GGnu Röoty wrote on 29 Dec 2016 10:04guilesRecipients:(address . the guile create a kernel panic ! Impossible started machine.You can see pls, I like this operating system :)Attachment: file
LLeo Famulari wrote on 29 Dec 2016 18:22Recipients:(name . Gnu Röoty)(address . . Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 10:04:15AM +0100, Gnu R�oty wrote:Toggle quote (3 lines)> apparently the guile create a kernel panic ! Impossible started machine.> You can see pls, I like this operating system :)Hi, thanks for the report!Can you give some more details? For example, what you tried to do, andhow it failed, including specific messages. Also, the type of machineyou are using.There's not enough information in this report so far for us to takeaction.
LLudovic Courtès wrote on 23 Jan 2017 23:09control message for bug #25291Recipients:(address . 25291 moreinfo
LLudovic Courtès wrote on 23 Jan 2017 23:10Recipients:(address . 25291 Kernel panic while booting GuixSD
Zzimoun wrote on 14 Nov 2019 16:46Bug #25291Hunting: kernel panic lacking,This bug has been reported more than 2 years ago. It is impossible toinvestigate more because it lacks information. Please could you informus if it still applies.If yes, please comment more.If no, we plan to archive it.Thank you in advance for any comments.All the best,simon
Zzimoun wrote on 20 Nov 2019 19:47Recipients:(address .,Thank you for reporting this issue.Information is lacking to investigate more. If you hit this bug again,please re-open it.All the best,simon
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