Brett Gilio wrote 6 years ago
(address .
Hi all, When I run ex: `guix package -s emacs` it is presenting this
backtrace. It has been there for a few commits now. Does anybody have
thoughts on it?
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
829:9 19 (catch _ _ #<procedure 7fb97a985498 at guix/ui.scm:615…> …)
829:9 18 (catch _ _ #<procedure 7fb97a9854b0 at guix/ui.scm:733…> …)
In guix/scripts/package.scm:
914:8 17 (_)
760:9 16 (process-query _)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
829:9 15 (catch _ _ #<procedure 7fb97879a588 at guix/scripts/pa…> …)
In guix/scripts/package.scm:
762:24 14 (_)
180:17 13 (find-packages-by-description _)
In guix/discovery.scm:
155:3 12 (fold-module-public-variables _ _ _)
In guix/combinators.scm:
45:26 11 (fold2 #<procedure 3b5ca00 at guix/discovery.scm:155:1…> …)
45:26 10 (fold2 #<procedure 3b4c580 at guix/discovery.scm:156:1…> …)
In guix/discovery.scm:
158:33 9 (_ #<package emacs-csharp-mode@20181011.718 /home/bret…> …)
In guix/scripts/package.scm:
183:38 8 (_ #<package emacs-csharp-mode@20181011.718 /home/bret…> …)
In srfi/srfi-1.scm:
466:18 7 (fold #<procedure 34f94a0 at guix/ui.scm:1267:8 (metri…> …)
In guix/ui.scm:
1270:13 6 (_ _ 4)
1146:23 5 (texi->plain-text _)
In texinfo.scm:
1131:22 4 (parse _)
910:31 3 (loop #<input: string 22afa10> (*fragment*) #<procedur…> …)
753:31 2 (_ #<input: string 22afa10> _ #f #<procedure 7fb979065…> …)
492:18 1 (read-command-token #<input: string 22afa10>)
446:8 0 (read-command #<input: string 22afa10>)
texinfo.scm:446:8: In procedure read-command:
Throw to key `parser-error' with args `(#<input: string 22afa10> "Nonalphabetic @-command char: '" #\) "'")'.
brettg@guixsd ~$ guix describe
Generation 12 Dec 03 2018 15:17:28 (current)
guix 91a4863
repository URL:
branch: master
commit: 91a4863d9d727754d1743f4c0591c63b950494cf