Adonay Felipe Nogueira wrote 8 years ago
(name . Relatórios de falhas do Guix e GuixSD)(address .
* Steps to reproduce
1. Edit "~/.profile" and add:
export GUIX_PROFILE="${HOME}/.guix-profile"
2. Log out and try to log in again.
* Current behavior
The *host's* GNOME Flashback session (gnome-session
--session=gnome-flashback) attempts to start, however, it's aborted
shortly after successful log-in.
"~/.xsession-errors" file shows something similar to:
# Begin of file
gnome-session: GLib-GIO-ERROR: Settings schema
'org.gnome.SessionManager' is not installed.
# End of file
* Additional information
- In this case, I'm using Trisquel 7.
- `gnome-session` command is provided by the
"gnome-session-bin", version 3.9.90-0ubuntu12.1+7.0trisquel2.
- Display manager is lightdm (Trisquel 7's default), version
- Being a "~/.profile" setting, the problem is not found unless the user
- logs-out and back in.
* Personal comment
This might become a problem if Guix starts suggesting people to
customize $XDG_DATA_DIRS in their "~/.profile".
Respectfully, Adonay.
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