file
+ (package-location package)))
+(define* (make-warning package message
+ #:key field location)
+ (make-lint-warning
+ package
+ message
+ (or location
+ (package-field-location package field)
+ (package-location package))))
+(define (emit-warnings warnings)
;; Emit a warning about PACKAGE, printing the location of FIELD if it is
;; given, the location of PACKAGE otherwise, the full name of PACKAGE and the
;; provided MESSAGE.
- (let ((loc (or (package-field-location package field)
- (package-location package))))
- (format (guix-warning-port) "~a: ~a@~a: ~a~%"
- (location->string loc)
- (package-name package) (package-version package)
- message)))
-(define (call-with-accumulated-warnings thunk)
- "Call THUNK, accumulating any warnings in the current state, using the state
- (let ((port (open-output-string)))
- (mlet %state-monad ((state (current-state))
- (result -> (parameterize ((guix-warning-port port))
- (thunk)))
- (warning -> (get-output-string port)))
- (mbegin %state-monad
- (munless (string=? "" warning)
- (set-current-state (cons warning state)))
- (return result)))))
-(define-syntax-rule (with-accumulated-warnings exp ...)
- "Evaluate EXP and accumulate warnings in the state monad."
- (call-with-accumulated-warnings
- (lambda ()
- exp ...)))
+ (for-each
+ (match-lambda
+ (($ <lint-warning> package message loc)
+ (format (guix-warning-port) "~a: ~a@~a: ~a~%"
+ (location->string loc)
+ (package-name package) (package-version package)
+ message)))
+ (match warnings
+ ((? lint-warning?) (list warnings))
+ ((? list?) (apply append-warnings warnings))
+ (_ '()))))
+(define (append-warnings . args)
+ (fold (lambda (arg warnings)
+ (cond
+ ((list? arg)
+ (append warnings
+ (filter lint-warning?
+ arg)))
+ ((lint-warning? arg)
+ (append warnings
+ (list arg)))
+ (else warnings)))
+ '()
+ args))
;;; Checkers
(define-record-type* <lint-checker>
lint-checker make-lint-checker
@@ -164,9 +195,9 @@ monad."
;; Emit a warning if stylistic issues are found in the description of PACKAGE.
(define (check-not-empty description)
(when (string-null? description)
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
(G_ "description should not be empty")
- 'description)))
+ #:field 'description)))
(define (check-texinfo-markup description)
"Check that DESCRIPTION can be parsed as a Texinfo fragment. If the
@@ -174,39 +205,39 @@ markup is valid return a plain-text version of DESCRIPTION, otherwise #f."
(catch #t
(lambda () (texi->plain-text description))
(lambda (keys . args)
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
(G_ "Texinfo markup in description is invalid")
- 'description)
- #f)))
+ #:field 'description))))
(define (check-trademarks description)
"Check that DESCRIPTION does not contain '™' or '®' characters. See"
(match (string-index description (char-set #\™ #\®))
((and (? number?) index)
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
(format #f (G_ "description should not contain ~
trademark sign '~a' at ~d")
(string-ref description index) index)
- 'description))
+ #:field 'description))
(else #t)))
(define (check-quotes description)
"Check whether DESCRIPTION contains single quotes and suggest @code."
(when (regexp-exec %quoted-identifier-rx description)
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
;; TRANSLATORS: '@code' is Texinfo markup and must be kept
;; as is.
(G_ "use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes")
- 'description)))
+ #:field 'description)))
(define (check-proper-start description)
- (unless (or (properly-starts-sentence? description)
+ (unless (or (string-null? description)
+ (properly-starts-sentence? description)
(string-prefix-ci? (package-name package) description))
- (emit-warning package
- (G_ "description should start with an upper-case letter or digit")
- 'description)))
+ (make-warning
+ package
+ (G_ "description should start with an upper-case letter or digit")
+ #:field 'description)))
(define (check-end-of-sentence-space description)
"Check that an end-of-sentence period is followed by two spaces."
@@ -220,27 +251,30 @@ trademark sign '~a' at ~d")
'("i.e" "e.g" "a.k.a" "resp"))
r (cons (match:start m) r)))))))
(unless (null? infractions)
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
(format #f (G_ "sentences in description should be followed ~
by two spaces; possible infraction~p at ~{~a~^, ~}")
(length infractions)
- 'description))))
+ #:field 'description))))
(let ((description (package-description package)))
(if (string? description)
- (begin
- (check-not-empty description)
- (check-quotes description)
- (check-trademarks description)
- ;; Use raw description for this because Texinfo rendering
- ;; automatically fixes end of sentence space.
- (check-end-of-sentence-space description)
- (and=> (check-texinfo-markup description)
- check-proper-start))
- (emit-warning package
+ (append-warnings
+ (check-not-empty description)
+ (check-quotes description)
+ (check-trademarks description)
+ ;; Use raw description for this because Texinfo rendering
+ ;; automatically fixes end of sentence space.
+ (check-end-of-sentence-space description)
+ (and=> (check-texinfo-markup description)
+ (match-lambda
+ ((and warning (? lint-warning?)) warning)
+ (description
+ (check-proper-start description)))))
+ (make-warning package
(format #f (G_ "invalid description: ~s") description)
- 'description))))
+ #:field 'description))))
(define (package-input-intersection inputs-to-check input-names)
"Return the intersection between INPUTS-TO-CHECK, the list of input tuples
@@ -281,13 +315,13 @@ of a package, and INPUT-NAMES, a list of package specifications such as
"python-pytest-cov" "python2-pytest-cov"
"python-setuptools-scm" "python2-setuptools-scm"
"python-sphinx" "python2-sphinx")))
- (for-each (lambda (input)
- (emit-warning
- package
- (format #f (G_ "'~a' should probably be a native input")
- input)
- 'inputs-to-check))
- (package-input-intersection inputs input-names))))
+ (map (lambda (input)
+ (make-warning
+ package
+ (format #f (G_ "'~a' should probably be a native input")
+ input)
+ #:field 'inputs))
+ (package-input-intersection inputs input-names))))
(define (check-inputs-should-not-be-an-input-at-all package)
;; Emit a warning if some inputs of PACKAGE are likely to should not be
@@ -296,14 +330,15 @@ of a package, and INPUT-NAMES, a list of package specifications such as
- (for-each (lambda (input)
- (emit-warning
- package
- (format #f
- (G_ "'~a' should probably not be an input at all")
- input)))
- (package-input-intersection (package-direct-inputs package)
- input-names))))
+ (map (lambda (input)
+ (make-warning
+ package
+ (format #f
+ (G_ "'~a' should probably not be an input at all")
+ input)
+ #:field 'inputs))
+ (package-input-intersection (package-direct-inputs package)
+ input-names))))
(define (package-name-regexp package)
"Return a regexp that matches PACKAGE's name as a word at the beginning of a
@@ -314,19 +349,13 @@ line."
(define (check-synopsis-style package)
;; Emit a warning if stylistic issues are found in the synopsis of PACKAGE.
- (define (check-not-empty synopsis)
- (when (string-null? synopsis)
- (emit-warning package
- (G_ "synopsis should not be empty")
- 'synopsis)))
(define (check-final-period synopsis)
;; Synopsis should not end with a period, except for some special cases.
(when (and (string-suffix? "." synopsis)
(not (string-suffix? "etc." synopsis)))
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
(G_ "no period allowed at the end of the synopsis")
- 'synopsis)))
+ #:field 'synopsis)))
(define check-start-article
;; Skip this check for GNU packages, as suggested by Karl Berry's reply to
@@ -336,29 +365,29 @@ line."
(lambda (synopsis)
(when (or (string-prefix-ci? "A " synopsis)
(string-prefix-ci? "An " synopsis))
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
(G_ "no article allowed at the beginning of \
the synopsis")
- 'synopsis)))))
+ #:field 'synopsis)))))
(define (check-synopsis-length synopsis)
(when (>= (string-length synopsis) 80)
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
(G_ "synopsis should be less than 80 characters long")
- 'synopsis)))
+ #:field 'synopsis)))
(define (check-proper-start synopsis)
(unless (properly-starts-sentence? synopsis)
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
(G_ "synopsis should start with an upper-case letter or digit")
- 'synopsis)))
+ #:field 'synopsis)))
(define (check-start-with-package-name synopsis)
(when (and (regexp-exec (package-name-regexp package) synopsis)
(not (starts-with-abbreviation? synopsis)))
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
(G_ "synopsis should not start with the package name")
- 'synopsis)))
+ #:field 'synopsis)))
(define (check-texinfo-markup synopsis)
"Check that SYNOPSIS can be parsed as a Texinfo fragment. If the
@@ -366,14 +395,12 @@ markup is valid return a plain-text version of SYNOPSIS, otherwise #f."
(catch #t
(lambda () (texi->plain-text synopsis))
(lambda (keys . args)
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
(G_ "Texinfo markup in synopsis is invalid")
- 'synopsis)
- #f)))
+ #:field 'synopsis))))
(define checks
- (list check-not-empty
- check-proper-start
+ (list check-proper-start
@@ -381,13 +408,18 @@ markup is valid return a plain-text version of SYNOPSIS, otherwise #f."
(match (package-synopsis package)
+ (""
+ (make-warning package
+ (G_ "synopsis should not be empty")
+ #:field 'synopsis))
((? string? synopsis)
- (for-each (lambda (proc)
- (proc synopsis))
- checks))
+ (apply append-warnings
+ (map (lambda (proc)
+ (proc synopsis))
+ checks)))
- (emit-warning package (format #f (G_ "invalid synopsis: ~s") invalid)
- 'synopsis))))
+ (make-warning package (format #f (G_ "invalid synopsis: ~s") invalid)
+ #:field 'synopsis))))
(define* (probe-uri uri #:key timeout)
"Probe URI, a URI object, and return two values: a symbol denoting the
@@ -502,71 +534,66 @@ warning for PACKAGE mentionning the FIELD."
;; with a small HTML page upon failure. Attempt to detect
;; such malicious behavior.
(or (> length 1000)
- (begin
- (emit-warning package
- (format #f
- (G_ "URI ~a returned \
+ (make-warning package
+ (format #f
+ (G_ "URI ~a returned \
suspiciously small file (~a bytes)")
- (uri->string uri)
- length))
- #f)))
+ (uri->string uri)
+ length)
+ #:field field)))
(_ #t)))
((= 301 (response-code argument))
(if (response-location argument)
- (begin
- (emit-warning package
- (format #f (G_ "permanent redirect from ~a to ~a")
- (uri->string uri)
- (uri->string
- (response-location argument))))
- #t)
- (begin
- (emit-warning package
- (format #f (G_ "invalid permanent redirect \
+ (make-warning package
+ (format #f (G_ "permanent redirect from ~a to ~a")
+ (uri->string uri)
+ (uri->string
+ (response-location argument)))
+ #:field field)
+ (make-warning package
+ (format #f (G_ "invalid permanent redirect \
from ~a")
- (uri->string uri)))
- #f)))
+ (uri->string uri))
+ #:field field)))
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
(format #f
(G_ "URI ~a not reachable: ~a (~s)")
(uri->string uri)
(response-code argument)
(response-reason-phrase argument))
- field)
- #f)))
+ #:field field))))
(match argument
(('ok) #t)
(('error port command code message)
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
(format #f
(G_ "URI ~a not reachable: ~a (~s)")
(uri->string uri)
- code (string-trim-both message)))
- #f)))
+ code (string-trim-both message))
+ #:field field))))
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
(format #f
(G_ "URI ~a domain not found: ~a")
(uri->string uri)
(gai-strerror (car argument)))
- field)
- #f)
+ #:field field))
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
(format #f
(G_ "URI ~a unreachable: ~a")
(uri->string uri)
(cons status argument))))
- field)
- #f)
+ #:field field))
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
(format #f (G_ "TLS certificate error: ~a")
- (tls-certificate-error-string argument))))
+ (tls-certificate-error-string argument))
+ #:field field))
((invalid-http-response gnutls-error)
;; Probably a misbehaving server; ignore.
@@ -585,13 +612,13 @@ from ~a")
((not (package-home-page package))
(unless (or (string-contains (package-name package) "bootstrap")
(string=? (package-name package) "ld-wrapper"))
- (emit-warning package
+ (make-warning package
(G_ "invalid value for home page")
- 'home-page)))
+ #:field 'home-page)))
- (emit-warning package (format #f (G_ "invalid home page URL: ~s")
+ (make-warning package (format #f (G_ "invalid home page URL: ~s")
(package-home-page package))
- 'home-page)))))
+ #:field 'home-page)))))
(define %distro-directory
(mlambda ()
@@ -601,42 +628,43 @@ from ~a")
"Emit a warning if the patches requires by PACKAGE are badly named or if the
patch could not b
This message was truncated. Download the full message here.