test of hslua fail on i686

  • Open
  • quality assurance status badge
2 participants
  • swedebugia
  • Simon Tournier
Submitted by

Debbugs page

swedebugia wrote 6 years ago
(address . bug-guix@gnu.org)
This is a dep of pandoc.

sdb@antelope ~/Desktop$ guix --version
guix (GNU Guix) 0.16.0-5.5de5f81

installed from git on
sdb@antelope ~$ cd ~/src/guix && git log |head -1
commit d15211c9b5b46b96c5b658329624942b6ff5c917

starting phase `check'
running "runhaskell Setup.hs" with command "test" and parameters ()
Running 1 test suites...
Test suite test-hslua: RUNNING...
Haskell version of the C API
copies stack elements using positive indices: OK
copies stack elements using negative indices: OK
inserts stack elements using negative indices: OK
inserts stack elements using negative indices: OK
absindex: OK
gettable gets a table value: OK
strlen, objlen, and rawlen all behave the same: OK
Type checking
isfunction: OK
isnil: OK
isnone: OK
isnoneornil: OK
CFunction handling: OK
getting values
tointegerx returns numbers verbatim: OK
tointegerx accepts strings coercible to integers: OK
tointegerx returns Nothing when given a boolean: OK
tonumberx returns numbers verbatim: OK
tonumberx accepts strings as numbers: OK
tonumberx returns Nothing when given a boolean: OK
setting and getting a global works: FAIL
lua operation returned false
can push and receive a thread: OK
different threads are not equal: OK
thread status: OK
loadstring status: OK
dostring loading: OK
loadfile loading: OK
dofile loading: OK
pcall status: OK
garbage collection: OK
identifies strictly smaller values: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
identifies smaller or equal values: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
identifies equal values: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
lessthan works: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
order of Lua types is consistent: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
functions can throw a table as error message: OK
handling table errors won't leak: OK
call haskell functions from lua
push haskell function to lua: OK
push multi-argument haskell function to lua: OK
argument type errors are propagated: OK
convert haskell function to c function: OK
Error in Haskell function is converted into Lua error: OK
call lua function from haskell
test equality within lua: OK
failing lua function call: OK
print the empty string via lua procedure:
failing lua procedure call: OK
Optional return the value if it exists: OK
Optional can deal with missing values: OK
raiseError causes a Lua error: OK
Sendings and receiving values from the stack
peek and push are well behaved
Peek can act as left inverse of push
round-tripping unit: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
booleans remain equal under push/peek: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
lua numbers (i.e., doubles) remain equal under push/peek: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
lua integers remain equal under push/peek:
bytestring remain equal under push/peek: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
round-tripping strings: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
lists of boolean remain equal under push/peeks: FAIL
*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 3 tests):
Use --quickcheck-replay=707636 to reproduce.
lists of lua integers remain equal under push/peek:
lists of bytestrings remain equal under push/peek: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
text: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
map of strings to LuaNumber: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
pair of LuaNumbers: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
triple of LuaNumbers: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
quadruple of LuaNumbers: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
quintuple of LuaNumbers: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
hextuple of Text, LuaNumbers and Booleans: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
septuple of Text, LuaNumber and Booleans: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
octuple of Strings and Booleans: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
Random stack values
can push/pop booleans: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
can push/pop lua integers: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
can push/pop lua numbers: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
can push/pop bytestrings: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
can push/pop lists of booleans: FAIL
*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 54 tests and 5 shrinks):
Ordered {getOrdered = [Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger
3},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 3},Positive {getPositive =
LuaInteger 4},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 5},Positive
{getPositive = LuaInteger 5},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger
6},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 6},Positive {getPositive =
LuaInteger 8},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 10},Positive
{getPositive = LuaInteger 10},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger
11},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 11},Positive {getPositive =
LuaInteger 11},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 12},Positive
{getPositive = LuaInteger 12},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger
13},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 13},Positive {getPositive =
LuaInteger 13},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 14},Positive
{getPositive = LuaInteger 15},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger
17},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 18},Positive {getPositive =
LuaInteger 18},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 21},Positive
{getPositive = LuaInteger 23},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger
24},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 25},Positive {getPositive =
LuaInteger 27},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 28},Positive
{getPositive = LuaInteger 29},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger
33},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 33},Positive {getPositive =
LuaInteger 34},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 34},Positive
{getPositive = LuaInteger 34},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger
34},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 36},Positive {getPositive =
LuaInteger 37},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 39},Positive
{getPositive = LuaInteger 39},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger
39},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 40},Positive {getPositive =
LuaInteger 41},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 44},Positive
{getPositive = LuaInteger 44},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger
45},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 47},Positive {getPositive =
LuaInteger 50},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 51},Positive
{getPositive = LuaInteger 52},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger
53},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 53}]}
Use --quickcheck-replay=963253 to reproduce.
can push/pop lists of LuaIntegers: FAIL
*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 3 tests):
[LuaInteger (-2)]
Ordered {getOrdered = [Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger
1},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 1}]}
Use --quickcheck-replay=230659 to reproduce.
can push/pop lists of bytestrings: FAIL
*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 3 tests and 2 shrinks):
Ordered {getOrdered = [Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger
1},Positive {getPositive = LuaInteger 2}]}
Use --quickcheck-replay=39280 to reproduce.
receives basic values from the stack: OK
returns an error if the types don't match: OK
list cannot be read if a list element fails: FAIL
error message mismatched
expected: Left "Could not read list: Expected a number but got a
but got: Left "Could not read list: Expected a number but got a
stack is unchanged if getting a list fails: OK
stack is unchanged if getting key-value pairs fails: OK
pushing simple values to the stack
Boolean can be pushed correctly: OK
LuaNumbers can be pushed correctly: OK
LuaIntegers can be pushed correctly: OK
ByteStrings can be pushed correctly: OK
Unit is pushed as nil: OK
Pointer is pushed as light userdata: OK
pushing a value increases stack size by one
LuaInteger: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
LuaNumber: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
ByteString: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
String: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
list of booleans: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
lua integration tests
print version: OK
functions stored in / retrieved from registry: OK
getting a nested global works: OK
setting a nested global works: OK
table reading: FAIL
Exception: Expected a string but got a nil
Getting strings to and from the stack
unicode ByteString: OK
ByteString should survive after GC/Lua destroyed: OK
String with NUL byte should be pushed/popped correctly: OK
luaopen_* functions
opendebug: OK
openio: OK
openmath: OK
openos: OK
openpackage: OK
openstring: OK
opentable: OK
luaopen_base returns the right number of tables
openbase: OK
C functions
Registering a C function and calling it from Lua: FAIL
greeting function failed
expected: Right ["Caffeine","induced","nonsense"]
but got: Right []
pushing a C closure to and calling it from Lua: OK
error handling
lua errors are caught: OK
error-less code gives in 'Right' result: OK
catching lua errors within the lua type: OK
second alternative is used when first fails: OK
Applicative.empty implementation throws an exception: OK
catching error of a failing meta method: OK
calling a function that errors throws exception: OK

8 out of 113 tests failed (1.30s)
Test suite test-hslua: FAIL
Test suite logged to: dist/test/hslua-
0 of 1 test suites (0 of 1 test cases) passed.
5 (primitive-load "/gnu/store/8m1laknzqkxb8swcxlq5vj4m717…")
In ice-9/eval.scm:
191:35 4 (_ _)
In srfi/srfi-1.scm:
863:16 3 (every1 #<procedure 82603a0 at /gnu/store/n944icv9i660…> …)
799:28 2 (_ _)
258:6 1 (check #:tests? _ #:test-target _)
616:6 0 (invoke _ . _)

In procedure invoke:
Throw to key `srfi-34' with args `(#<condition &invoke-error [program:
"runhaskell" arguments: ("Setup.hs" "test") exit-status: 1 term-signal:
#f stop-signal: #f] 80aafc0>)'.
note: keeping build directory `/tmp/guix-build-ghc-hslua-'
builder for
failed with exit code 1
build of
/gnu/store/d6ysq3vrm3ymjvwbivxja456zwhl74n0-ghc-hslua- failed
View build log at
guix build: error: build failed: build of

Simon Tournier wrote 1 years ago
(address . swedebugia@riseup.net)(address . 33845@debbugs.gnu.org)

This bug #33845 []1 is old,

is it still accurate?

Pandoc had been changed since then. CI still says it fails:

but it seems about dependency. Do we keep this bug still open?

On Sun, 23 Dec 2018 at 01:20, swedebugia@riseup.net wrote:
Toggle quote (17 lines)
> This is a dep of pandoc.
> sdb@antelope ~/Desktop$ guix --version
> guix (GNU Guix) 0.16.0-5.5de5f81
> installed from git on
> sdb@antelope ~$ cd ~/src/guix && git log |head -1
> commit d15211c9b5b46b96c5b658329624942b6ff5c917
> starting phase `check'
> running "runhaskell Setup.hs" with command "test" and parameters ()
> Running 1 test suites...
> Test suite test-hslua: RUNNING...
> hslua
> Haskell version of the C API


Toggle quote (38 lines)
> 8 out of 113 tests failed (1.30s)
> Test suite test-hslua: FAIL
> Test suite logged to: dist/test/hslua-
> 0 of 1 test suites (0 of 1 test cases) passed.
> Backtrace:
> 5 (primitive-load "/gnu/store/8m1laknzqkxb8swcxlq5vj4m717…")
> In ice-9/eval.scm:
> 191:35 4 (_ _)
> In srfi/srfi-1.scm:
> 863:16 3 (every1 #<procedure 82603a0 at /gnu/store/n944icv9i660…> …)
> In
> /gnu/store/n944icv9i660rrirykgv1yrvyazpkjrz-module-import/guix/build/gnu-build-system.scm:
> 799:28 2 (_ _)
> In
> /gnu/store/n944icv9i660rrirykgv1yrvyazpkjrz-module-import/guix/build/haskell-build-system.scm:
> 258:6 1 (check #:tests? _ #:test-target _)
> In
> /gnu/store/n944icv9i660rrirykgv1yrvyazpkjrz-module-import/guix/build/utils.scm:
> 616:6 0 (invoke _ . _)
> /gnu/store/n944icv9i660rrirykgv1yrvyazpkjrz-module-import/guix/build/utils.scm:616:6:
> In procedure invoke:
> Throw to key `srfi-34' with args `(#<condition &invoke-error [program:
> "runhaskell" arguments: ("Setup.hs" "test") exit-status: 1 term-signal:
> #f stop-signal: #f] 80aafc0>)'.
> note: keeping build directory `/tmp/guix-build-ghc-hslua-'
> builder for
> `/gnu/store/d6ysq3vrm3ymjvwbivxja456zwhl74n0-ghc-hslua-'
> failed with exit code 1
> build of
> /gnu/store/d6ysq3vrm3ymjvwbivxja456zwhl74n0-ghc-hslua- failed
> View build log at
> '/var/log/guix/drvs/d6/ysq3vrm3ymjvwbivxja456zwhl74n0-ghc-hslua-'.
> guix build: error: build failed: build of
> `/gnu/store/d6ysq3vrm3ymjvwbivxja456zwhl74n0-ghc-hslua-'
> failed

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